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Adding and Managing Partners

Learn how to add partner contacts and organizations to the CRM.
3 Jan, 2024 - Updated 6 months ago
Table of Contents


This article provides information about how you can add your business partner details to the CRM. You can also find details such as giving partner portal access to your partners and how they can log in to the portal.

Adding Partner Contacts

After you have successfully installed the Partner Portal, you will see the Partner Contacts and Partner Organizations modules in the CRM.


Follow these steps to add partner contacts:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Sales.
  4. Click Partner Contacts.
  5. Click +Add Record.
  6. Enter information such as the partner contact’s name, email address, billing address, etc.
  7. Click Save.

Note: The partner’s email address must be valid to enable portal access for them.


Adding Partner Organizations

Follow these steps to add partner contacts:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Sales.
  4. Click Partner Organizations.
  5. Click +Add Record.
  6. Enter information such as the partner organization’s name, type, phone, etc.
  7. Set the Partner Status as Active.
  8. Link the contact you created in the previous section to the organization using the Primary Contact field.
    • You can also create new contacts by clicking the + icon.
  9. Click Save.

Note: Setting the Partner Status field to Active is a mandatory step. You will not be able to send login details to your partners if the status is not Active. 


Giving Access to the Partner Portal

Follow these steps to enable portal access for partners:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Sales.
  4. Click Partner Contacts.
  5. Open a record.
  6. Click the Details tab on the right sidebar.
  7. Look for the Partner Portal field.
  8. Enable the checkbox and press Enter.

When you do this, the portal login details are sent to the partner on their email address save in the partner contact record.


Tip: You can enable portal access while creating a partner contact.

To learn about logging in to the partner portal and using it, click here.

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