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LMS Instructor Console

In this article, you will learn about the LMS Instructor Console.
Shreya Kulkarni
21 Mar, 2024 - Updated 7 months ago
Table of Contents



Vtiger CRM’s LMS is a training tool that is in-built into the CRM. It helps you publish and manage training content and documentation, and manage and track users who use the content from within the CRM. 

LMS Interfaces 

Vtiger CRM LMS has two main interfaces:

  • Instructor Console: The Instructor Console is for CRM users. They can be instructors or course creators. Any CRM user can publish content in different formats. Content that is published from the Instructor Console is displayed in the LMS Portal. You can publish courses, concepts, exercises, quizzes, and questions. These key components come with their own modules. 
  • LMS Portal: The student console is called the LMS Portal. It is for students to log in and access content to learn. Students can be your employees, customers, or the public. They can enroll for a course from the LMS Portal. 

LMS Components

Each of these components comes with its own module under LMS in the CRM. 

LMS Tree Structure

You will understand the relationship between different LMS components and how they are linked together. Vtiger CRM LMS has the following tree structure:

  • Course - A course consists of concepts (lessons). It can have multiple concepts and it can be published independently.
  • Concepts - A concept or a lesson discusses a subject and may consist of multiple exercises. You have to link a concept to a course to publish it on the portal. Alternately you can also publish a concept individually as a course if you do not want to add it to a course.
  • Exercises - An exercise consists of multiple questions and exercises are added to a concept. You have to link an exercise to a concept to publish it.
  • Quiz - A quiz consists of multiple questions and is linked to a course. A course can have only one quiz. You have to link the quiz to a course and activate the quiz to publish it.
  • Questions - You can add as many questions and link them to an exercise or a quiz or both. You can add questions in the following formats:
    • Multiple choice questions
    • Radio button
    • Text/descriptive 
    • Checkboxes
    • Agree/Disagree

Key Terminology 


LMS is a software application that helps you publish content, manage training programs, and track user progress. It is an online tool that facilitates the hosting of learning activities and training management. 

Instructor Console

The Instructor Console helps you create courses. It helps you create or link concepts, exercises, quizzes, and questions for a course. Published courses in the Instructor Console are displayed in the LMS Portal. 

LMS Portal

Vtiger CRM’s LMS Portal is a learning platform for students or learners. Published Courses by LMS course creators are displayed here. 


Courses are subjects or topics you want to educate your employees or customers about. 


Concepts are chapters or lessons with detailed explanations or descriptions that make up a course.


Exercises are the questions-answers learning or practice activities created at the concept level. .  


Quiz is an overall assessment for a course based on the course introduction, concepts, and exercises for a course.


Are the specific Twitter accounts that you enter to look for tweets from it.

Course Completion Certificate

Are print template certificates that you can add to a course. This is awarded to students on successful completion of a course. 

LMS Instructor Console

What is the Instructor Console?

The Instructor Console helps you create courses. It helps you create or link concepts, exercises, quizzes, and questions for a course. Published courses in the Instructor Console are displayed in the LMS Portal. 

It consists of the following modules. 

  • Courses - Lets you create an introduction for a course.
  • Concepts - Lets you create concepts for a course.
  • Exercises - Lets you create exercise questions for a course’s concepts.
  • Quiz - Lets you create quiz questions for a course.
  • Questions - Lets you create questions for a course’s exercises or quiz.

The Instructor Console lets you publish the different components of a course as shown below:.

Features of the LMS Instructor Console

Using Instructor Console, you can:

  • Create customized training programs.
  • Create a repository of learning content by publishing courses, concepts, exercises, quizzes, and questions anytime.
  • Link multiple concepts, exercises, quizzes, and questions for a course.
  • Upload embedded video content for courses.
  • View automated maximum score allocation for exercise or quiz questions.
  • Review answers for exercise or quiz questions submitted by students.
  • Allot scores to answers for exercise or quiz questions submitted by students.
  • Choose difficulty levels for questions such as Easy, Medium, and Difficult.
  • View automated Weightage% allotted for a question based on its difficulty level.
  • Customize passing thresholds for exercises and quizzes.
  • Activate or inactivate a quiz for a course.
  • Add course completion certificates.

Feature Availability

Click here for the availability of the LMS feature for different editions of Vtiger CRM.

In this article you will learn about the:

  • Instructor Console
  • Installation
  • Using the Instructor Console 
  • Viewing Courses

Installing the LMS

To access LMS, Admin users must first install the Vtiger LMS Extension from Vtiger’s Extension Store.

Follow these steps to install the Vtiger LMS Extension:

  1. Log into your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click Add-ons on the bottom left corner of the screen.
  1. Look for the Vtiger LMS Extension.
  2. Click Install or but the add on.

  1. Click Yes.

After successful installation, you will see a success message on the top right corner of the screen. You can access LMS in the Main Menu > Apps > LMS.

Note: Once you install the Vtiger LMS Extension, CRM users can access the LMS module and the LMS Portal respectively.

