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How can I log in to the Vtiger Outlook add-in?

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Once you have installed the add-in, it will appear in your Outlook emails. When you click on the Vtiger for Outlook gadget, it will open the Vtiger CRM window.
Follow these steps to log in to add-in:
  1. Log in to your Outlook.
  2. Open an email.
  3. Click the Vtiger for Outlook gadget on the top right of the email. The Vtiger CRM pop-up appears on the right.
  4. Here you can do two things:
    1. Sign Up if you don’t have Vtiger credentials
      1. Click Sign Up
      2. Enter the relevant details.
      3. Click Save.
    2. Sign In if you have Vtiger credentials
      1. Click Get Started.
      2. Enter your Vtiger CRM credentials.
      3. Click Login.
Once you log in, you will get access to your CRM via the Vtiger add-in from your Outlook. You have to open an email and click the Vtiger add-in to view the details.
To know more about Office 365 integration, click here.
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