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Vtiger Integration with Ozonetel

In this article you will learn how to integrate and use Ozonetel phone call gateway in Vtiger CRM.
Shreya Kulkarni
24 Oct, 2024 - Updated 23 hours ago
Table of Contents


Ozonetel is a cloud-based communications platform that mainly caters to a global call center customer base. Ozonetel is a secure, integrated customer care interface. It offers various services, such as industry solutions for enterprises, BPOs, and call centers with inbound calling, outbound calling, and blended systems.  It also offers multiple dialer solutions, business phone systems, hubs, etc.

Ozonetel Gateway in Vtiger CRM

In Vtiger CRM, Ozonetel is available as a phone call gateway to place outgoing calls and receive incoming calls via the phone devices used by agents. Once you configure it in Vtiger CRM, agents can place and receive customer calls via their phone devices.
The agent's phone device’s phone number has to be registered in the Ozonetel portal. It must also be configured as the Ozonetel Extension number under My Preferences in Vtiger CRM. It lets you connect agents and customers only through the agent's phone device. It supports simultaneous call routing to multiple agents. It is a user-friendly phone call gateway letting you use the below Vtiger CRM’s Phone Call module features:

  • Incoming calls
  • Outgoing calls
  • Call notes
  • Customer sentiments
  • Call recordings
Note: Your phone device can either be a physical device or a softphone.

Phone Calls module in Vtiger CRM

Integrating different service providers with the Phone Calls module lets you connect with your contacts by placing a call directly from the CRM.  You need to configure Ozonetel with the Phone Calls module in the CRM.

 With the Phone Calls module installed, you can:

  • Place calls directly from the CRM. 
  • Integrate services such as Live Chat, email, call logging, purchase history, feedback surveying, support tickets, and many more.

To learn more about configuring the Phone Calls module, click here.

    After integration, Ozonetel will be available under the Phone Calls module in the CRM. You will be able to make or receive calls via your phone device only. For this, the Agent’s phone device’s phone number has to be registered in:

    • Ozonetel portal
    • My Preferences > Ozonetel Extension

    Note: To integrate Ozonetel with Vtiger CRM, you must:
    • Have an active business account with Ozonetel.
    • Enable the Ozonetel extension in Vtiger CRM.
    • Agent's phone device.

    Benefits of integrating Ozonetel

    • Helps agents place and receive calls directly from the CRM.
    • Reduces the cost of installing and maintaining a traditional phone system.
    • Allows skill-based call routing to agents.

    Feature Availability

    Click here to see the availability of Ozonetel integration for different editions of Vtiger CRM.

    Using Ozonetel phone calls in Vtiger CRM involves the following:

    • Installing Ozonetel from the Extension Store
    • Integrating Ozonetel with Vtiger CRM 
    • Creating Ozonetel Agent Login 
    • Placing outgoing calls
    • Receiving  incoming calls
    • Using Phone Calls module features

    In this article, you will learn about all of the above. Shall we begin?

    Key Terminology 


    CloudAgent by Ozonetel is a user-friendly multichannel customer care software solution. It offers simultaneous voice and chat, SMS, and various social interface integrations.


    An agent is an organization's customer service representative or executive who provides customer support. They are responsible for inbound and outbound voice or non-voice support to customers.

    Outbound Campaign

    Outbound Campaigns are well-designed customer procedures where agents call the customers for issue resolution, business information, reviews, and feedback. They can be driven campaigns for sales, marketing, technology, etc. You can choose and customize them as per the priorities of your organization.

    Inbound Campaign

    Inbound Campaigns are procedures or patterns of receiving incoming queries or issues in the form of phone calls from customers daily. They are of multiple types: customer service, sales, tech support, etc. You can choose and customize them as per the priorities of your organization.


    Skills are the agents’ areas of expertise, such as sales, marketing, customer service, etc. Updating agent skills facilitates routing specific category phone calls to agents accordingly.


    Direct Inward Dialing (DID) is the phone number assigned by Ozonetel on subscribing to their services. It is the number from which calls are dialed out.

    incoming_callback URL

    It is the source address of a programmed code or a function. It is the redirect, or the return URL, that sends back data to the user. It is integrated into a phone call gateway platform for agents to receive incoming call notifications in the CRM.

    status_callback URL

    It is the source address of a programmed code or a function. It redirects or sends back data to the user. It is integrated with a phone call gateway platform for agents to activate or inactivate the gateway.


    Installing Ozonetel

    Ozonetel is a third-party app that you must install from Vtiger’s Extension Store. 

    Note: You can install extensions only if you are an Admin user in the CRM.

    Follow these steps to install the Ozonetel extension:

    1. Log into your CRM account.
    2. Click the User Menu.
    3. Click Add-ons on the bottom left corner of the screen.
    4. Look for Ozonetel.


