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What is the use of Chat tabs in MS Teams?

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From the Chat tab in Teams, you can send commands to Vtiger Bot to retrieve information from CRM.
The commands listed below are supported in Vtiger Bot:
  1. My Agenda - You will see upcoming meetings for the day.
  2. Search Contacts - You can search for a contact by First or Last Name, Phone number, or Email address of a contact. If multiple matches are found, Vtiger will return the one created first. For example, Search Contact John, Search Contacts john@testemail.com, etc.
  3. Search Deals - You can search for a deal only by its Deal name. If multiple matches are found, Vtiger will return the one created first. For example, Search Deal Grasspods.
 Similarly, you can fetch a record from other modules like Cases, Tasks, etc., using the command Search .

To learn more about MS Teams integration, click here.
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