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How to create a list?

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To create a list manually from a particular module, follow these steps:
  1. Click the drop-down present on the left corner of the List View screen.
  2. Click the + button along the Search for List bar.
  3. Enter the name of the list in the List Name field.
  4. Provide List Information:
    • (OPTIONAL) Enable the Set as Default checkbox to set the list as default. This helps you and other users to view only the most important records.
    • (OPTIONAL) Enable the List in Metrics checkbox to view the list in the dashboard.
    • Choose the Default sort column and sort order from the given options.
    • Select columns from Available Fields to be shown in the list. Selected columns appear under Choose columns and order.
    • Sort the fields under Choose columns and order using the drag-and-drop action.
    • Click Next.
  5. Choose List Conditions:
    • You must specify a set of conditions based on which the list will be created. The list will be available in the Lists drop-down in the List View.
    • Add conditions in the ‘All Condition’ field or ‘Any Condition’ field or both based on which the list will be sorted.
    • Choose a field on which you want to apply the condition from the Select Field field.
    • Choose List conditions from these options:
      • Equals
      • Not equal to
      • Starts with
      • End with
      • Contains
      • Does not contain
      • Is empty
      • Is not empty
    • Add users and groups according to which the list has to be sorted.
    • Click on Save to finish the list creation process.
    • Click Next to continue.
  6. Provide Sharing Information:
    • Select the users or roles with whom you want to share the list.
    • Click Save and Share.
    • Add users only if you intend to share the list with them.

A confirmation message saying ‘List saved’ will pop up after the list is added.

To learn more about List View, click here.

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