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Getting Started with the LMS - QRC

Bindu Rekha Babu
7 Feb, 2025 - Updated 3 hours ago
Table of Contents


Vtiger LMS lets you publish and manage content for training and coaching purposes. You can also use the LMS to publish onboarding material and help documentation that can be used by new hires, support teams, and customers. 

The LMS offers two interfaces: the LMS Instructor Console and the LMS Portal.

The LMS Instructor Console lets you publish content into courses, concepts, exercises, and quizzes. Your content can be in the form of PDFs, presentations, documents, or videos. As instructors and administrators, you can add content, review exercises, and quizzes, track user progress, and set up certification courses.  

Published courses are displayed on the LMS Portal. Students can enroll for courses and, upon completion, even get a course completion certificate. 

A course can have multiple elements, as depicted below. 


You can add a Course with multiple Concepts (Lessons/Chapters) and Exercises for each Concept. You can add a Quiz for each Course. You can also add a Course with a Quiz or without one. 
You can add Questions for each Exercise (Concept level) and Questions for a Quiz (Course Level).
Each of these key components comes with its own module.

Note: A published course will appear on HTTP://CRMINSTANCE/myapps/lms
This QRC will tell you how to use the LMS Instructor Console to create a course. Let us begin.

Installing the LMS Module?

To access LMS, Admin users must first install the Vtiger LMS extension from Vtiger’s Extension Store.
Follow these steps to access the LMS module:​​
  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User menu in the top right corner.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Go to Extensions.
  5. Click Extension Store.
  6. Look for Vtiger LMS.
  7. Click Install.
  8. Click Yes.
You have now successfully installed Vtiger LMS.

How to access the LMS Module?

Follow these steps to access the LMS module: 
  1. Go to the Main menu.
  2. Select Apps > LMS
  3. Select the required module
  • Before you start, keep your content ready (including videos, images, etc.) in a separate folder on your laptop or desktop. 
  • Remember to clearly name the course, concept, exercises, and quizzes, as you will link them all.
  • You will be creating the course, concept, exercises, quizzes, and questions in different modules and linking them together. Start by creating the course first.
  • Not all courses will have concepts, exercises, and quizzes. 
  • A course/concept will display related concepts, exercises, and quizzes only after they have been successfully linked.
  • You can publish -
    • A course without a concept, exercise, or quiz.
    • Just the concept as a quiz without an exercise or a quiz.
    • A quiz independently. 

How to create a course from the LMS Instructor Console?

Creating a course in the LMS consists of the following steps:
  1. Step 1: Add Course details
  2. Step 2: Add Concept (lesson) details
  3. Step 3. Add Exercise details
  4. Step 4: Add Questions
  5. Step 5: Add Quiz details
  6. Step 6: Link Concepts, Exercises, and/or Quizzes to the Course
  7. Step 7: Publish a quiz
  8. Step 8: Publish a course

Step 1: Adding Course details

Follow these steps to create a course: (All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.)​​​​​​

  1. Go to the Main menu.
  2. Select Apps > LMS.
  3. Click Courses. The Courses List View is displayed.
  4. Click +Add Course on the top right. The Add Course form opens
  5. Click View Full Form at the bottom of the window. 
  6. Add the following information in the Basic Information window.
    1. Course Name* - Add the name of the course. 
    2. Assigned To* - Add the instructor or administrator’s name. 
    3. Description - Add the description of the course. 
      1. You can format the text and select your style using the icons.  
    4. Embed Video - Embed the URL of a course video (if you have one) using the following steps.
      1. From YouTube (or Vimeo)
        1. Go to the website.
        2. Click the video to play.
        3. Click Share. The Share window opens. 
        4. Copy the URL.
        5. Paste in the Embed Video field.
      2. From your drive. For example, here are the steps for a video file saved on Google Drive. 
        1. Go to the drive and folder. 
        2. Play the video. 
        3. Click More.
        4. Click Share. The Share window opens. 
        5. Change the Access to restricted users, your organization, or the general public.
        6. Click Done, Confirm, or Save.
        7. Click Open in new window.
        8. Click Embed item... The Embed Item… window opens.
        9. Copy the video link/URL.
        10. Paste in the Embed Video field.
        11. Note: You can embed a video URL either from a video stored on your laptop, on a drive, or a video from a platform such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
  7. Status  - Select the status of the course from drop-drown. By default, the status is set to Draft till you are ready to publish. 
  8. Course is completed when - Set course completion condition from the following options: 
    1. All Concepts are completed.
    2. Quiz passed.
    3. Both Concepts and Quiz completion.
  9. Course Image: Add an image for the course. The image will appear on the portal.
  10. Dependency Course: Select the pre-requisite course to be completed from the drop-down.
  11. Completion Time: Add the duration of the video. 
    1. If you have multiple concepts, the Completion Time is the sum of the duration of all the concepts. 
  12. Category: Select the category of the course. 
  13. Course Visibility: Set course visibility to Public.
    1. Public courses are accessible to everyone.
    2. Private courses are accessible by select users.
  14. Certifications: Select certifications (if any) from the drop-down. 
  15. Co-Owners: Select co-owners who will co-manage the course. 
  16. Mandatory For: If your course is mandatory, select the users or user groups from the field.
  17. Repeat Frequency: If you want users to repeat a course, select the repetition frequency.
7. Click Save.

