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How do I add questions to exercises and quizzes?

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In this section, let us learn how to add a question
Note: Keep your questions and answers ready in a Google Document, Notepad, Word Document, etc.  

Follow these steps to add a question:
  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Questions.
  5. Click +Add Question.
  6. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Question Type - You can select and/or add questions in any of the below formats.
      1. Textarea - This is a question and answer format requiring the instructor to review and assess student responses. 
        1. Enter your question - Type your question in the textbox.
      2. Radio – Multiple choice question with radio buttons for selection.
        1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
        2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
        3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
        4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
      3. Checkbox - Multiple choice questions with checkboxes for selection. 
        1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
        2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
        3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
        4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
      4. Dropdown - Multiple choice questions with a drop-down for selection. 
        1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
        2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
        3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
        4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
      5. AgreeDisagree - Questions with five agree/disagree options. 
        1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
        2. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down options (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
      6. File Upload - This is a question and answer format requiring the instructor to review and assess student responses. Students will have to upload answers in any file format.
        1. Enter your question - Type your question in the textbox.
    2. Scope - Select one of the following options.
      1. Exercise - If you want the question to be available only for the exercise.
      2. Quiz - If you want the question to be available only for the quiz.
      3. Exercise & Quiz - If you want the question available for both the exercise and quiz.
    3. Difficulty Level - Select one of the following difficulty levels for questions:
      1. Easy
      2. Medium
      3. Hard
Note: Choosing a difficulty level for a question will automate the weightage% for it. The automated weightage% is the maximum score% allotted for the question.
  1. Course - Select or create the course you are creating the question for.
  2. Concept - Select or create the concept you are creating the question for.
  3. Assigned To - Owner of the question.
  1. Click Save.
You have now successfully added a question.

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