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How to create a process flow for a business process?

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Let us now learn how to create a process flow for a business process with a precise illustration.

For instance, we have considered the below scenario for a business process:
Note: We recommend creating a business flowchart for a business process (To a Notepad or a document) before creating the process flow on the Process Designer.
  1. Name of the Business Process: Deal Process
  2. Module Chosen: Deals
  3. Number of Workflows: 1
  4. Deal Process Workflow:
    1. If Deal Amount > 1M, Is True then, (Criteria)
      1. Update the next action (Action)
      2. Wait for an hour (Wait Time)
      3. Check if the Sales Stage is still new (Criteria)
      4. Send an email to the Manager (Action)
    2. Is False, then,
      1. Send an SMS notification to the Teamlead (Action)

Let us learn how to create a process flow for the Deal Process on the Process Designer.

Follow these steps to create a process flow for the Deal Process on the Process Designer:
Step1: Setting up a Process Design
Follow these steps to set up the Deal Process:
  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Platform.
  4. Look for Designers.
  5. Select Process Designer
  6. Click +Add Process. You will be directed to the Add Process window.
  7. Enter the following information in the below fields:
    1. Name: Enter Deal Process.
    2. Module: Select Deals.
    3. Status: Select Active.
    4. Assigned to: Select the user or group to whom the process is assigned.
  8. Click Edit Process. You will be directed to the Add Process window.

Step2: Configuring the start of a Process
Follow these steps to start Deal Process:
  1. Click + mark on Trigger. The Trigger Properties window opens up.
  2. Select Update (Includes Creation).
  3. Under Recurrence select, Every time record is saved.
  4. Click Save. The Saved notification is displayed.
  5. Add the label Deal is Updated /Created.

Step 3: Configuring a Condition (True)
Follow these steps to configure a True Condition for Deal Process:
  1. Click + mark on Trigger. You will be directed to the Components Menu.
  2. Click Add Conditions. You will be directed to the Conditions window.
  3. Under All Conditions, click + Add Condition.
  4. In the Select Field dropdown, select Amount.
  5. In the Select Condition dropdown, select greater than.
  6. In the Set Amount value window, enter 1000000. (You can also select a Field or Expression by clicking the Raw Text dropdown).
  7. Click Ok.
  8. Click Save Conditions. The Saved notification is displayed.
  9. Add the label Amount >1M.

Step 4: Configuring an Action (Update)
Follow these steps to configure the Update action for Deal Process:
  1. Click + mark on Add Conditions. You will be directed to the Components Menu.
  2. Click Add Action. You will be directed to a list of actions.
  3. Select Update. You will be directed to the Update Fields window.
  4. In the Add Field dropdown, select Next Step.
  5. In the Next Step field, enter Follow up call in the Set Next Step value window. (You can also select a Field or Expression by clicking the Raw Text dropdown).
  6. Click Ok.
  7. Click Save Task. The Saved notification is displayed.
  8. Add the label Update Next Step.
Step 5: Configuring Wait Time
Follow these steps to configure a wait time for Deal Process:
  1. Click + mark on Add Action. You will be directed to the Components Menu.
  2. Click
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