    1. Click Settings.
    2. Look for Extensions.
    3. Click Extension Store.
    4. Look for Ozonetel.
    5. Click Install.
    6. Click Yes to confirm the installation.

    Once you have installed it successfully, follow these steps to enable the app:

    1. Login to your CRM account.
    2. Click the User Menu.
    3. Click Settings.
    4. Look for Extensions.
    5. Click Phone Configuration.
    6. Click +Add Gateway.
    7. Select Ozonetel from the Gateway dropdown.

    Ozonetel gateway is now available.

    Integrating Ozonetel with Vtiger CRM

    In this section, let us learn how to integrate Ozonetel with Vtiger CRM.

    You can integrate and use Ozonetel with Vtiger CRM in these two phases: 

    • Phase 1: Ozonetel Configuration
    • Phase 2: Ozonetel Integration with Vtiger CRM

    Note: These steps require you to navigate back and forth between the Vtiger CRM screen and the Ozonetel app.

    Phase 1: Ozonetel Configuration

    This phase is configured in the Ozonetel portal.

    Ozonetel Configuration requires:

    • Step 1: Retrieving the API Key
    • Step 2: Adding an Outbound Campaign
    • Step 3: Adding an Inbound Campaign
    • Step 4: Adding an Agent
    • Step 5: Adding a Phone Number

    Step 1: Retrieving the API Key

    Follow these steps to retrieve the API Key:

    1. Go to Ozonetel Portal. You will be directed to the login screen.
    1. Select Admin Login. You will be directed to the Admin Portal.
    2. Login to your CloudAgent Admin account. You will be directed to the homepage.
    1. Click Edit Profile. You will be directed to the Edit User screen.

    1. Copy the following to a Notepad or a document.
      1. API Key 
      2. Username

    Step 2: Adding an Outbound Campaign


    Follow these steps to add an Outbound Campaign:

    1. Go to the CloudAgent homepage.
    2. Under Campaigns, click Outbound Campaigns.
    3. Click the + icon (Add Campaign) on the top right corner of the screen to add an Inbound Campaign.
    4. Enter or select the following information in the below fields -
    1. Campaign Name - Name of the Inbound Campaign.
    2. Campaign Type - Preview (or based on your preferences).
    3. DID - Phone number assigned by Ozonetel for customers to place calls.
    4. RunTime - Time set to run the campaign between office hours or any other time.
    5. Hit ScreenPop URl At - Select Client&Server.
    6. ScreenPopURL - Vtiger CRM incoming_callback URL.
    7. No.Of Tries - Total number of times a customer has not answered (mentioned in a call record).
    8. Block Number - Select None (or based on your preferences).
    9. Disposition Type - Select Toolbar.
    10. Wrapup Time (In Sec) - Time in seconds available to the Agent for after-call work
    11. Dispositions - A meaningful description available to an Agent once they have completed their call
    12. Skills - List of skills available to the Agent for this Campaign.
    13. Mapping Name - Used to add the header file from an Excel sheet. (Sample ‘mpfile’ provided can be used.)
    14. Mapping Columns - Used to upload data manually in an Excel sheet during campaign creation. (‘Download Sample’ provided can be downloaded and used.)
    15. Check the box for the below: (Or based on your preferences.)
      1. Allowed For Manual Dialing
      2. STD Enabled
      3. RecentFirst
    1. Click Save. You have now successfully added an outbound campaign.
    2. Copy the following to a notepad or a document:
      1. Campaign Name
      2. DID

    Step 3: Adding an Inbound Campaign



    Follow these steps to add an Inbound Campaign:

    1. Go to the CloudAgent homepage.
    2. Under Campaigns, click Inbound Campaigns.
    3. Click the + icon (Add Campaign) on the top right corner of the screen to add an Inbound Campaign.
    4. Enter or select the following information in the below fields:
      1. Campaign Name - Name of the Inbound Campaign.
      2. DID - Phone number assigned by Ozonetel for customers to place calls.
      3. Hit ScreenPop URl At - Select Client&Server
      4. ScreenPop URL - Vtiger CRM incoming_callback URL.
      5. Skills - List of skills available to the Agent for this Campaign.
      6. Disposition Type - Select Toolbar.
      7. Wrapup Time (In Sec) - Time in seconds available to the Agent for after-call work.
      8. Block Number - Select None (or based on your preferences)
      9. Checkbox Allowed For Manual Dialing or check the below boxes if you want the following, based on your preferences:
        1. OffLine Mode -  Calls to trigger even if the Agent is not logged in.
        2. Allowed For Manual Dialing - To dial manually.
        3. ACW for UnAnswered Calls - Agent to wrap up UnAnswered calls. 
    5. Click Save.

