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How can I create a Teams Meeting from the Web Chats module?

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Follow these steps to create a Teams meeting from the Web Chats module:
  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to the Help desk.
  4. Select Web Chats.
  5. In the live chat console, click on any conversation.
  6. Click on the More icon on the top right of the conversation.
  7. Select the Schedule Conference option in the dropdown.
  8. Fill in the following details in the Schedule Conference window:
    • Subject 
    • Activity Type - Teams Meeting
    • Start Date
    • Start Time 
    • Duration 
  9. Click Add.
  10. You can send the Teams Meeting link from:
    • the conversation in Web Chats
    • an Email compose window
To learn more about MS Teams integration, click here.
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