Using the Instructor Console

In this section, you will learn how to use the Instructor Console to publish a course. 

How to publish a course using the Instructor Console?

Publishing a course in the Instructor Console involves the following:

  • Publishing a Course 
  • Publishing or linking a concept for a course
  • Publishing or linking an exercise for a course
  • Publishing a quiz
    • Activating a quiz for a course
  • Creating and adding questions

you will now look into how to create and manage these components from the LMS modules.

Publishing a Course

What are courses?

Courses are the subjects or topics about your products or services that you wish to educate students on. They can also be other subjects like soft skills, company policies, etc. 

For a course, you can:

  • Create a course, concepts, exercise, and quiz
  • Upload content in the form of text, audio, and video (embed video) files.
  • Create courses category-wise.
  • View exercise or quiz responses once students start the course in the LMS Portal.
  • Provide Certification:
    • Provide a course completion certificate to students on successful completion of a course. 
    • Add a course completion certificate. This will be available for students in the LMS Portal to instantly download once they complete a course.

Publishing a course consists of the following steps:

  • Adding course details
  • Adding course content - embedding a video
  • Adding concepts
  • Adding exercises
  • Adding a quiz
  • Publishing a course

Note: A course need have concepts all the time. You can publish a course without a concept or a quiz.

In this section, you will learn how to add and publish a course without concepts.

Adding a course

Follow these steps to add a course:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses. The Courses List View Opens.
  1. Click + Add Course. The Add Course window opens.
  1. Enter or select the following information in the Basic Information section-
    1. Course Name - Name of the course.
    2. Assigned To - Owner of the course.
    3. Description - Description of the course.
    4. Embed Video URL - Embed video URL of the course video.
    5. Status - Select the below status if you want to:
      1. Draft - Save the course and edit it at a later time.
      2. Published - Publish the course.
      3. Inactive - Save the course and inactive it.

  1. Course is completed when - Select one of the following conditions to decide when a student has completed the course:
    1. Complete all concepts - Completes all concepts for the course.
    2. Pass the quiz - Passes the quiz for the course.
    3. Complete all concepts & pass the quiz - Completes all concepts and passes the quiz for the course.
  2. Dependency Course - This is the course that has to be completed before taking up a course.
  3. Category - The category to which the course belongs. These course categories will be displayed on the LMS Portal homepage.
  4. Public - Checkbox this if you want the course to be available for both users and contacts. Unchecking this will make the course private and available only to contacts.
  5. Certification - The course completion certificate print template that is created for the course.
  6. Mandatory For - The user or group who should compulsorily take up the course.
  7. Repeat Frequency - The duration users should retake the course.
  1. Click Save.

You have now successfully added a course. At this stage, you can add concepts (lessons), exercises, etc., or you can publish the course by directly adding a video by embedding it. 

Note: You can create customized course categories that help in displaying courses in different categories on the LMS Portal home page. 

Publishing a Course

Follow these steps to publish a course: 

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses. The Courses List View Opens.
  3. Click the course you want to publish. The Summary View of the course opens.
  1. Click the Status button.
  2. Change the status to Published

The Published course will now be available on the LMS Portal.

Adding Concepts to a course

What are Concepts?

Concepts are nothing but lessons or chapters that discuss the subject in detail for a course. You can have multiple concepts for a course and a course can have multiple exercises. 

Note: You will have to first add questions in the Question module and link the questions to the Exercise, Concept, and Course. 

Adding a concept

Follow these steps to add a concept:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Concepts.
  1. Click + Add Concept. The Add Concept window opens.
  1. Enter or select the following information in the Basic Information section-:
    1. Concept Name - Name of the concept.
    2. Assigned To - Owner of the concept.
    3. Description - Description of the concept.
    4. Course - Select or create the course you are creating the concept for.
    5. Embed Video URL - Embed video URL of the concept video.
    6. Estimation Time - The duration the concept can be completed.
  2. Click Save.

After successfully adding a concept, you will see a success message on the top right corner of the screen.

Adding an Exercise to a Concept

What are Exercises?

Exercises are assessments that you can add to a concept. You can add multiple questions to an exercise in different formats. 


Exercise questions

  • Are of two types:
    • Random - The LMS autoselects the specified number of questions from the Questions module.
    • Fixed - You can select questions from the Questions module.
  • Have automated weightage % and maximum score allotted.
  • Need to be added in the Questions module.

For an exercise:

  • You can set a minimum pass percentage.
  • Students can attempt multiple times to pass it.
  • Once students submit answers for it in the LMS Portal, you can:
    • View responses for it
    • Review submitted answers 
    • Allot scores for students' answers individually

You first need to add questions and link them to the exercise, concept, and course in the Questions module. Exercise questions can be of the following types:

  • Question and answer (text, files)
  • Multiple choice with a:
    • Checkbox
    • Dropdown
    • Radio button
  • Agree and Disagree 

In this section, you will learn:

  • Adding exercises to a concept
  • Viewing responses, review, and allot scores for exercise questions

Adding an exercise 

In this section, you will learn how to add an exercise.

