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MYOB Accounting Integration
Table of Contents
MYOB is a tax and accounting software for businesses. MYOB serves as payroll, payments, retail point of sale, CRM, and professional tax solutions provider. It helps you manage your financial transactions, including taxes and invoices.
MYOB for Vtiger CRM
Using MYOB with Vtiger helps you sync MYOB data such as Contacts, Items, and Invoices with Vtiger Contacts, Organization, Products, and Invoices modules, respectively. Vtiger CRM provides multidirectional data sync with MYOB. You can sync data in the following ways:
- Sync from MYOB to Vtiger
- Sync from Vtiger to MYOB
- Sync both ways
When you integrate Vtiger CRM with MYOB, your data flows between both applications, and you can manage your accounting operations right from the CRM.
Benefits of Integration
There are multiple benefits to integrating MYOB Accounting with Vtiger CRM. You can:
- Access your accounting data from the CRM
- Generate reports and gain insights
- Prevent duplication and errors with a single source of data
- Save time by managing your data and tasks from a single app
Integrating MYOB with Vtiger involves the following:
- Installing MYOB from the Extension store
- Configuring or setting up the integration
- Enabling the sync between Vtiger and MYOB for data to flow
In this article, you will learn about all of the above. Shall we begin?
Feature Availability
Click here for the availability of the Salesforce Integration for different editions of Vtiger CRM.
For you to Integrate MYOB accounting with Vtiger CRM:
- You must have an MYOB business account.
- Your business account should be active.
- You must enable MYOB Extension in Vtiger CRM.
Key Terminology
Installing MYOB Accounting
MYOB is a third-party app you must install from Vtiger’s Extension Store. You can install extensions only if you are an Admin user in the CRM.
Follow these steps to install MYOB:
- Log into your CRM account.
- Click the User Menu on the top right corner of the screen.
- Click Add-ons on the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Look for the MYOB extension.
- Click Install.
- Click Yes to confirm the installation.
Once you have installed it successfully, the app will be visible under Add-ons. (Reference)
Let us now learn the configurations to sync MYOB with Vtiger CRM.
Configuring MYOB Sync with Vtiger CRM
For syncing MYOB with Vtiger CRM, let us learn the configurations needed to be mapped appropriately.
MYOB accounting is available for the below modules in Vtiger CRM.
Syncing MYOB Contacts to Vtiger CRM Contacts

- While creating a contact on MYOB, If your customer is a person, you should choose Designation as Individual.
- On MYOB, under the Contacts module, All Contacts with Designation Individuals are synced with Vtiger CRM’s Contacts module.
Follow these steps to sync MYOB Contacts (Individual) to Vtiger CRM’s Contacts module:
- Login to your MYOB account.
- Click Contacts.
- Select Create Contact.
- Under Contact Type, select Customer.
- Under Designation, select Individual.
With this, MYOB Contacts with Designation Individuals are synced to Vtiger CRM’s Contacts module.
Syncing MYOB Contacts to Vtiger CRM Organizations

- While creating a contact on MYOB, If your customer is a company or an organization, you should choose Designation as Company.
- On MYOB, under the Contacts module, All Contacts with Designation Company are synced with Vtiger CRM’s Organizations module.
Follow these steps to sync MYOB Contacts (Company) to Vtiger CRM’s Organizations module:
- Login to your MYOB account.
- Click Contacts.
- Select Create Contact.
- Under Contact Type, select Customer.
- Under Designation, select Company.
With this MYOB Contacts with Designation Company are synced to Vtiger CRM’s Organizations module.
Note: Selecting Contacts with Designation Supplier or Personal will not sync MYOB Contacts with Vtiger CRM.
Syncing MYOB Invoices to Vtiger CRM Invoices

- On MYOB, under the Sales module, Invoices are synced with Vtiger CRM’s Invoices module.
- To sync MYOB Invoices with Vtiger CRM’s Invoices modules you should choose MYOB Invoices with Invoice settings Services and Items.
Follow these steps to sync MYOB Invoices with Vtiger CRM:
- Login to your MYOB account.
- Click Sales.
- Select Create Invoice.
- Click the Settings icon.
- Under Field Layouts, select Services and items.
Note: Selecting Services will not sync MYOB Invoices with Vtiger CRM.
Syncing MYOB Items to Vtiger CRM Products
On MYOB, under Sales, Items are synced with Vtiger CRM’s Products module.
Let us now learn how to configure MYOB Accounting on Vtiger CRM.
Configuring MYOB Accounting for Vtiger CRM
In this section, let us learn how to authenticate and configure MYOB Accounting on Vtiger CRM.
Follow these steps to configure MYOB on Vtiger CRM:
- Step 1: Setting up MYOB on Vtiger CRM modules
- Step 2: Authenticating the MYOB account
- Step 3: Configuring MYOB settings on Vtiger CRM
Note: You will navigate between MYOB and Vtiger CRM screens for the above steps.
Step 1: Setting up MYOB on Vtiger CRM modules
- Log into your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Contacts (Organizations or Products or Invoices)
Note: For instance, we have considered the Contacts module. You can go to any related module where you want to configure MYOB Accounting.
- Click the Sync button.

