FAQs in this section
What are the currencies supported by Paypal?
How do I create a business account in PayPal?
What is PayPal?
How does PayPal and Vtiger CRM integration work?
Can I change my payment source in PayPal?
How do I change my payment source in PayPal?
What does this error message mean - The total amount of all payments exceeds the maximum total amount for all payments?
I am getting errors while setting up my card. What should I do?
How do I configure PayPal?
Table of Contents
Once you have a business account and its details, you can log them into the CRM to enable PayPal integration.
Follow these steps to configure your PayPal account:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the User Menu on the top right corner of the screen.
- Click Settings.
- Look for the Inventory section.
- Click Payments and Subscriptions.
- Click the Payment Gateway tab.
- Click the +Add Gateway button on the top right.
- In the ‘Add Configuration’ popup, provide the following mandatory information:
- Provider - Select PayPal.
- Active - To enable or disable your merchant account.
- Label -Enter your desired username.
- API User ID - Enter the API Login ID provided by your PayPal Payment Gateway.
- Password - Enter the password provided by your PayPal Payment Gateway.
- Signature - Paste the API Signature from PayPal.
- Click Save.
To know more about PayPal, click here.
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