Follow these steps to add an exercise:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Exercises. The Exercises List View opens.
  1. Click +Add Exercise.
  1. Enter or select the following information in the Basic Information section-:
    1. Exercise Name - Name of the exercise.
    2. Concept - Select or create a concept for which you are creating the exercise.
    3. Course - The related course is selected.
    4. Description - Description of the exercise.
  1. Assigned To - Owner of the exercise.
  1. Pass Threshold - The minimum pass percentage for students to pass the exercise.
  2. Show Response - Enable the checkbox if you want students to view their responses after submitting the exercise.
  3. Exercise Type - Select one of the following options:
    1. Fixed - If you want to select questions of your choice for the exercise. If you select Fixed, you will have to go to the Summary View of the exercise record to select questions of your choice.
    2. Random - Select the Number of Questions that you want the system to select. 
  4. Shuffle - Enable the checkbox if you want questions to be shuffled and displayed for the exercise each time a student attempts it in the LMS Portal.
  1. Click Save.

After successfully adding the exercise, you will see a success message on the top right corner of your screen.

Note: Selecting Random, auto selects and publishes questions only linked to the course and concept you chose for the exercise. Only questions with Scope Excercise and Exercise & Quiz will be auto-selected.


Responses, Review, and Score Allocation for exercise questions

Once you publish an exercise question and students submit answers for it in the LMS Portal, you can do the following for it in the Summary View of the exercise record.

  1. View Responses
  2. Review
  3. Allot Scores 


If you are an instructor, you will receive a desktop and email notification when students, in the LMS Portal, submit their answers for Textarea or File Upload exercise question types.


Concept - Exercises View Actions

In this section you will learn the Exercises View actions for a concept.

In the Exercise View of a concept, you can view the exercises available for the concept and perform the below actions for it.


Follow these steps to go to the Exercises View of a concept:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Concepts.
  3. Click a concept. You will be directed to the Summary View.
  1. Select Exercises in the widgets bar on the right corner of the screen. 

In the Exercises View of a concept record, you can perform the following actions for an exercise:

  • Link
  • Add 
  • View
  • Edit
  • Unlink

Linking exercises

Follow these steps to link an exercise to a concept:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Go to Concepts.
  3. Click a concept in the List View.
  1. Go to the Exercises View.
  1. Click the Link icon (Link Exercises). The Link Exercises window opens up.
  1. Select the required exercise.
  2. Click the Link button.

After successfully linking an exercise to a concept, you will see a success message on the top-right corner of the screen.

Adding exercises

Follow these steps to add an exercise to a concept:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Concepts.
  3. Click a concept. You will be directed to the Summary View.
  1. Select Exercises in the widgets bar on the right corner of the screen. 
  1. Click the Add icon (Add Exercises). The Quick Create > Exercise or View full form window opens up.
  2. Create an exercise. Enter or select the following information in the Basic Information section-:
  1. Exercise Name - Name of the exercise.
  2. Concept - Select or create a concept for which you are creating the exercise.
  3. Course - The related course is selected.
  4. Description - Description of the exercise.
  1. Assigned To - Owner of the exercise.
  1. Pass Threshold - The minimum pass percentage for students to pass the exercise.
  2. Show Response - Enable the checkbox if you want students to view their responses after submitting the exercise.
  3. Exercise Type - Select one of the following options:
    1. Fixed - If you want to select questions of your choice for the exercise. If you select Fixed, you will have to go to the Summary View of the exercise record to select questions of your choice.
    2. Random - Select the Number of Questions that you want the system to select. 
  4. Shuffle - Enable the checkbox if you want questions to be shuffled and displayed for the exercise each time a student attempts it in the LMS Portal.
  1. Click Save.

After successfully adding the exercise to the concept, you will see a success message at the top right corner of the screen.

Viewing exercises

Follow these steps to view exercises available for a concept:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Concepts.
  3. Click a concept. You will be directed to the Summary View.
  1. Select Exercises in the widgets bar on the right corner of the screen. 
  1. Click the Record Lists icon. The Exercises window opens up. You can view the exercises available for the concept.
  1. You can perform the following actions: 
    1. Link Exercises: Click to link an exercise.
    2. Add Exercises: Click to add an exercise.

Editing exercises

Follow these steps to edit an exercise:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Concepts.
  3. Click a concept. You will be directed to the Summary View.
  1. Select Exercises in the widgets bar on the right corner of the screen. 
  1. Hover on an exercise you want to edit. The More icon pops up.
  2. Click the Edit icon. You will be directed to the Detailed View.
  1. Edit the exercise.
  2. Click Save. If your edits were saved successfully, the following success message is displayed: Record updated.

After successfully editing an exercise for a concept, you will see a success message on the top-right corner of the screen.

