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Engagement Level

This article discusses the customer engagement level in marketing.
Bindu Rekha Babu
13 Dec, 2023 - Updated 7 months ago
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Vtiger CRM gives you the ability to know the Engagement Level of the contact. 

CRM with email campaigning abilities gives you a lot of benefits. One such advantage is that you can create a list by selecting desired Leads and Contacts from your Vtiger CRM account. You send them email campaigns and track results based on the particular list as a whole. However, in some cases, you might need to know the activeness of individual subscribers, i.e., lead or contact.
The Detail View of a lead or a contact record gives you the engagement level that takes into account the number of opens, clicks, unsubscribes, bounces, and complaints.

Note: This feature is only available in the Vtiger CRM On Demand edition.

Follow these steps to track the Engagement level of your contacts:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Go to Essentials.
  3. Go to Contacts (or Leads). The List View opens.
  4. Click the Lead or Contact record for which you want to view the Engagement score. The Summary View opens.
  5. Click the Detail View icon.
  6. Click the List and Campaigns tab on the right. 
You can see all the lists the contact or lead has subscribed to or unsubscribed from.
Campaign history displays the campaigns sent on the current lead or contact record and the engagement level.

Here’s what star ratings on engagement level mean

  • One Star: Email successfully sent
  • Two Star: Email Opened
  • Three Star: Link(s) in email clicked
  • Four Star: Links clicked fewer times
  • Five Star: Links clicked “n” number of times

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