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LMS Portal

Shreya Kulkarni
21 Mar, 2024 - Updated 1 year ago
Table of Contents


What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?

LMS is a software application that helps you publish content, manage training content and track user progress. It is an online tool that facilitates the hosting of learning activities and training management. 

What is Vtiger CRM’s LMS Portal?

Vtiger CRM’s LMS Portal is a learning platform for students or learners. Published Courses by LMS course creators are displayed here. You can log in to it via Vtiger CRM or the portal link to access these courses. 

Courses are published from the LMS Instructor Console in Vitger CRM. A course can have multiple components, such as a course introduction, concepts (lessons), exercises (lesson-level questions), and/or a quiz (course-level questions).

In the LMS Portal:

  • You can take up the courses by first enrolling for the courses.
  • You can complete a course by learning and understanding it in the same order, practicing the exercise questions, and finally passing the quiz. 
  • Once you complete a course, you will be awarded:
    • An accredited course completion certificate.
    • Total Points, which is the sum total of points you have secured for a course's concepts, exercises, and quiz.


The LMS Portal allows you to: 

  • Quickly enroll for the courses within the portal.
  • View and access updated versions of courses anytime.
  • Browse courses category-wise.
  • Attempt exercises multiple times.
  • Resume courses exactly from the level you stopped.
  • Instantly generate your course completion certificates.

LMS Portal homepage 


The LMS Portal homepage has the following features:

  1. Search Bar - Lets you browse courses by keyword search. Follow these steps to browse a course: 
    1. Type a keyword in the search bar
    2. Click Enter. This lists all the related courses category-wise. 
    3. For instance, typing keyword basics displays all Vtiger CRM basic courses category-wise.
  2. Profile icon - Displays your profile icon. Hovering on it displays your user name. Clicking it you can view the following:
    1. Certificates - Clicking this tab the Certificates window opens. Here you can:
      1. View the name of the course, date, and time the course completion certificate was issued.
      2. Download course completion certificates for completed courses by clicking the download icon.
    2. Sign Out - Clicking sign out, you will be logged out of the portal. If you are a student type:
      1. User - You will be logged out of the LMS Portal and your CRM.
      2. Contact - You will be logged out of the LMS Portal.
  3. Points - Points are your total LMS Portal points. They are the sum total of the total points that you have secured for a score. Clicking this button the Total Points window opens. Here you can:
    1. View the name of the course, date, and time the points were issued for the course. 
    2. View its score breakup for a course as follows:
      1. Course - The total score that you have secured on completing a course. The maximum score is 100.
      2. Exercises - The total score that you have secured for each concept’s exercise. The maximum score is 100 for each exercise. For concepts with multiple exercises, the average of their scores is considered.
      3. Quiz -  The total score that you have secured for the quiz. The maximum score is 100.
  4. Go To Courses - Clicking the Go To Courses tab directs you back to the portal home page.
  5. Course Categories - Displays the following default categories:
  • Coding Courses - Courses related to coding
  • Communication - Courses related to communication skills
  • Completed Courses - Courses that you have completed
  • HR Courses -  Courses related to Human resource management
  • In Progress Courses - Courses that you have started but not completed
  • IT - Courses related to information technology
  • Mandatory Courses - Courses that are compulsory for users and contacts 

Note: The customized course categories created by instructors in the Instructor Console will be displayed in the LMS Portal home page.

Key Terminology 


LMS is a software application that helps you publish content, manage training programs, and track user progress. It is an online tool that facilitates the hosting of learning activities and training management. 

Instructor Console

The Instructor Console helps you create courses. It helps you create or link concepts, exercises, quizzes, and questions for a course. Published courses in the Instructor Console are displayed in the LMS Portal. 

LMS Portal

Vtiger CRM’s LMS Portal is a learning platform for students or learners. Published Courses by LMS course creators are displayed here. 


Courses are subjects or topics you want to educate your employees or customers about. 


Concepts are chapters or lessons with detailed explanations or descriptions that make up a course.


Exercises are the questions-answers learning or practice activities created at the concept level. .  


Quiz is an overall assessment for a course based on the course introduction, concepts, and exercises for a course.


Are the specific Twitter accounts that you enter to look for tweets from it.

Course Completion Certificate

Are print template certificates that you can add to a course. This is awarded to students on successful completion of a course. 

LMS Portal Student Types

 LMS Portal students are of the following types:
  1. Users - CRM users (Admin or Non-Admin users).
  2. Contacts - Non-CRM users who are added as Contacts to the CRM.

