Home  >   FAQs   >  I am a Vtiger CRM open-source user. How can I install the Vtiger component in Exchange Connector?

I am a Vtiger CRM open-source user. How can I install the Vtiger component in Exchange Connector?

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Open-source users need to follow these steps to install the Vtiger component:
  1. Download the Vtiger component file (version 6.4.0) in zip format.
  2. Extract the zip file to the root folder of the Vtiger source.
  3. Run ExchangeConnectorSetup.php from your browser. For instance, if you open Vtiger on the browser with the URL, you need to run
After this, a new module called Exchange connector is installed in your CRM account. You can locate it in Settings > Integration.
To learn more about Exchange Connector, click here.
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