Unlinking exercises

Follow these steps to unlink an exercise for a concept:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Concepts.
  3. Click a concept. You will be directed to the Summary View.
  1. Select Exercises in the widgets bar on the right corner of the screen. 
  1. Hover on an exercise you want to edit. The More icon pops up.
  2. Click the Unlink icon. The following pop-up is displayed: Are you sure you want to unlink?

  1. Click OK.

After successfully unlinking an exercise for a concept, you will see a success message on the top-right corner of the screen.


Adding a Quiz to a Course 

What is a Quiz?

A Quiz is a set of questions that you create for a course. It is a comprehensive assessment that includes questions based on the overall course content - course introduction, concepts, and exercises for a course. 

You can have only one quiz for a course. You need to activate a quiz for the quiz to be available for a course on the LMS Portal. 


Quiz questions:

  • Are of two types:
    • Random - LMS autoselects the specified number of questions from the Questions module.
    • Fixed - You can select questions from the Questions module.
  • Have automated weightage % and maximum score allotted.
  • Need to be added in the Questions module.

For a quiz:

  • You can set:
    • A minimum pass percentage.
    • The number of times students can attempt it (retries).
    • The wait time between every retry.
  • Once students submit answers for it in the LMS Portal, you can:
    • View responses for it
    • Review submitted answers
    • Allot scores for students' answers individually

In this section, you will learn how to:

  • Create a quiz
  • Activate a quiz for a course
  • Review quiz responses
  • Review and allot scores for a quiz

Adding a Quiz to a Course 

In this section, you will learn how to create a quiz


Follow these steps to create a quiz:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Quiz. The Quiz List View opens.
  1. Click + Add Quiz.
  2. Enter or select the following information in the Basic Information section:
  1. Name - Name of the quiz.
  2. Assigned To - Owner of the quiz.
  3. Description - Description of the quiz.
  4. Quiz Type - Select one of the following options:
    1. Fixed - If you want to select questions of your choice for the quiz. If you select Fixed, you will have to go to the Summary View of the quiz record to select questions of your choice. To learn how to select questions for quiz type fixed, click here.
    2. Random - Select the Number of Questions that you want the system to select. 
      1. Note: Selecting Random auto selects and publishes questions only linked to the course and concept that you have chosen for the quiz. Only questions with Scope Quiz and Exercise & Quiz will be auto-selected. To learn how to add questions and link them to a quiz, click here.
  5. Pass Percentage - The minimum pass percentage for students to pass the quiz.
  1. Shuffle - Checkbox this if you want questions to be shuffled and displayed for the quiz each time a student attempts it in the LMS Portal.
  1. Course - Select or create a course you are creating the quiz for.
  2. Wait Between Retries - The duration students should wait before they can re-attempt the quiz.
  3. Retries -The number of times students can re-attempt the quiz.
  4. Time Limit - The duration to complete the quiz.
  5. Show Response - Enable to sow responses after the quiz.
  1. Click Save.

After successfully adding a quiz, you will see a success message on the top right corner of the screen.

Publishing a quiz

Once you create a quiz, you will have to activate it to publish it for a course in the course’s One View. 


  • You can add questions and create a quiz, but it won’t be available for students till it is activated. 
  • You can always add and publish a quiz for a course at a later date and not simultaneously. 
  • The quizzes you create for a course are displayed under the course’s One View > Quiz.

Follow these steps to publish a quiz:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses.
  3. Select a course for which you want to publish the quiz. You will be directed to the Summary View.
  1. Click the Quiz Status dropdown on the required quiz record in the One View. 
  2. Click Active to activate it. 

After successful activation, you will see a success message on the top right corner of the screen.

Responses, Review, and Score Allocation for quiz questions

Once you publish a quiz question and students submit answers for it in the LMS Portal, you can do the following for it in the Summary View of the quiz record.

  1. View Responses
  2. Review
  3. Allot Scores 


If you are an instructor, you will receive a desktop and email notification when students, in the LMS Portal, complete a quiz for a course.


Reviewing responses for a quiz 

You can view responses to a quiz from the Summary View of the selected quiz. The Summary View displays three tabs - Questions, Responses, and Review.

Viewing Responses

Once you publish a quiz and students submit their responses in the LMS Portal, you can view the responses in the Summary View of the quiz record.

Follow these steps to view responses for a quiz:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS
  2. Click Quiz.
  3. Select a quiz for which you need to review the responses. This takes you to the Summary View of the selected quiz. The Summary View displays three tabs - Questions, Responses, and Review.
  1. Click the Responses tab. The Response tab for a quiz displays the following details: 
  1. Student Name - Name of the student.
  2. Student Type - Student type, User, or, Contact.
  3. Submission Time - The time the exercise was submitted. 
  4. Score - Student’s score for the quiz.
  5. Passed - Displays the following result for the quiz:
    1. Passed - This column displays a green tick mark if the student has passed the quiz.
    2. Failed - This column displays a red cross mark if the student has failed the quiz.
  1. Answers - Displays the Show Responses (Eye) icon for every student or user which has submitted the Quiz. Clicking on it will display the response details for the selected student. 
  1. Click on the required response to see details:
  1. Question - Quiz questions.
  2. Answer - Student’s answer to the questions.
  3. Score - Student's score for a question.
  4. Maximum score - The maximum score for a question.
  5. Right Answers - Right answers to the questions.

