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Razorpay Integration

Learn how to integrate Razorpay payment gateway with Vtiger CRM.
Shreya Kulkarni
14 Jun, 2023 - Updated 1 year ago
Table of Contents


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Razorpay is a financial solutions provider for efficient two-way payment transactions. It is an e-commerce interface that allows businesses to accept, and process invoices, subscriptions, payment gateways, etc. It also offers various banking solutions that provide automated payouts to vendors, employees, etc.

Razorpay Integration with Vtiger CRM

Integrating Razorpay payment gateway with Vtiger CRM facilitates convenient payment transactions. Vtiger provides a user-friendly payment interface for various digital transactions.

Razorpay Integration with Vtiger CRM lets you:

  • Process payments to your customers.
  • Send payment requests to your customers.
  • Receive payments.  
  • Update payment records and related invoice records automatically. 


Razorpay is available only for the Payments module in Vtiger CRM.

Feature Availability

Click here for the availability of the Razorpay Integration for different editions of Vtiger CRM.


To integrate Razorpay with Vtiger CRM you must:

  • Have an active business account with Razorpay. 
  • Enable the Payments extension in Vtiger CRM.

Key Terminology

Key ID

It is a secret authentication code that identifies its user, or program. These keys are unique identifiers that secure your applications from cyber abuse or malicious use.


It is a confidential key confined only to the application and the authorization server. It is a cryptographically-secure key.

Payment   Gateway

A payment gateway is an online interface for processing monetary transactions that help you credit or debit your payments for various e-businesses, clients, enterprises, etc. 

Processing Payments

Is a financial transaction that involves crediting company funds to merchandise or a firm via credit cards, net banking, etc, or various other payment sites or apps.

Sending Payment requests

Is a financial transaction that involves sending a payment notice or an online payment link for invoices, funds, etc from the company to merchandise or a firm via emails, SMS or various payment sites or apps.

Installing Razorpay

To integrate Razorpay with Vtiger CRM, Admin users need to first install the Payments extension in Vtiger CRM.

Follow these steps to install the Payments extension: 

  1. Log into your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Add-ons on the bottom left corner of the screen.


  1. Click Settings.
  2. Look for Extensions.
  3. Click Extension Store.
  4. Browse Payments Extension.
  5. Click Install.

Once the Payments extension is installed successfully, you can integrate Razorpay with Vtiger CRM.

Integrating Razorpay with Vtiger CRM

Let us learn how to integrate the Razorpay payment gateway with Vtiger CRM.

Integrating Razorpay with Vtiger CRM requires the following:

Step 1: Generating Razorpay API Key ID and Key Secret
Step 2: Configuring Razorpay as a Vtiger CRM payment gateway

These steps require navigating back and forth between the Vtiger CRM screen and the Razorpay app.

Step 1: Generating Razorpay API Key ID and Key Secret

Follow these steps to generate Razorpay API Key ID and Key Secret:

  1. Login to your Razorpay account.
  2. Click Settings on the left-hand side of the home screen.
  3. Click API Keys.
  4. Under Actions, click Generate Key. You will be directed to the New Key window displaying the API Key ID and Key Secret.
  5. Copy the API Key ID and Key Secret. (To a Notepad or a document.) 
  6. Click OK.

Step 2: Configuring Razorpay as a Vtiger CRM payment gateway

Follow these steps to configure Razorpay as a Vtiger CRM payment gateway:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Look for Inventory.
  5. Click Payments & Subscriptions. You will be directed to the Payment Gateway configuration page.
  6. Click +Add Gateway. You will be directed to the Add Configuration window.
  7. Enter or select the following information:
  8. Select Provider as Razorpay.
  9. Checkbox Active.
  10. Enter the label Razorpay.
  11. In the Api Key field, paste the copied API Key ID.
  12. In the Api Secret field, paste the copied API Key Secret.
  13. Click Save.

If Razorpay was added successfully, the system displays the following confirmation message, Payment gateway added successfully.

Accessing Razorpay

Once you Integrate Razorpay with Vtiger CRM, follow these steps to access Razorpay:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Inventory.
  4. Look for Order Fulfillment.
  5. Click Payments.
  6. Select a Payment record.
  7. Click the Pay Now icon. Razorpay is available as a payment gateway.