Step 2: Adding a Concept 

In this step, you will access the Concept module to add the details and publish a concept. 

Follow these steps to access the Concepts module and add a concept.

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Concepts. The Concept List View is displayed.
  5. Click + Add Concept. The Add Concept window opens.
  6. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Concept Name - Name of the concept.
    2. Assigned To - Owner of the concept.
    3. Description - Description of the concept.
    4. Course - Select or create the course you are creating the concept for.
    5. Embed Video URL - Embed the video link of the concept video.
    6. Estimation Time - The duration the concept can be completed.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Note: Follow the same steps to add more concepts.
You have now added a concept. You can add concepts independently of courses.

Step 3: Adding an Exercise 

Follow these steps to access the Exercises module and add an exercise:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Exercises. The Exercises List View is displayed.
  5. Click + Add Exercise. The Add Exercise form appears
  6. Click View Full Form. The Creating Exercise window appears.
  7. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Exercise Name* - Name of the exercise.
    2. Concept - The concept you are creating the exercise for.
    3. Course - The related course is selected by default when you select the concept.
    4. Description - Description of the exercise.
    5. Assigned To* - Owner of the exercise. 
    6. Exercise Type - Select:
      1. Fixed - If you want to select questions of your choice for the exercise.
        1. Note - If you select Fixed, you will be directed to the Summary View of the exercise record to select questions of your choice.
      2. Random - If you want questions to be selected by the LMS system for your exercise. If you select Random, 
        1. Enter or select the Number of Questions - Number of questions to be selected by default.
        2. Note - If you select Random, the system, by default, selects and publishes questions only linked to the course that you have chosen.
    7. Pass Threshold - The minimum pass percentage that you want to set for students to pass the exercise.
    8. Show Response - Enable the checkbox if you want the students to view their responses after submitting the exercise.
    9. Co-owners - Select co-owners who will co-manage the course.
    10. Shuffle - Enable the checkbox if you want questions to be shuffled and displayed for the exercise.
  8. Click Save.

You have now added an exercise. You will have to add questions and link them to this Exercise, Concept, and Course in the Questions module.  

Step 4: Adding Questions to an Exercise (or a Quiz)