Note: Responses are available only for published quizzes.

Reviewing Responses

Once you publish a quiz and students submit the quiz in the LMS Portal, you can view the review option for it in the Summary View of the quiz record.

Follow these steps to go to review:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS
  2. Click Quiz.
  3. Select a quiz. This takes you to the Summary View.
  1. Click the Review tab. Reviewing a quiz lets you view the following details of the student who has submitted the exercise:
  1. Student Name - Name of the student.
  2. Type - Student type, User, or, Contact.
  3. Submission Time - The time the quiz was submitted. 
  4. Name - Name of the quiz.
  5. Status - Displays:
    1. Need to Review - If you are yet to review and allot scores for students’ submitted answers to the quiz questions.
    2. Reviewed - If you have finished reviewing and allotting scores for students’ submitted answers to the quiz questions.

Reviewing and Alloting scores for the Responses

If you have created a question of that requires a student or user to submit an answer by typing out the answer or requires them to upload a file, 

Once you publish a quiz and students submit the quiz in the LMS Portal, you receive it for review and alloting scores if the quiz questions are of the following question types:

  • Textarea
  • File upload

Note: For answers submitted by students for quiz questions with other question types, LMS auto reviews and allots scores based on the answers selected by the instructor in the Questions module > Answer field.

Follow these steps to review and allot a score for a quiz question:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS
  2. Click Quiz.
  3. Select a quiz. This takes you to the Summary View.
  1. Click the Review tab.
  2. Under Status, click Need To Review. You will be directed to the quiz window where you can view:
  1. Score bar - To allot a score to a student’s answer:
    1. Click the score bar dropdown.
    2. Select a score ranging from 1 - 10.
    3. Click Save.

Note: For a quiz question, once you review and allot a score for a student’s submitted answer, you will not be able to edit it again. The Status by default changes to Reviewed. 

Adding Questions to a Concept and Quiz

What are the Questions in the LMS?

Questions are the series of questions, answers, and options that you can create for:

  • An exercise 
  • A quiz
  • An exercise and a quiz


A question can belong to any one of the above, which is defined as the Scope for a question. 

You have to first add all questions to the Questions module while selecting the Scope. By selecting the Scope, you decide whether a question will appear in an exercise or a quiz, or both.  


Question Types

Questions are of the following types (formats):

  • Textarea 
  • Radio 
  • Checkbox 
  • Dropdown 
  • AgreeDisagree 
  • File Upload


Consists of a textbox. Along with text formatting options.


Consists of a list of options for a question with radio buttons.


Consists of a list of options for a question with checkboxes.


Consists of a dropdown with options for a question.


Consists of an AgreeDisagree bar with various AgreeDisagree  

 options for a question.

File Upload

Lets you upload files (text, audio, and video).

Reviewing responses for questions

  • For question types Textarea and File Upload: 
  • Instructors will have to manually review and score answers submitted by students in the LMS Portal.
  • For other question types:
    • LMS auto reviews and scores answers against the options you have recorded. 

Questions Formats

  • Questions have:
    • Three types of Difficulty Levels:
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Difficult
  • Automated weightage % and maximum score allotted.
  • For a question, you must select the following for it:
    • Question type
    • The right answer
    • Options

Note: For Questions types, Textarea, and File Upload, selecting the right answer and options are not required.

Weightage % for a Question


Weightage% is by default calculated by LMS and updated based on the difficulty level of the question. The weightage% for the difficulty levels of questions are as follows:

  1. Easy - difficulty level (auto-generated)
  2. Medium - difficulty level doubles
  3. Hard - difficulty level triples

For instance, the weightage% for three selected questions, with the below difficulty levels are as follows:

  1. Easy - 10% 
  2. Medium - 20% (10 * 2)
  3. Hard -  30% (10 * 3)

Irrespective of the number of questions you select, LMS always equalizes the overall weightage% of questions for an exercise to 100%.



Choosing a difficulty level for a question will automate the weightage% for it. The automated weightage% is the maximum score% allotted for the question. The maximum score% for the question will be displayed in the LMS Portal if linked to published courses’ exercises or quizzes.

Adding Questions to Exercises and Quizzes 

In this section, you will learn how to add a question

Note: Keep your questions and answers ready in a Google Document, Notepad, Word Document, etc.  


