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How do I create an Expense record in the expenses module in Vtiger CRM?

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Follow these steps to create an Expense record:
  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to the Service Desk app.
  4. Go to the Internal Requests section.
  5. Select Expenses.
  6. Click +Add Expense. An Add Expense window opens.
  7. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Expense Name: Type the Expense Name.
    2. Related To: Select the Related To from the drop-down.
    3. Expense Type: Select the Expense Type from the drop-down.
    4. Assigned To: Select the Assigned To from the drop-down.
    5. Expense Purpose: Select the Purpose from the drop-down.
    6. Expense Status: Select the Status from the drop-down.
    7. Expense Amount: Type the amount and select the currency from the drop-down.
    8. Employee: Please enter 3 or more characters or select the icon to fetch the Employee details.
    9. Expense Details: Type the Expense Details.
  8. Click View Full Form to add additional details.
  9. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Expense Receipt: Click Browse to attach receipts, files, etc.
    2. Event Name: Type the Event name.
  10. Add Description Details.
  11. Click Save. An Approval window opens.
  12. Click Submit for Approvals. 

A created message will be displayed. Once created, you will find it in the Expense module List View.

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