Accessing LMS Portal

The LMS Portal can be accessed in the following ways:

  1. Users - Via CRM.
  2. Contacts - Via the LMS portal link.

User access

Follow these steps to access the LMS Portal:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click LMS Portal. The LMS Portal homepage displaying your profile icon and username opens.

You have now successfully accessed the LMS Portal.

Contact Access

Your customers can also access the LMS to view the content you publish or the content published by your company. In case, you want your contacts to access your content, send them the following instructions. 

As a contact (customer), you will:

  • Receive the LMS Portal link via an email or as a part of an email campaign 
  • Find the LMS Portal link on the company website
  • Find the LMS Portal link sent to your business accounts on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.

Note: First-time users will have to sign up to access the content on the portal. 

Accessing the LMS Portal involves the following:

  • Step 1: Signing up
  • Step 2: Logging in to the portal

Step 1: Signing up

Follow these steps to sign up to the LMS Portal:

  1. Click the portal link that you have received via your email campaign or website. The LMS Portal opens.
  1. Click the Sign Up button. The Lets Sign up!  window opens.
  1. Email - Enter your business email address (primary, secondary, etc., email address that you have registered with your business CRM)
  2. Click Send me the link. The pop-up, If the email that you have entered is valid, you will receive an email with the sign-up link opens.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. Go to the email Inbox of the email address you signed up with.
  5. Open the email from the LMS portal. In case the email is not in the inbox, check the Spam folder.
  6. Click the link in the email. The Let’s Sign up!  window opens.
  7. Enter the following information:
    1. Password - Create a password (As per LMS Portal password standards).
    2. Confirm Password - Re-enter the password.
  8. Click Sign up. The pop-up, Your sign-up was successful. Please log in to access the LMS opens.
  9. Click Ok. The LMS Portal opens.

You have now successfully signed up with LMS Portal. You can now start with your learning.

Step 2: Logging in to the LMS Portal

Follow these steps to log in to the LMS Portal:

  1. Click the portal link you received via your email campaign or website. The LMS Portal opens.

  1. Click the Log In button. The Welcome Back! window opens.
  1. Enter the following information in the below fields:
    1. Email - Your business email address.
    2. Password - Your portal password.
  2. Click Log In. The LMS Portal homepage displaying your profile icon and user name opens.

You have now successfully logged into LMS Portal.

Resetting passwords 

Follow the steps to reset your LMS Portal password:

  1. Go to the LMS Portal
  2. Click the Log In button. The Welcome Back! window opens.
  1. Click Forgot Password? The Forgot Password window opens.
  1. In the Email field, enter the email address where you want to receive the reset password link.
  2. Click Send me the link. The pop-up, If the email that you have entered is valid, you will receive an email from us with the Forgot Password link opens.
    1. Note: You won’t be able to send a notification email to the students if the Show Response for a quiz is disabled.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. Go to the email Inbox of the email address you signed up with.
  5. Open the Learning Management System Sign up Link email from the LMS portal. In case the email is not in the inbox, check the Spam folder.
  6. Click here in the email. The Forgot Password window opens.
  1. Enter the following information:
    1. New Password - Create a new password (As per LMS Portal password standards).
    2. Confirm Password - Re-enter the password.
  2. Click Update Password. If your new password is updated successfully the system displays the notification updated successfully.
  3. Click Ok.

You have now successfully reset your LMS Portal password.

Completing a Course

In this section lets us learn how to complete a course in LMS Portal.

 To complete a course in LMS Portal you must:
  1. Enroll for a course
  2. Complete course Introduction
  3. Complete concepts
  4. Complete exercises
  5. Passing the quiz

On completing a course, you can avail the accredited course completion certificate.



Completing a course in LMS Portal:

  • Includes the above, if concepts, exercises, and a quiz are available for the course.
  • Is also based on the following ‘Course is completed when’ criteria set by instructors in the Instructor Console:
    • Complete all concepts - When you complete all concepts for the course.
    • Pass the quiz - When you pass the quiz for the course.
    • Complete all concepts & pass the quiz - When you complete all concepts and pass the quiz for the course.

Enrolling for a course

To learn and complete a course, you must first enroll for the course.


Follow these steps to enroll for a course:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Look for Modules.
  5. Click LMS Portal. The homepage opens.
  6. Click the course that you want to complete. The Course Content screen displaying the course content opens.
  7. Click the Start Learning button to enroll for the course. The course window opens.