Follow these steps to add a question:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Questions.
  1. Click +Add Question.
  2. Enter or select the following information:
  1. Question Type - You can select and/or add questions in any of the below formats.
    1. Textarea - This is a question and answer format requiring the instructor to review and assess student responses. 
      1. Enter your question - Type your question in the textbox.
    2. Radio – Multiple choice question with radio buttons for selection.
      1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
      2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
      3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
      4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
    3. Checkbox - Multiple choice questions with checkboxes for selection. 
      1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
      2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
      3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
      4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
    4. Dropdown - Multiple choice questions with a drop-down for selection. 
      1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
      2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
      3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
      4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
    5. AgreeDisagree - Questions with five agree/disagree options. 
      1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
      2. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down options (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
    6. File Upload - This is a question and answer format requiring the instructor to review and assess student responses. Students will have to upload answers in any file format.
      1. Enter your question - Type your question in the textbox.
  1. Scope - Select one of the following options.
    1. Exercise - If you want the question to be available only for the exercise.
    2. Quiz - If you want the question to be available only for the quiz.
    3. Exercise & Quiz - If you want the question available for both the exercise and quiz.
  1. Difficulty Level - Select one of the following difficulty levels for questions:
    1. Easy
    2. Medium
    3. Hard

Note: Choosing a difficulty level for a question will automate the weightage% for it. The automated weightage% is the maximum score% allotted for the question.

  1. Course - Select or create the course you are creating the question for.
  2. Concept - Select or create the concept you are creating the question for.
  3. Assigned To - Owner of the question.
  1. Click Save.

After successful addition of a question you will see a success message on the top right corner of your screen.

Automated maximum score allocation for a question


In this section you will understand how LMS automates the maximum score allocation to a question.


Note: The maximum score% is the same as the maximum score for a question.


LMS automates the maximum score allocation to a question based on its weightage%. The maximum score% or maximum score for a question is the same as the weightage% for it. This weightage% for a question is based on the difficulty level chosen for it.

you will understand the order in which LMS automates the maximum score allocation for questions:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Questions.
  1. Click +Add Question.
  2. Enter the required information.
  1. Choose a difficulty level for a question.
    1. The chosen difficulty level auto-calculates the weightage% for the question as follows:
      1. Easy - difficulty level (auto-generated)
      2. Medium - difficulty level doubles
      3. Hard -  difficulty level triples
  2. Click Save.


  • An automated weightage% is displayed for the question.
  • The weightage% of the question is the maximum score% allotted for the question. 
  • The maximum score% for the question will be displayed in the LMS Portal if linked to published courses’ exercises or quizzes. It will be displayed in their respective question and response windows.

Evaluating answers to varied question types

Automated evaluation


Students in the LMS Portal submit their answers to exercise or quiz questions. LMS auto reviews and allots scores to students' submitted answers. This is based on the answers selected by the instructor in the Answer field while adding a question. This auto evaluation is available only for the following question types:

  1. AgreeDisagree
  2. Checkbox
  3. Dropdown
  4. Radio

Instructor evaluation


Students in the LMS Portal submit their answers to exercise or quiz questions. The instructor reviews and allots scores to students' submitted answers. The student’s answer is reviewed and allotted a score in the Exercises or Quiz module > Summary View > Review

As an instructor, you need to evaluate the following question types:

  1. File Upload
  2. Textarea

If you are an instructor, to learn how to evaluate the File Upload and Textarea question types, click here.


Using One View for Courses 

In this section, you will learn about the One View actions for a course.

The Courses One View displays concepts, exercises, quizzes, certification, and dependency courses linked to a course. 

You can also perform the below actions for each of these components in the One View: 

  • Link concepts, exercises, and quizzes to a course and other actions
  • Add concepts, exercises, and quizzes
  • View and edit certifications (if any)
  • View and edit a dependency course (if any)

Actions available are: 

  • Link
  • Add
  • Sort
  • View
  • Edit
  • Unlink

Note: You can customize what you can view in the One View of a course. To learn how to customize a module’s One View click here.

Follow these steps to go to the One View of a course:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses.
  3. Click a course for which you need to see the components. The Summary View opens. 
  4. The One View section is displayed by default. 
    1. Click  One View in the widgets bar on the right corner of the screen if it is not.

You are now in the One View of a course.

In the One View of a course record, you can perform the following actions:

  • Linking concepts, exercises, and quizzes to a course and other actions
  • Certification actions
  • Dependency Course actions

Linking concepts

Follow these steps to link a concept to a course:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses. The Courses List View opens.
  3. Click a course. The Summary View opens
  1. Click One View.
  2. Click the Link icon on the Concepts block The Link Concepts window opens up.
  3. Select the required concept.
  1. Click the Link button.

After successfully linking a concept to a course, you will see a success message on the screen.

Adding concepts

Follow these steps to add a concept to a course:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses. The Courses List View opens.
  3. Click a course. The Summary View opens.
  1. Click One View.
  2. Click the Add icon on the Concepts block. 
  3. Create a concept. Here the Course detail is auto-filled.
  4. Click Save. If the concept was saved successfully, the following success message is displayed, Concept Created

Sorting concepts

Follow these steps to sort (reorder) concepts for a course:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses. The Courses List View opens.
  3. Click a course. The Summary View opens.
  1. Click One View.
  2. Click the Sort icon on the Concepts block. The Concepts window opens up which lists concepts available for the course.

