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Can I export comments in the form of a report?

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Yes, you can. Follow these steps to generate a report on comments:
  1. Click the Menu icon.
  2. Go to Dashboard.
  3. Click Reports.
  4. Click Add Report.
  5. Enter the report name, select a report folder, and the primary module as Comments.
  6. Click Save and Continue.
  7. Enter the following details:
Report Details: Choose what data to show and how to group report data.
  1. Click the Report Properties tab.
  2. Select fields under Group by Rows and Group by Columns, based on which report data will be grouped or sorted.
  3. Select Data Fields to display in the report.
Filters: Add conditions and filter comments. 
  1. Click the Filters tab.
  2. Set up All Conditions if you want to apply multiple conditions and all of them must be satisfied to pull data for the report.
  3. Set up Any Conditions if you want to apply multiple conditions and at least one of them must be satisfied to pull data for the report.
Charts: Select a chart type to generate the report.
  1. Click the Charts tab.
  2. Select Chart Type and chart sub-type.
  3. Enter Chart Properties.
  1. Click Save and Run. The report will be generated.
  2. Click the Export button located on the top right corner of the report.
  3. Pick a format:
  1. Export CSV to download the report in .csv format 
  2. Export Excel to download the report in .xlsx format
The report will be downloaded in the selected format.

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