FAQs in this section
What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?
Benefits of using Vtiger LMS
What are Vtiger CRM LMS interfaces?
What are Vtiger LMS accessibility rules?
What are the features of the LMS?
What are LMS benefits?
What is the Feature Availability for LMS?
What are the Instructor Console modules?
What are the features of the Instructor Console?
What is the process of publishing a course using the Instructor Console?
What is the Course module in LMS?
What are courses?
What is the process of publishing a course?
How do I add a course?
How do I publish a course?
What are concepts?
How do I add a concept?
How do I generate Embed URL for videos published on YouTube or Vimeo?
How do I customize a course category?
How do I create a course completion certificate?
What are Exercises?
What are the types of exercise questions?
What are exercise features?
How do I add Exercises to a Concept?
How do I view responses, review, and allot scores for exercise questions?
How do I view Exercises and their actions for a course?
What are the actions you can perform from Exercises View of a course?
How do I link an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
How do I add an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
How do I view an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
How do I edit an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
How do I unlink an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
What is a Quiz?
What are quiz questions?
What are quiz features?
How do I create a quiz?
How do I publish a quiz?
What are questions?
What are question types?
How to review responses for questions?
What are question features?
What is Weightage Percentage for a question?
How do I add questions to exercises and quizzes?
What is automated maximum score allocation for a question?
What is automated evaluation?
What is instructor evaluation?
How do I add questions to an Exercise or Quiz type - Fixed?
How do I view selected questions for an exercise or quiz?
What is One View of a course?
What are the actions you can perform in the One View of a course?
How do I link a concept to a course from the One View of a course?
How do I add a concept to a course from the One View of a course?
How do I sort concepts to a course from the One View of a course?
How do I view concepts of a course from the One View of a course?
How do I edit concepts to a course from the One View of a course?
How do I add a certificate to a course from the One View of a course?
How do I edit a certificate to a course from the One View of a course?
How do I duplicate a certificate of a course from the One View of a course?
How do I add a dependency course to a course from the One View of a course?
How do I edit a dependency course of a course from the One View of a course?
What is the LMS Instructor Console?
What is the Course's List View?
What is a video URL?
What is embedding?
What is an embedded video URL in the LMS??
How do I generate an Embed URL for a video saved on an online drive?
How do I create an embed video URL?
What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?
What is Vtiger CRM’s LMS Portal?
What can you do in Vtiger CRM’s LMS Portal?
What are the features of the LMS Portal?
What are LMS Portal student types?
What are the LMS Portal homepage features?
How do I access the LMS Portal?
How should users access the LMS Portal?
How should your customers access the LMS Portal?
How do I sign up for the LMS Portal?
How do I log in to the LMS Portal?
How do I reset your LMS Portal password?
What is the process of completing a course in LMS Portal?
How do I enroll for a course?
How do I complete a course?
How do I complete a concept?
What is the exercise window in LMS Portal?
How do I submit a quiz?
What does the quiz window display?
What are the various exercise and quiz question types and their formats?
How do I answer various exercise and quiz question types?
How are answers submitted for exercise and quiz questions evaluated?
What are the exercise and question types auto-reviewed by LMS?
What are the exercise and question types manually reviewed by instructors?
How do I view responses for an exercise and quiz?
How do I download a course completion certificate?
What are the two main interfaces of Vtiger CRM LMS?
What is the LMS accessibility?
What are the LMS Components?
What is the LMS Tree Structure?
What are the benefits of the Instructor Console?
What are the benefits of LMS?
What is the Instructor Console?
What are the features of the Instructor Console?
How do I install LMS?
What are the steps for publishing a course in the Instructor Console?
What is the List view of courses in Vtiger LMS?
What are courses?
What is the process for publishing a course?
How do I add a course?
How do I publish a course?
How do I view responses for published courses?
What are Concepts?
How do I add a concept?
What are Exercises?
What are exercise questions?
What are the features of an exercise?
How do I add an exercise to a concept?
What are Responses, Review, and Score Allocation for exercise questions?
What is the Exercises View for concepts?
How do I go to the Exercises View of a concept?
What are the actions for an exercise that can be performed in the Exercises View of a concept?
Who can access the LMS Portal, and how?
How do I submit an exercise?
Table of Contents
Follow these steps to submit an exercise:
Please Note:
- Login to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to LMS.
- Look for Modules.
- Click LMS Portal.
- Select a course that you want to complete. The course window opens.
- Click a concept. Exercises will be displayed along with the number of exercises available for the concept.
- Click Exercises. The exercise window opens, displaying:
- A list of exercises available for a concept.
- Exercise details window, displaying:
- Name - Name of the exercise.
- Description - Description if available for the exercise.
- Maximum Points - Maximum points for the exercise.
- Questions - Number of questions for the exercise.
- Take Now - Clicking the Take Now button lets you begin the exercise.
- Click the Take Now button. The exercise begins.
- Answer an exercise question.
- In the exercise question window you can:
- Click > (next icon) to proceed to the next question.
- Click < (previous icon) to go back to the previous question and edit it if required.
- Cancel - Clicking the cancel button will cancel your answers and direct you back to the exercise window.
- View:
- The maximum score% for each question.
- The total number of questions available for the exercise.
- Date and time you are taking up the exercise.
- After answering all exercise questions, click Submit to submit the exercise.
- If you have:
- Exercise question types Textarea and File Upload, the review screen opens displaying the following message, Under Review. Current Score - (you scored _%). You have_answers which are under evaluation, which might increase your score.
- Passed the exercise:
- The success screen is displayed with the success message, Congratulations, You got - (your scored _%).
- Failed the exercise:
- The screen is displayed with the following message, Try Next time, You got - (your scored _%).
- Click the Continue tab. You will be directed back to the exercise window.
- Click the Take Now button to reattempt the exercise.
- Once you complete an exercise, a green tick mark will be displayed beside it in the exercise window.
- For multiple exercises for a concept:
- Click the next exercise (or > beside it) that you want to take up from the list of exercises. The exercise details window opens up.
- Click the Take Now button to take up the exercise.
- Once you complete all exercises for a concept, a green tick mark will be displayed beside it in the course window.
- Click the Next Concept tab to proceed to the next concept or the Next Quiz tab to proceed to the next concept or quiz.
- Click the Previous Concept tab to go back to the previous concept.
Please Note:
1. Maximum Points - Maximum points for the exercise.
For an exercise, from the second attempt onwards, maximum points will be as follows:
- If you pass the first attempt, it will be 0 for the rest of the attempts.
- If you fail the first attempt, it will be the iteration score of the attempts (maximum points for the exercise/number of attempts). For instance, if you fail the first attempt for an exercise with maximum points 100, maximum points for the second attempt will be 50 (100/2 = 50).
2. The maximum score% for each question.
If the maximum score has decimals, it will be rounded off to a whole number.
If the maximum score has decimals, it will be rounded off to a whole number.
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