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How can I fix the errors in Exchange Connector?

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Are you having issues with the Exchange Connector? All you have to do is run the Monitor.exe file shipped along with the Exchange Connector package. 
Here is the path to locating the Monitor.exe file:
  1. Go to the path where Exchange Connector is installed. 
  2. Click on the Monitor folder and locate the Monitor.exe file.
  3. Execute the Monitor.exe file. 
As a result, a log file in text format is generated. 
You must forward the file to support@vtiger.com. This will help us in figuring out what went wrong. 
Here is the path to locate the log file:
  1. Go to the path where the Exchange Connector is installed.
  2. Click the Vtiger Exchange Plugin.
  3. Go to Logs.
  4. Click the log.txt file.
  5. Click the checkbox beside Enable Logging.
To know more about Exchange Connector, click here.
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