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How do I know when a subscription is activated?

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To understand the process of activation, read the following steps:
  • Initially, when a subscription is created, its status is set to Activation Pending until the customer enters their account details in the payment link sent to them via email.
  • Depending on the Subscription Scheduler: 
    • An invoice record is created with the status Auto-created
    • A payment record is created with the status Pending
  • You can find related payments and invoices under the One View widget of the Summary View of the Subscription record.
  • After your customer configures their payment details in Authorize. Net gateway, the subscription status changes to Active.
  • Vtiger CRM will then process the transaction and receive the payment amount from the customer’s account on the specified billing date.
  • On the specified billing date, Vtiger CRM will process the transaction and receive payment from the customer’s account.
To know more about Subscriptions, click here.
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