You have now successfully enrolled for a course in LMS Portal.

Completing Course Introduction

In this section, let us learn how to complete a course.


Follow these steps to complete a course:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Look for Modules.
  5. Click LMS Portal.
  6. Select a course that you want to complete. The course window opens, displaying the following:
    1. On the top of the screen:
      1. Name - Name of the course.
      2. Percentage - Course completion percentage. It is updated as you progress through different levels of the course.
    2. On the top right corner of the screen:
      1. Points - Your total LMS points.
      2. Go To Courses - Clicking this tab directs you back to the portal homepage.
      3. Details - Clicking this tab directs you to the Course Details pop-up displaying:
        1. Duration - The sum total of the Estimation Time for concepts of a course.
        2. Mandatory - Displays:
          1. Yes - If the course is mandatory for you.
          2. No - If the course is not mandatory for you.
      4. Profile icon - Displays your profile icon. Hovering on it displays your user name.
    3. On the left corner of the screen:
      1. Course Introduction
      2. Concepts if available for the course
      3. Exercises if available for the concept
      4. Quiz if available for the course
  7. Click Course Introduction.
  8. Learn the course introduction.
  9. Click the Next Concept tab to proceed to the next concept.
  10. Click the Course Introduction tab to go back to the course introduction.

You have now successfully completed a course introduction.

Completing a Concept 

In this section, let us learn how to complete a concept.

  Follow these steps to complete a concept:
  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Look for Modules.
  5. Click LMS Portal.
  6. Select a course that you want to complete. The course window opens.
  7. Click a concept.
  8. Learn the concept.
  9. Once you complete a concept, a green tick mark will be displayed beside it.
  10. Click the View Exercises tab to proceed to the exercise of a concept.
  11. Click the Previous Concept tab to go back to the previous concept.

You have now successfully completed a concept.

Submitting an Exercise

In this section, let us learn how to submit an exercise.

Follow these steps to submit an exercise:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Look for Modules.
  5. Click LMS Portal.
  6. Select a course that you want to complete. The course window opens.
  7. Click a concept. Exercises will be displayed along with the number of exercises available for the concept.
  1. Click Exercises. The exercise window opens, displaying:
    1. A list of exercises available for a concept.
    2. Exercise details window, displaying:
      1. Name - Name of the exercise.
      2. Description - Description if available for the exercise.
      3. Maximum Points - Maximum points for the exercise.

Note: For an exercise, from the second attempt onwards, maximum points will be as follows:

  • If you pass the first attempt, it will be 0 for the rest of the attempts. 
  • If you fail the first attempt, it will be the iteration score of the attempts (maximum points for the exercise/number of attempts). For instance, if you fail the first attempt for an exercise with maximum points 100, maximum points for the second attempt will be 50 (100/2 = 50).
  1. Questions - Number of questions for the exercise.
  2. Take Now - Clicking the Take Now button lets you begin the exercise.
  1. Click the Take Now button. The exercise begins.
  2. Answer an exercise question.
  1. In the exercise question window you can:
    1. Click > (next icon) to proceed to the next question.
    2. Click < (previous icon) to go back to the previous question and edit it if required.
    3. Cancel - Clicking the cancel button will cancel your answers and direct you back to the exercise window.
    4. View:
      1. The maximum score% for each question.

Note: If the maximum score has decimals, it will be rounded off to a whole number.

  1. The total number of questions available for the exercise.
  2. Date and time you are taking up the exercise.
  1. After answering all exercise questions, click Submit to submit the exercise.
  2. If you have:
    1. Exercise question types Textarea and File Upload, the review screen opens displaying the following message, Under Review. Current Score - (you scored _%). You have_answers which are under evaluation, which might increase your score. 

  1. Passed the exercise:
    1. The success screen is displayed with the success message, Congratulations, You got - (your scored _%).

  1. Failed the exercise:
    1. The screen is displayed with the following message, Try Next time, You got - (your scored _%).

Note: To pass an exercise you will have to secure the set pass threshold for the course and not necessarily 100%.

  1. Click the Continue tab. You will be directed back to the exercise window.
  2. Click the Take Now button to reattempt the exercise.

Note: You can attempt an exercise multiple times for higher scores.