  1. Drag and drop the Reorder icon to reorder concepts.
  2. Click Save. If the reordered concepts were saved successfully the following success message is displayed, Sequence updated successfully.

Viewing concepts

Follow these steps to view concepts available for a course:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses. The Courses List View opens.
  3. Click a course. The Summary View opens.
  1. Click One View.
  2. Click the Record Lists icon on te Concepts block. The Concept window opens up.
  1. You can view the concepts available for the course.

It also provides the Link Concepts and Add Concepts buttons. Clicking these buttons you can link or add concepts from the Concepts window.

Editing concepts

Follow these steps to edit a concept:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses. The Courses List View opens.
  3. Click a course. The Summary View opens.
  1. Click One View.
  2. Hover your mouse on a concept that you want to edit. The More icon pops up.
  3. Click the Edit icon. You will be directed to the Detailed View.
  4. Edit the concept.
  5. Click Save. If your edits were saved successfully, the following success message is displayed, Record updated!

Unlinking concepts

Follow these steps to unlink a concept for a course:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to LMS.
  2. Click Courses. The Courses List View opens.
  3. Click a course. The Summary View opens.
  1. Click One View.
  2. Hover your mouse on a concept that you want to unlink. The More icon pops up.
  3. Click the Unlink icon. 

After successfully unlinking a concept for a course, you will see a success message on the screen.

Note: The above actions and procedures illustrated for Concepts remain the same for Linking, Adding, Sorting, Viewing, Editing, and Unlinking Exercises and Quizzes for a Course in its One View.

Embedding a Video URL

In this section, you will learn how to generate and embed video URLs.

If you are using a video in your course, you need to add or embed the video URL while creating the course. You can add videos at both the concept and course levels. 

What is a video URL?

It is a URL (sometimes referred to as a link) you generate for a video. The URL can be used to publish the video on public platforms and portals for users to display and view. 

What is embedding?

Embedding refers to integrating links, images, videos, gifs, and other content into social media posts or other web media. Embedded content appears as part of a post and supplies a visual element that encourages increased click-through and engagement.

For example, the videos you see on YouTube, Vimeo, etc., are published only after you add or embed or upload the video URL on these sites.  

What is an embedded video URL in the LMS?

If you are creating a course with a video, you need to generate the URL and embed it in the course. When you publish a course, the video will be available on the introduction of the course.

How to Generate a Video URL?

Once you have created a video you want to upload for a course, save the video on your system (your local device like your laptop) or online (like Google Drive). Now, you can generate the URL for videos for both of these sources.  

You can also copy the URLs from videos published on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.

Generating a URL for a Video Saved on your Drive

Follow these steps to create a video URL that you can embed for a course: 

  1. Open the Drive location where you have the video uploaded.
    1. Note: If you have a video file in your local drive, upload it to your online storage drive.
  1. Double-click on the Play button.
  1. Click the More button on the top right corner.
  2. Click Open in new window.
  1. Click More in the new window.
  2. Click Embed item.
  1. Copy the highlighted part of the URL to a notepad.

Generating a URL for a video published on YouTube or Vimeo

Follow these steps to create a video URL that you can embed for a course: 

  1. Go to the website where you have created the video. For instance, consider YouTube. Open YouTube.
  2. Play the video.
  1. Click Share. This takes you to the Share window.
  1. Click Embed. This takes you to the Embed Video window.
  1. Copy the highlighted part of the URL to a notepad.

You can add this video to your course or concept by pasting this URL in the Embed Video URL field. 

Course Completion Certificate

In this section, you will learn how to create a course completion certificate.

If you want to add a course completion certificate for a course, you should first create a course completion certificate print template in the Print Templates module in Vtiger CRM. Once you have created it, it appears under Certification for a course.

Follow these steps to create a course completion certificate print template:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click Tools.
  2. Click Print Templates
  3. Create a course completion certificate print template for the Courses module.
  4. Go to the Courses module.
  5. Create or select a course.
  1. Go to Certification.
  2. Select the course completion certificate.
  3. Click Save.

After successfully adding a course completion certificate for a course, you will see a success message at the top right corner of the screen.

Customizing a Course Category

In this section, you will learn how to customize course categories.

Note: The customized course categories you create will be displayed in the LMS Portal for students (users and contacts).

Follow these steps to customize a course category:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the User Menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  1. Go to Configuration.
  2. Click Picklist Field Values.
  1. Select the below information:
    1. Select Module - Courses.
    2. Select Picklist in LMS Courses - Category.
  2. Click +Add Value.
  1. Enter or select the below information:
    1. Item value: Enter the name of the customized course category.
    2. Select color: Select a color if required.
    3. Click Save.

After successfully customizing a course category, you will see a success message in top right corner of te screen.

To know more about Picklist Field Values, click here.

Responses for Published Courses

Once you publish a course and students begin the course in the LMS Portal, you can view responses for it in the Summary View of the course record.