    You have now successfully added an inbound campaign.


    • You can capture the Campaign Name from an inbound call for Ozontel users. 
    • The Campaign Name field in the Vtiger Phone Calls module (CRM reference field) is mapped to the Campaign Name field in Ozonetell (Ozonetel reference field).
    • The campaign name is captured from the Campaign Name field for both Inbound and Outbound calls, including the calls that are not answered.

    Step 4: Adding an Agent


    Follow these steps to add an Agent:

    1. Go to the CloudAgent homepage.
    2. Under Configurations, click Agents.
    3. Click the + icon (Add Agent) on the top right corner of the screen to add an agent.
      1. Agent ID - Agent’s email id.
      2. Password - Agent’s password.
      3. Agent Name - Agent’s Name.
      4. Priority - Agent Priority is based on skill level as to whom the inbound call should land first. Priority 1 is the highest.
      5. Email - Email id is optional.
      6. Agent Data - Additional Information on the Agent.
      7. Skills - List of skills available to the Agent for this Campaign.
      8. Agent Modes - Select agent modes as per your preferences:
        1. Inbound: Inbound call only
        2. Manual: Outbound call
        3. Preview: Outbound call with preview options to view customer numbers that are dialed by the system
        4. Progressive: Outbound calls that are dialed sequentially by the system
        5. Blended: Agent who can handle both Inbound and Outbound calls
    4. Click Save. You have now successfully added an agent.
    5. Copy the following to a Notepad or a document.
      1. Agent Id 
      2. Password

    Step 5: Adding a Phone Number


    Follow these steps to add an agent’s phone device’s phone number:

    1. Go to the CloudAgent homepage.
    2. Under Configurations, click Phone Numbers.
    3. Click the + icon (Add Phone Number) on the top right corner of the screen to add a phone number.
    4. Enter or select the information below.
      1. Name - Name of the Agent.
      2. Phone Number - Agent’s phone device’s phone number.
      3. Priority - Agent Priority is based on skill level as to whom the inbound call should land first. Priority 1 is the highest.
      4. Skills - List of skills available to the Agent for this Campaign.
    5. Click Save. You have now successfully added an agent’s phone device’s phone number.
    6. Copy the Phone Number to a Notepad or a document.

    Phase 2: Ozonetel Integration with Vtiger CRM

    Integrating Ozonetel phone call gateway with Vtiger CRM requires:

    • Step 1: Ozonetel Configuration in Vtiger CRM
    • Step 2: Integrating Ozonetel with Vtiger CRM

    Step 1: Ozonetel Configuration in Vtiger CRM

    This step is configured in the Vtiger CRM Phone Configuration and My Preferences page.


    Follow these steps to configure Ozonetel in Vtiger CRM:
    Note: You will have to enter the copied API Key, etc.

    1. Login to your CRM account.
    2. Click the User Menu.
    3. Click Settings.
    4. Look for Extensions.
    5. Click Phone Configuration.
    6. Click +Add Gateway.
    7. Under Gateway, select Ozonetel.
    8. Enter or select information for the following fields: 
      1. Gateway Status  - Select Active.
      2. Default Gateway - Select Yes.
      3. API Key - Paste the copied API Key.
      4. Username - Paste the copied Username.
      5. Your Caller ID - Paste the copied DID.
      6. status_callback - URL is displayed by default.
      7. incoming_callback - URL is displayed by default.
        1. Note: Copy the above URLs to a Notepad or a document. 
      8. Country - Select your country.
        1. When you choose a country, the calls populate that country's phone code. For example, if you select India, +91 is taken to generate the calls.
        2. If you keep the field blank, calls can be triggered with all other providers, and the codes will auto-populate.
        3. If you select “ALL”, the CRM allows all types of country codes to do a call.
        4. If you configure the same country in multiple gateway fields, the CRM displays all the providers configured with the same country code. You can choose any of the gateways to generate a call.
    9. Click Save. If the Ozonetel gateway was added successfully, the Success message is displayed.

    1. Click your Profile icon in Vtiger CRM.
    2. Click My Preferences.
    3. Under Phone Preferences, paste the copied Agent ID for Ozonetel Extension.
    • The Agent ID value should be configured in the Other Email field under Employee information on the My Preferences page.
    • The Home Phone should be Ozonetel Outbound Campaign value.