  1. Once you complete an exercise, a green tick mark will be displayed beside it in the exercise window.
  2. For multiple exercises for a concept:
    1. Click the next exercise (or > beside it) that you want to take up from the list of exercises. The exercise details window opens up.
    2. Click the Take Now button to take up the exercise.
  3. Once you complete all exercises for a concept, a green tick mark will be displayed beside it in the course window.
  4. Click the Next Concept tab to proceed to the next concept or the Next Quiz tab to proceed to the next concept or quiz.
  5. Click the Previous Concept tab to go back to the previous concept.

You have now successfully submitted an exercise.

Exercise Window 

In this section let us understand the exercise window.


Once you submit an exercise and click the Continue tab you will be directed back to the exercise window displaying the following:

  1. Points - The score that you have secured for your first passed attempt.

Note: How are Points calculated for the second attempt onwards?

If you pass an attempt, Points will be the highest score that you have secured for an attempt divided by the number of attempts. For instance, if you pass the second attempt for an exercise scoring 100%, Points will be 50 (100/2 = 50).

  1. Percentage - The percentage that you have secured for your first passed attempt.
  2. Total Attempts - The number of times you have attempted the exercise.
  3. Attempt Details - It displays the following:
    1. Attempt Number - The attempt number.
    2. Submitted On - The date and time you have submitted the exercise.
    3. Result - Displays the following result:
      1. Passed - If you have passed the exercise.
      2. Failed - If you have failed the exercise.
    4. Score % - The percentage that you have scored for the exercise.

Submitting a Quiz

In this section, let us learn how to submit a quiz. 

Note: A quiz has to be submitted within the time limit set by the instructor in the Instructor Console. It is displayed once you begin the quiz.

Follow these steps to submit a quiz:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Look for Modules.
  5. Click LMS Portal.
  6. Select a course that you want to complete. The course window opens.

  1. Click Quiz. The quiz window opens, displaying:
    1. Name - Name of the quiz.
    2. Description - Description if available for the quiz.
    3. Maximum Points - Maximum points for the quiz.

Note: For a quiz, from the second attempt onwards, maximum

points will be as follows:

  • If you pass the first attempt, it will be 0 for the rest of the attempts. 
  • If you fail the first attempt, it will be the iteration score of the attempts (maximum points for the quiz/number of attempts). For instance, if you fail the first attempt for a quiz with maximum points 100, maximum points for the second attempt will be 50 (100/2 = 50).
  1. Questions - Number of questions for the quiz.
  2. Start Quiz - Clicking the Start Quiz button lets you begin the quiz.
  1. Click the Start Quiz button. The quiz begins.

Note: Once you start a quiz, you will not be able to navigate to any screen in the portal until you answer all questions in the quiz.

  1. Answer a quiz question.
  1. In the quiz question window you can:
    1. Click > (next icon) to proceed to the next question.
    2. Click < (previous icon) to go back to the previous question and edit it if required.
    3. View:
      1. Time - The running time limit for the quiz set by the instructor in the Instructor Console. 
        1. You must submit the quiz within the time limit.
        2. If you exceed the time limit, the questions that you have answered within the time limit will be auto-submitted and scored.
      2. The maximum score% for each question.

Note: If the maximum score has decimals, it will be rounded off to a whole number.

  1. After answering all quiz questions, click Submit to submit the quiz. You will be directed to the pop-up, Are you sure you want to submit the Quiz?
  2. Click Ok.
  3. If you have:
    1. Quiz question types Textarea and File Upload, the review screen opens displaying the following message, Under Review. Current Score - (you scored _%). You have_answers which are under evaluation, which might increase your score. 

  1. Passed the quiz:
    1. The success screen is displayed with the success message, Congratulations! You have successfully completed the course got - (your scored _%) and the Continue tab.


  1. Click the Continue tab. The success screen opens, displaying:
    1. Finish button - Click the Finish button to finish the course.
    2. Download Certificate tab - In the tab, click the Download icon to download the course completion certificate.

  1. Failed the quiz or Not submitted the quiz within the time limit:
    1. The screen displays the following message, Try Next time, You got - (your scored %).


Note: To pass a quiz you will have to secure the set pass percentage for the quiz and not necessarily 100%.

  1. Click the Continue tab. You will be directed back to the quiz window.
  2. Click the Previous Exercise tab to go back to the previous exercise.
  3. Click Start Quiz to reattempt the quiz.


  • You can reattempt the quiz based on the number of retries available for it. This is set by the instructor in the Instructor Console.
  • Also wait until the time specified for a re-attempt, which is displayed in the quiz window. This is set by the instructor in the Instructor Console.
  1. Once you complete a quiz, a green tick mark will be displayed beside it in the course window.