Follow these steps to view responses:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS.
  2. Go to Courses.
  3. Select a course. This takes you to the Summary View.
  1. Click the Responses tab. Response for a course lets you view the following details of the student who has begun the course:
  1. Student name - Name of the student.
  2. Status - Course completion statuses:
    1. In Progress - When a course is in progress.
    2. Completed - When a course is completed.
  3. Progress - Course completion percentage.

Note: Responses are available only for published courses.

You have now successfully viewed responses for a course.

Publishing Questions for Exercise Type - Fixed

If you have published an exercise whose exercise type is fixed, then the next step is to select or link questions of your choice for the exercise.

After you have published an exercise whose exercise type is fixed, you will be directed to its Summary View.

Follow these steps to select questions for an exercise:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS.
  2. Click Exercises.
  3. Select the required exercise from the List View.
  1. Click the Questions tab in the Summary View of the exercise record. 
  2. Click the Select Questions button. You will be directed to the Link Questions window.
  1. Select the required questions by selecting the checkboxes beside the questions.

Note: Only questions with Scope Excercise and Exercise & Quiz will be displayed in the Link Questions window.

  1. Click the Link button. You can drag and drop to rearrange the questions. 
  1. Click Save

If selected questions were saved successfully, you can see a success message on the top right corner of the screen. The selected questions will be displayed in the Summary View of the exercise record under Questions.

Responses and Review for a Published Exercise


Once you publish an exercise and students submit it in the LMS Portal, you can view responses for it in the Summary View of the exercise record.

Follow these steps to view responses for an exercise:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS.
  2. Click Exercises.
  3. Select an exercise. This takes you to the Summary View.
  1. Click the Responses tab. Response for an exercise lets you view the following details of the student who has submitted the exercises:
  1. Student Name - Name of the student.
  2. Type - Student type, User, or Contact.
  3. Submission Time - The time the exercise was submitted. 
  4. Attempted - Number of exercise questions attempted by the student.
  5. Correct Answers - Number of correct answers.
  6. Answers - Displays the Eye icon. Clicking it you will be directed to the window where you can view:
    1. Question - Exercise questions.
    2. Answer - Student’s answers to the questions.
    3. Score - Student's score for a question.
    4. Maximum score - The maximum score for a question.
    5. Right Answer - Right answers to the questions.

Note: Responses are available only for published exercises.

You have now successfully viewed responses for an exercise.


Once you publish an exercise and a student submits the exercise in the LMS Portal. You can view the review option for it in the Summary View of the exercise record.

Follow these steps to go to review for an exercise:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS.
  2. Click Exercises.
  3. Select an exercise. This takes you to the Summary View.
  1. Click the Review tab. Review for an exercise lets you view the following details of the student who has submitted the exercise:
  1. Student Name - Name of the student.
  2. Type - Student type, User, or, Contact.
  3. Submission Time - The time the exercise was submitted. 
  4. Name - Name of the exercise.
  5. Status - Displays:
    1. Need to Review - If you are yet to review and allot scores for students’ submitted answers to the exercise questions.
    2. Reviewed - If you have finished reviewing and allotting scores for students’ submitted answers to the exercise questions.

Reviewing and Alloting Scores for Exercises

Once you publish an exercise and students submit the exercise in the LMS Portal, you receive it for review and alloting scores if the exercise questions are of the following question types:

  1. Textarea
  2. File upload

Note: For answers submitted by students for exercise questions with other question types, LMS auto reviews and allots scores based on the answers selected by the instructor in the Questions module > Answer field.

Follow these steps to review and allot a score for an exercise:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS.
  2. Click Exercises.
  3. Select an exercise. This takes you to the Summary View.
  1. Click the Review tab.
  2. Under Status, click Need To Review. You will be directed to the exercise window where you can view:
    1. Questions - Exercise questions.
    2. Answers - Student's answers to the questions.
    3. Score bar - To allot a score to a student’s answer:
  1. Click the score bar dropdown.
  2. Select a score ranging from 1 - 10.
  3. Click Save.

Note: For an exercise question, once you review and allot a score for a student’s submitted answer, you will not be able to edit it again. The Status by default changes to Reviewed. 

Publishing Questions for Quiz Type - Fixed

If you have created a quiz whose quiz type is fixed, then the next step is to select questions of your choice for the quiz.

After you have created a quiz whose quiz type is fixed, you will be redirected to its Summary View.

Follow these steps to select questions for a quiz:

  1. Log in to your CRM account. 
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Click LMS
  2. Click Quiz.
  3. Select a quiz from the List View.
  1. Click the Questions tab in the Summary View of the quiz record. 
  2. Click Select Questions. You will be directed to the Link Questions window.
  1. Select the required questions by selecting the checkboxes beside the questions.
    1. Note: Only questions with Scope Quiz and Exercise & Quiz will be displayed in the Link Questions window.
  2. Click the Link button. You can drag and drop to rearrange the questions. 
  1. Click Save

If selected questions were saved successfully, the Success notification is displayed. The selected questions will be displayed in the Summary View of the exercise record under Questions.

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