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How do I obtain the API Key, Auth URL, and Token URL from the Constant Contact portal?

Table of Contents
To obtain the API Key, Auth URL, and Token URL from the Constant Contact portal, you need to:
  • Step 1: Creating an Application in Constant Contact Developer Portal
  • Step 2: Retrieving the API Key and Client Secret and Input the Redirect URI
  • Step 3: Retrieving the Auth URL and Token URL
Step 1: Creating an Application in Constant Contact Developer Portal
Follow these steps to create an Application in the Constant Contact Developer Portal:
  1. Log in to your Constant Contact Developer Portal account. You will be directed to the My Applications screen.
  2. Click New Application.
  3. Enter a name for your application In the New Application field.
  4. Under Application OAuth2 Settings:
    1. For OAuth2 flows supported, choose Authorization Code Flow and Implicit Flow.
    2. For refresh token types, we recommend choosing Rotating Refresh Tokens. You can also choose Long Lived Refresh Tokens based on your preferences. 
  5. Click Save. This will take you to your Application window.
Step 2: Retrieving the API Key and Client Secret and Input the Redirect URI
Follow these steps to retrieve the API Key, Client Secret, and the Redirect URL:
  1. In your Application window, under App Details:
  2. Copy the API Key by clicking the Copy icon to a Notepad or a document.
  3. To retrieve the Client's Secret:
    1. Click the Generate Secret button. This will take you to the App Secret window.
    2. Click Generate Secret.
    3. Copy the App Secret by clicking the Copy icon on a Notepad or a document. 
    4. Note: The App Secret is displayed only once. Hence we recommend saving it carefully.
  4. In the Redirect URI field, enter the following mandatory Vtiger CRM Redirect URI https://oauthredir.od1.vtiger.com/
Step 3: Retrieving the Auth URL and Token URL
Follow these steps to retrieve the Auth URL and Token URL:
  1. In your Application window, under OAuth2 Settings:
    1. Copy the Auth URL (request to initiate authorization) to a Notepad or a document.
    2. Copy the Token URL (request for bearer tokens) to a Notepad or a document.
  2. Under Your App's Public Description, enter your App Logo URL and App Description if required.
  3. Click Save. 
You have now completed Constant Contact Configuration.

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