Follow these steps to access questions to an exercise or quiz:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Questions.
  5. Click +Add Question.
  6. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Question Type - You can select and/or add questions in any of the below formats.
    2. Textarea - This is a question-and-answer format requiring the instructor to review and assess student responses. 
    3. Enter your question - Type your question in the textbox.
    4. Select the type of question you want to add from the following options.
      1. Radio – Multiple choice questions with radio buttons for selection.
        1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
        2. Enter Option - Enter the different question options in the Enter Option textbox.
        3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
        4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
      2. Checkbox - Multiple choice questions with checkboxes for selection. 
        1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
        2. Enter Option - Enter the different question options in the Enter Option textbox.
        3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
        4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
      3. Dropdown - Multiple choice questions with a drop-down for selection. 
        1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
        2. Enter Option - Enter the different question options in the Enter Option textbox.
        3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
        4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
      4. AgreeDisagree - Questions with five agree/disagree options. 
        1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
        2. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down options (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
    5. Scope* - Select one of the following options.
      1. Exercise - If you want the question to be available only for the exercise.
      2. Quiz - If you want the question to be available only for the quiz.
      3. Exercise & Quiz - If you want the question available for both the exercise and quiz.
    6. Hint - Add a hint, so the course audience finds it easy to answer the question.
    7. Difficulty Level - Select one of the following difficulty levels for questions:
      1. Easy
      2. Medium
      3. Hard
    8. Course - Select the course you are creating the question for. 
      1. Note: You can also create a course using the + icon.
    9. Concept - Select or create the concept you are creating the question for.
      1. Note: You can also create a concept using the + icon.
    10. Assigned To* - Add an owner to the question.
  7. Click Save.
You have now added a question associated with a concept and course. You will now be able to link the question along with the exercise to a concept and a course.  

Step 5: Linking Questions to an Exercise or a Quiz

Follow these steps to link questions to an Exercise and/or a Quiz:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Exercises. The Exercises List View is displayed. 
  5. Click the Exercise you want to link the Questions to. The Summary View is displayed.
  6. Click Select Questions. You will be directed to the Link Questions window.
  7. Select the required questions by clicking the checkbox beside the questions.
  8. Click the Link on the top right.
  9. Click Save

If the save was successful, the selected questions are displayed under Exercise Record > Summary View > Questions.

Step 6: Accessing and adding a quiz for a course

  • A quiz is added at the course level.
  • The process of adding and linking questions remains the same for a concept or a quiz. First, create the quiz in the Quiz module, then add the questions in the Questions module. Finally, link the questions to the quiz.
  • If the save was successful, the selected questions are displayed under Exercise Record > Summary View > Questions.

Follow these steps to access the Quiz module and create a quiz:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Quiz.
  5. Click + Add Quiz. The Add Quiz window appears.
  6. Click View Full Form. The Creating Quiz window appears.
  7. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Name - Name of the quiz.
    2. Assigned To - Owner of the quiz.
    3. Description - Description of the quiz.
    4. Quiz Type - Select:
      1. Fixed - If you want to select questions of your choice for the exercise.
        1. Note - If you select Fixed, you will be directed to the Summary View of the exercise record to select questions of your choice.
      2. Random - If you want questions to be selected by the LMS system for your exercise.
        1. If you select Random, enter or select the Number of Questions (the number of questions to be selected by default).
        2. Note - If you select Random, the system, by default, selects and publishes questions linked only to the course that you have chosen.
    5. Pass Percentage - The minimum pass percentage that you want to set for students to pass the exercise.
    6. Show Response - Enable the checkbox if you want the students to view their responses after submitting the exercise.
    7. Shuffle - Checkbox this if you want questions to be shuffled and displayed for the exercise.
    8. Co-owners - Select co-owners who will co-manage the course.
  8. Click Save.
You have added a quiz associated with a course. When you publish the course, the quiz will appear on the portal along with it. To add questions and link them to the Quiz, follow Steps 5 & 6.

Step 7: Publishing a quiz

Once you create a quiz, you must change the status to active to publish it for a course.

Follow these steps to publish a quiz: 

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Go to Courses.
  5. Select and click the course for which you want to publish the quiz. You will be directed to the Summary View.
  6. Go to One View > Quiz (on the right side of the screen). The linked quiz will be listed here.
    1. Note: Quizzes created for a course will be displayed under the course’s One View > Quiz.
  7. Click the Quiz Status drop-down.
  8. Click Active to activate the quiz. 
The system displays a success message if the quiz is activated successfully.

Step 8: Publishing a course

Once you create a course and add concepts, exercises, and quizzes, you must change the status to Published to publish the course and make it available for your users. 

Follow these steps to publish a quiz: 

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Go to Courses.
  5. Select and click the course you want to publish. 
  6. Review all the elements you have added.
  7. Click the Status drop-down. By default, it will be set to Draft.
  8. Change the status to Publish.
Note: You can also deactivate a course when you don’t want to use it anymore. 
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