FAQs in this section
How can I add a comment on a record?
How can I mention a user on a record?
How can I create a sticky note from a comment?
Can I insert links in a comment?
Can I insert pictures in a comment?
Can I add attachments to a comment?
Can I export comments in the form of a report?
Can I react to comments with emoticons?
Where can I view my mentions?
I can't find the updates on a deal. What should I do?
What does a direct comment link do?
Table of Contents
Vtiger CRM has the option of copying a comment's link and sharing it with other CRM users. When a user clicks on the link, they will be directed to the comment.
To copy a comment's link, hover on the comment and click this icon:
To copy a comment's link, hover on the comment and click this icon:

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