You have now successfully submitted a quiz.

Quiz Window 

In this section let us understand the quiz window.


Once you submit a quiz and click the Continue tab you will be directed back to the quiz window displaying the following:

  1. Attempts remaining - Displays the number of attempts remaining for the quiz
  2. Wait between retries - If you have already attempted the quiz, it displays the duration you should wait before you re-attempt the quiz. It displays the message, You cannot take up the quiz now, after_minutes it will be available.
  3. Points - The score that you have secured for your first passed attempt.

Note: How are Points calculated for the second attempt onwards?

If you pass an attempt, Points will be the highest score that you have secured for an attempt divided by the number of attempts. For instance, if you pass the second attempt for a quiz scoring 100%, Points will be 50 (100/2 = 50).

  1. Percentage -  The percentage that you have secured for your first passed attempt.
  2. Total Attempts - The number of times you have attempted the quiz. 
  3. Attempt Details - It displays the following:
    1. Attempt Number - The attempt number.
    2. Submitted On - The date and time you have submitted the quiz.
    3. Result - Displays the following result:
      1. Passed - If you have passed the quiz.
      2. Failed - If you have failed the quiz.
    4. Score % - The percentage that you have scored for the quiz.

Answering Varied Exercise and Quiz Question Types


In this section let us learn how to answer various exercise and quiz question types with the following formats:

  1. Textarea - This consists of a textbox. Along with text formatting options.
  2. Radio – This consists of a list of options for a question with radio buttons.
  3. Checkbox - This consists of a list of options for a question with checkboxes.
  4. Dropdown - This consists of a dropdown with options for a question.
  5. AgreeDisagree - This consists of an AgreeDisagree bar with various AgreeDisagree options for a question.
  6. File Upload - This lets you upload files (text, audio, and video).

Follow these steps to answer the following exercise and quiz question types:

  1. Textarea - Type your answer in the Text box. You can format it using the available formatting options.
  2. File Upload - To upload a file:
    1. Click Browse.
    2. Select the file from your computer. 

You have now successfully uploaded the file.


  1. AgreeDisagree - Click one of the AgreeDisagree options in the AgreeDisagree bar.
  2. Dropdown - Click:
    1. The dropdown. You can view the options for the question.
    2. The right answer.
  1. Checkbox - Checkbox the right answer.
  2. Radio - Select the right answer.

Exercises and quiz submitted answers’ evaluation

The answers you submit for exercise and quiz questions will either be auto-evaluated by LMS or manually evaluated by instructors.


The answers you submit for the following exercise and quiz question types are auto-reviewed and scored by LMS:

  1. AgreeDisagree
  2. Checkbox 
  3. Dropdown 
  4. Radio 

The answers you submit for the following exercise and quiz question types are manually reviewed and scored by instructors:

  1. Textarea
  2. File Upload

Viewing Responses for an Exercise and Quiz

After submitting an exercise or quiz, you can view your answers or responses for it only if the instructor has checked the Show Responses field for it in the Instructor Console.



Follow these steps to view responses for an exercise or quiz:

  1. After you submit an exercise or quiz, click the Continue tab. You will be directed back to the exercise or quiz window.
  2. Click your Attempt. The Responses window opens. It displays the following:
    1. Your responses for the exercise or quiz questions. 
    2. The score% that you have secured for each answer.
    3. The maximum score% for each question.
    4. The top right corner of the screen displays the following for the exercise  or quiz:
      1. The total number of:
        1. Questions
        2. Correct Answers
      2. Total Percentage.
      3. The date and time the exercise or quiz was submitted.

You have now successfully viewed responses for an exercise or quiz.



After you have completed a course, you can instantly download the course completion certificate.

Follow these steps to download a course completion certificate:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Look for Modules.
  5. Click LMS Portal.
  6. Select a course that you have completed. The course window opens.
  7. Only if you have completed the course, the Certification tab will be available in the course window.

  1. Click the Certification tab. The screen displaying the following opens:
    1. The message, Congratulations! You have successfully completed the course.
    2. The Download Certificate tab.
  2. Click the Download icon in the Download Certificate tab. The certificate will be downloaded in pdf format.

You have now successfully downloaded a course completion certificate.

Note: You can also download the course completion certification from the portal homepage > Profile icon > Certificates > Download icon.



If you are a student, you will receive an email notification when:

  • Instructors have reviewed the submitted Textarea or File Upload exercise or quiz question types.
  • A new concept is added to a course that you have enrolled for.
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