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Publishing a Course in LMS

In this article, you will learn how to publish a course in LMS!
Shreya Kulkarni
11 Feb, 2025 - Updated 6 days ago
Table of Contents


Courses are the subjects or topics about your products or services that you wish to educate students on. They can also be other subjects like soft skills, company policies, etc. 

For a course, you can:

  • Create a course, concepts, exercise, and quiz
  • Upload content in the form of text, audio, and video (embed video) files.
  • Create courses category-wise.
  • View exercise or quiz responses once students start the course in the LMS Portal.
  • Provide Certification:
    • Provide a course completion certificate to students on successful completion of a course. 
    • Add a course completion certificate. This will be available for students in the LMS Portal to download once they complete a course instantly.

Publishing a course involves the following steps:

  • Adding course details
  • Adding course content - embedding a video
  • Adding concepts
  • Adding exercises
  • Adding a quiz
  • Publishing a course

Note: A course need not have concepts all the time. You can publish a course without a concept or a quiz.


In this section, you will learn how to add and publish a course without concepts.

Adding a course

Follow these steps to add a course:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.  
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Courses. The Courses List View Opens.
  5. Click + Add Course. The Add Course window opens.  
  6. Enter or select the following information in the Basic Information section-
    1. Course Name - Name of the course.
    2. Assigned To - Owner of the course.
    3. Description - Description of the course.
    4. Embed Video URL - Embed Video URL of the course video.
    5. Status - Select the below status if you want to:
      1. Draft - Save the course and edit it at a later time.
      2. Published - Publish the course.
      3. Inactive - Save the course and inactive it. 
  7. Course is completed when - Select one of the following conditions to decide when a student has completed the course:
    1. Complete all concepts - Completes all concepts for the course.
    2. Pass the quiz - Passes the quiz for the course.
    3. Complete all concepts & pass the quiz - Completes all concepts and passes the quiz for the course.
  8. Dependency Course - This is the course that has to be completed before taking up a course.
  9. Category - The category to which the course belongs. These course categories will be displayed on the LMS Portal homepage.
  10. Public - Checkbox this if you want the course to be available for both users and contacts. Unchecking this will make the course private and available only to contacts.
  11. Certification - The course completion certificate print template that is created for the course.
  12. Mandatory For - The user or group who should compulsorily take up the course.
  13. Repeat Frequency - The duration users should retake the course.
  14. Click Save.

You have now successfully added a course. At this stage, you can add concepts (lessons), exercises, etc., or you can publish the course by directly adding a video by embedding it. 

Note: You can create customized course categories that help in displaying courses in different categories on the LMS Portal home page.  

Publishing a Course

Follow these steps to publish a course: 

  1. Log in to your CRM account.  
  2. Click the Main Menu.  
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Courses. The Courses List View Opens.
  5. Click the course you want to publish. The Summary View of the course opens.
  6. Click the Status button.
  7. Change the status to Published. 

The Published course will now be available on the LMS Portal.


Note: If you are an instructor, you will receive a desktop and email notification when students, in the LMS Portal:

  • Enroll for a course.
  • Complete a course.

Responses for published courses

Once you publish a course and students begin or complete the course in the LMS Portal, you can view responses for it in the Summary View of the course record.

Follow these steps to view responses:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.  
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Courses. The Courses List View Opens.
  5. Select a course. This takes you to the Summary View.  
  6. Click the Responses tab.

Response for a course lets you view the following details of the student who has begun the course:

  • Student name - Name of the student.
  • Status - Course completion statuses:
    • In Progress - When a course is in progress.
    • Completed - When a course is completed.
  • Progress - Course completion percentage.

Note: Responses are available only for published courses.

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