    Step 2: Integrating Ozonetel with Vtiger CRM

    Follow these steps to integrate  Ozonetel with Vtiger CRM:

    1. Log in to the CloudAgent homepage.
    2. Click Edit Profile. You will be directed to the Edit User screen.
    1. System Settings > Callback URL - Paste the copied status_callback URL (copied from Vtiger CRM).
    2. Click Save.
    3. Click the Campaigns tab on the top left corner of the screen.
    4. Select Inbound Campaigns.
    5. Click your Inbound Campaign. You will be directed to the Edit Inbound Campaign screen.
    1. Enter or select the following:
      1. Hit ScreenPop URl At: Select Client&Server from the drop-down. 
      2. ScreenPop URL field: Paste the copied incoming_callback URL (copied from Vtiger CRM) and add &CallerID= at the end of the URL.
    2. Click Save.
    If the ScreenPop URL was successfully saved, the following success message is displayed: Campaign Outbound has been updated successfully.

    Configuring Ozonetel Agent Login

    After you have successfully integrated Ozonetel, you must configure the Ozonetel Agent Login portal for agents to use Ozonetel to make phone calls in Vtiger CRM.

    Follow these steps to configure agent details in the Ozonetel Agent Login portal:

    1. Go to Ozonetel Portal. You will be directed to the login screen.
    2. Select Agent Login. You will be directed to the Agent Portal.
    1. Enter the following details: You will be directed to the Agent Login page.

      1. Customer - Ozonetel username (same as Admin Login account)
      2. Agent Id - Agent Email ID
      3. Phone Number - Agent’s phone device’s phone number
      4. Pin  - Agent Password
    1. Click the Status tab on the top left corner of the screen.
    2. Select Ready.
    3. Click the Inbound tab on the top left corner of the screen.
    4. Select Blended.

    Note: While making phone calls using Ozonetel in Vtiger CRM, the agent should always be logged in to the Ozonetel Agent Login page.

    Placing Outgoing Phone Calls

    In this section, let us learn how an agent can call customers using Ozonetel in Vtiger CRM.

    Follow these steps to place a phone call using Ozonetel in Vtiger CRM.

    1. Login to your CRM account.
    2. Click the Main Menu.
    3. Go to Essentials.
    4. Go to Contacts (or any module where you want to place a phone call).
    5. Go to the contact record to whom you want to place a phone call.
    1. Hover your mouse on the contact record and click the phone icon.


    1. Click on the phone number of a contact under the Phone column in the List View. You will be directed to the below pop-up.

    1. The section on the left displays a message that a call is now connecting to the agent’s phone device.
    1. You will receive the above notification alerting the agent to receive the call on his/her phone device.
    2. Once the agent receives the call, the call is connected to the contact. The Agent and the customer can now have a phone conversation.

    You have now successfully placed an outgoing phone call using Ozonetel in Vtiger CRM.

    Receiving Incoming Phone Calls

    In this section, let us learn how an agent can receive incoming calls in Vtiger CRM using Ozonetel.

    Pop-up messages notify you about incoming calls. Incoming calls are matched with the customers (contact, lead, organization, or vendor records) in the CRM by matching caller numbers with numbers in the CRM. 

    • If a matching number exists, then the contact/lead/organization/vendor’s name is displayed in the pop-up.
    • If a matching number does not exist, you are prompted to enter the caller's email ID in the pop-up to create a new contact record.
    • You can use Vtiger’s API to assign an incoming call from a known contact to the agent assigned to the Contact. It will help you receive and assign Ozonetell calls to an agent assigned to the caller (Contact). If the owner of a contact record is unavailable, the call is routed back to the support team.

    Follow these steps to receive an incoming call using Ozonetel in Vtiger CRM.

    1. Login to your CRM account.

    1. Once a customer calls, the agent receives it on their phone device. A pop-up in the CRM displays the call status as ringing.

    1. Once the agent receives the call, a pop-up in the CRM displays the call status as in progress.
    2. The Agent and the customer can now have a phone conversation.

    You have now successfully received an incoming phone call using Ozonetel in Vtiger CRM.

    If you have multiple agents manning phone calls, say a customer care team, then the incoming call pop-up is displayed to all the agents who have configured the extension number in their Preferences. When an agent answers a call, the pop-up disappears for other agents.

    From the incoming call pop-up, you can:

    • Search/Create a contact if there is no matching contact for an incoming call.
    • Create a deal or a case from the incoming call pop-up.
    • Transfer calls to other Agents.
    • Add call notes.

    Also, you can view recent call logs in related touchpoints of the contact’s record.

    Phone Call Status Values

    Call status values define the status of the calls being handled. You can see the following call statuses in the CRM.

    • Ringing: For inbound calls - before the call is routed.
    • In-progress: For inbound calls - after an agent or a rep picks up the call. For outbound calls, when a rep initiates a call.
    • Completed: For inbound and outbound calls - after a call is completed.
    • Hang-up: For inbound calls - if a customer hangs up the call before it is routed to a rep.
    • No-answer: For an outbound call - when it is not answered, and there is no voicemail.
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