- The Sync window will open.
- If MYOB were successfully installed, it would be visible in the Sync window.
- You can also see the Sync Log and Settings beside MYOB in this window.
- Clicking Sync Log directs you to the MYOB Sync Log page.
- Clicking Settings directs you to the MYOB settings page for the Contacts module.
- There are multiple ways to go to the Settings page. You can click Settings to go to the Settings page from here. Or, you can go to the Sync Log page > Settings to access the Settings page.
- Click Settings for configuring MYOB accounting.
Step 2: Authenticating the MYOB account

- You will be directed to the MYOB Pre Sync Settings screen. Under Pre Sync Settings:
- In the Sync Records From field, choose the time span you want to sync records from.
- Enter the Company File.
Retrieving the Company File:

Follow these steps to retrieve and input the Company File:
- Login to your MYOB account.
- On the MYOB Home screen, copy the Company ID in the MYOB essential URL from the address bar as shown below. (to a Notepad or a document).
- Go back to Vtiger CRM Contacts Module>MYOB Pre Sync Settings page.
- Paste the Company ID in the Company File field on the MYOB Pre Sync Settings page.
Step 3: Configuring MYOB settings on Vtiger CRM

- You will be directed to the MYOB Settings screen.
- You need to enter or select the following information for configuring MYOB settings:
- System Settings
- Sync Settings
- Tax Sync Settings
- Inventory Accounts Sync Settings
- Organizations Sync Settings
- Contacts Sync Settings
- Products Sync Settings
- Invoices Sync Settings
- In the System Settings section, add or select the following information:
- Debug Mode - Lets you enable/disable storing synced data in Debug Log.
- Background Sync Frequency - Select the duration for Background Sync Frequency.
- In the Sync Settings section, add or select your:
- Default Sales Account
- Default Purchase Account
- Default Selling Tax
- Default Buying Tax
- Default empty Tax
- MYOB Contact Sale Layout
- MYOB Contact Invoice Delivery
- In the Tax Sync Settings section, select the following information:
- Sync Direction - You can choose the way you want to sync data in the following ways:
- Sync from Service to Vtiger - Sync from MYOB to Vtiger
- Sync from Vtiger to service - Sync from Vtiger to MYOB
- Sync both ways - Sync from MYOB to Vtiger and Vtiger to MYOB
- Enable Tax Sync - Enable it if you want to sync data from MYOB for the Contacts module else, disable it.
- The Sync Direction settings, as illustrated above, remain the same for the Inventory Accounts Sync Settings, Organizations Sync Settings, Contacts Sync Settings, Products Sync Settings, and Invoices Sync Settings.
- Enable Inventory Accounts Sync, Organizations Sync, Contacts Sync, Products Sync, and Invoices Sync if you want to sync data from MYOB for the Services, Organizations, Contacts, Products, and Invoices modules, respectively else, disable them.
Configuring MYOB Accounting for the Vtiger procedure remains the same for all the related modules.
Next Step - Syncing (Mapping) Fields between Vtiger CRM and MYOB.
Syncing MYOB Data with Vtiger CRM
After the MYOB Accounting configuration on Vtiger is successful, you can sync MYOB data with Vtiger CRM.
Follow these steps to sync data between MYOB and Vtiger:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Contacts(Organizations, Products, or Invoices).
Note: For instance, we have considered the Contacts module. You can go to any related module whose data you want to sync.

- Click the Sync button. The Sync window will open.
- If MYOB were successfully installed, it would be visible in the Sync window.
- Click Sync Log. You will be directed to the MYOB Settings page.
- Click Sync Now to sync data between MYOB and Vtiger.
- The MYOB-Sync log will display sync results (in numbers) - the modules that were successfully synced for the available records.