Processing Payments Using Razorpay from Vtiger CRM 

Let us now learn how to process payments to customers using Razorpay from Vtiger CRM.

Follow these steps to process a payment:  

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Inventory.
  4. Look for Order Fulfillment.
  5. Click Payments
  6. Select a Payment record (to whom you want to process the payment).
  7. Click the Pay Now icon on the top left corner of the screen. You will be directed to the Select your payment gateway window.
  8. Click Pay Now beside Razorpay.

  1. You will be directed to the Razorpay payment gateway screen displaying the following:
  • Name of the CRM user who has made the payment request.
  • Payment for (reason for requesting the payment)
  • Payable Amount (Total amount to be paid)
  • Your bank details
  1. In the Razorpay payment gateway screen, under CARDS, UPI & MORE choose your mode of payment.
  2. Click Netbanking. You will be directed to the Netbanking screen.

Note: For instance, we have considered Netbanking you can select any mode of payment.

  1. Select your bank for the transaction.
  2. Click Pay (Amount). You will be directed to your bank page, where the payment transaction is processed.
  3. If the payment transaction was successful, the system displays the following confirmation message, Thank you, your payments have been accepted successfully…Redirecting.

Once you have successfully processed a payment, the following fields are automatically updated in the CRM: 

  • Payment record:
    • Status - Updates to Received(Invoice).
    • Date Received - Updates to the date payment is received.
  • Related Invoice record:
    • Status updates to:
      • Paid if full amount is received.
      • Partially Paid if partial amount is received.
    • Balance - Updates to the remaining balance amount.
    • Received -Updates to the credited amount.

Note: Payment updates are posted in the Activity section of the Payment record.

Sending Payment Requests Using Razorpay from Vtiger CRM 

Let us learn how to send payments to customers using Razorpay from Vtiger CRM.

Follow these steps to send a payment: 

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Inventory.
  4. Look for Order Fulfillment.
  5. Click Payments
  6. Select a Payment record of the customer to whom you want to send a payment request.
  7. Click the Send Link button on the top left corner of the screen. You will be directed to the Select your payment gateway window.
  8. Click Send Link beside Razorpay.

  1. This will take you to the Compose Email window, where the following email details to be sent to the customer are auto-filled:
  • To - The customer's email address to whom you want to send the payment request.

Note: The Related Contact for the specific Payment record will, by default, be considered as the To email address. 

  • From - Your email address.
  • Subject - Payment link.
  • Email content - Will display the payment link using which customers can process payments via Razorpay.

Note: All the above fields remain editable if you want to enter different details.

  1. Select or upload other email details if required.
  2. Click Send.
  3. If the email is sent successfully, the Success notification is displayed.

You have now successfully sent a payment request to a customer using Razorpay from Vtiger CRM.

Note: The Razorpay payment request sent to a customer is posted as an ‘Email Payment Link’ in the Activity section of the contact record of the customer.

Razorpay for your customer

If you are a customer and a Razorpay payment request has been sent to you from Vtiger CRM:

  1. You will receive the Razorpay payment link in your email.
  2. Click the payment link. You will be directed to the Razorpay payment gateway screen.
  3. You can now process the payment using Razorpay, as illustrated in the Processing Payments to the Customers section.

Once you receive a payment via Razorpay, the following records and fields are automatically updated in the CRM: 

  • Payment record:
    • Status - Updates to Received(Invoice).
    • Date Received - Updates to the date payment is received.
  • Related Invoice record:
    • Status updates to:
      • Paid - If the full amount is received.
      • Partially Paid - If the partial amount is received.
    • Balance - Updates to the remaining balance amount.
    • Received -Updates to the credited amount.

Note: The Payment record updates will be posted in the Activity section of the Payment record.

 Disabling Razorpay

Admin users can disable Razorpay by disabling the Payments extension.
Follow these steps to disable Razorpay:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Look for Module Management.
  5. Click Modules.
  6. Uncheck Payments extension.

Once the Payments extension is disabled, Razorpay is disabled, and Razorpay will not appear as a payment gateway on the CRM screens.

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