Home  >   FAQs   >  How do you add a QR Code Field Type in Vtiger CRM?

How do you add a QR Code Field Type in Vtiger CRM?

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 Follow these steps to add a QR Code Field Type for a module:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Click User Profile on the right side of the screen.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Go to Module Layouts and Fields.
  5. Select or Enter the following information:
    1. Select a module from the drop-down for which you want the QR Code to appear.
    2. Select the Detail View Layout tab.
    3. Click Add Custom Field. A Create Custom Field window opens. 
    4. Select the QR Code from the Select Field Type drop-down.
    5. Type the Label Name.
    6. Select Value Data Type from the drop-down.
      1. JSON
      2. Text
    7. Select Value from the drop-down.
    8. Select the Size of the QR Code. (Image size: in pixels)
    9. Select the Margin.
    10. Select the Foreground Color.
    11. Select the Background Color.
    12. Type QR Code Label.
    13. Select the Label Font Size.
    14. Click Upload to add a Logo to your QR Code.
    15. Select the Logo Size.
    16. Click Generate Preview.
    17. Click Save.
Note: The logo size is limited to 2000 pixels.

A QR Field added message will be displayed.

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