- Clicking on the numbers, you will be directed to the Source Module and Record Name. Clicking the Record name, you will be directed to the respective Contact record.
Once synced, you can view the Contact record by going to the Contacts module.
Syncing data between MYOB and Vtiger procedure remains the same for all the related modules.
Let us now understand the MYOB-Sync Log screen.
MYOB-Sync Log
The MYOB-Sync Log screen displays:
- Information on sync status - Records can be in the following statuses:
- Created - Contacts, Products (Items), and Invoice records that have been created and saved on MYOB.
- Updated - Contacts, Products (Items), and Invoices records that have been updated and saved on MYOB.
- Skipped - Contacts, Products (Items), and Invoices records that have been created and saved on Myob with few mandatory fields on MYOB and mapped Vtiger fields empty.
- Debug Log - Clicking the Debug Log button displays the data sync(both ways) information in the form of logs.
- Revoke Access - Clicking the Revoke Access button stops the sync between MYOB and Vtiger for the specific module.
- Syn Now - Clicking the Sync Now button syncs data between MYOB and Vtiger for the specific module.
- Sync Log - Clicking the Sync Log button, you will be directed to the MYOB Sync Log page.
Let us now understand MYOB Tax management with Vtiger CRM
Understanding MYOB Taxes
Let us learn MYOB Items and Invoices Tax Management with Vtiger CRM.
MYOB Items and Invoices have two optional Tax types such as:
- Tax Inclusive
- Tax Exclusive
MYOB Items Tax Types

MYOB Items Tax types are mapped with the Vtiger CRM Products module.
Follow these steps to understand MYOB Invoices Tax types with Vtiger CRM:
- Click Sales.
- Select Items.
- Click the Create item button.
- Under Selling, under Selling price is, when you choose the Tax type:
- Tax-inclusive - In Vtiger CRM, in the Products module, in the Detailed View of the Product record under MYOB Information, the Tax-inclusive field is checked by default.
- Tax exclusive - In Vtiger CRM, in the Products module in the Detailed View of the Product record under MYOB Information, the Tax exclusive field is unchecked by default.
MYOB Invoices Tax Types
MYOB Invoices Tax types are mapped with the Vtiger CRM Invoices module.
Follow these steps to understand MYOB Invoices Tax types with Vtiger CRM:
- Click Sales.
- Select Create Invoice.
- Click the Settings icon.
- Under Field Layouts, select Services and items.
- Under Amounts, when you choose the Tax type:

- Tax-inclusive - in Vtiger CRM, in the Invoices module, in the Detailed View of the Invoice record:
- Under Invoice Details, the Tax Inclusive field is checked by default.
- Under Item Details, the Unit Selling Price field is synced with the Unit price field on the MYOB Invoice. The price displayed here includes the tax amount.
- Under Item Details, the MYOB Tax Total field is synced with the Tax field on the MYOB Invoice.
- Under Item Details, the Grand Total field is synced with the Total field on the MYOB Invoice. The price displayed here includes the tax amount.
- Tax exclusive - In Vtiger CRM, in the Invoices module in the Detailed View of the Invoice record:
- Under Invoice Details, the Tax Inclusive field is unchecked by default.
- Under Item Details, the Unit Selling Price field is synced with the Unit price field on the MYOB Invoice. The price displayed here excludes the tax amount.
- Under Item Details, the MYOB Tax Total field is synced with the Tax field on the MYOB Invoice.
- Under Item Details, the Grand Total field is synced with the Total field on MYOB Invoice. The Grand Total price displayed here varies from the Total price as it is excluding the tax amount.
Note: The above-mentioned tax amount differences on Vtiger CRM and MYOB are because Vtiger CRM Products and Invoices are always designed to be Tax exclusive. But on MYOB you can choose Items and Invoices to be either Tax inclusive or Tax exclusive.
Let us now learn the Field Mapping for Vtiger CRM MYOB Accounting.
Field Mapping
For data to sync properly between Vtiger CRM and MYOB, the fields in the CRM need to match the fields in MYOB. Field mapping enables this process to occur smoothly.
Improper or incomplete mapping is the reason why the sync process 'skips' a few records and these records won’t be updated. For example, a mandatory field in MYOB might have data, and the mapped non-mandatory field in Vtiger might be empty. In this case, the sync process will not be successful.
The following tables display the modules and respective fields in MYOB that are mapped to the modules and fields in Vtiger CRM.
Synchronization for the Contacts module
Synchronization for the Organizations module
Synchronization for the Products module
Note: Is Sold, Is Bought and Tax Inclusive fields on Vtiger CRM remain unchecked if I sell this item (Selling), I buy this item (Buying) and Tax inclusive (Selling) fields on MYOB remain unchecked and vice versa.
Synchronization for the Invoices module
MYOB Limitations
- Only Individual(Item taxes) Tax mode must be used in Vtiger CRM to sync Vtiger Invoices with MYOB.
- Only MYOB-created taxes must be used in Invoices for Vtiger CRM records.
- Only one tax must be used for Invoices records in Vtiger CRM.
- Only Item level discounts must be used in Vtiger CRM Invoices.
- Invoices with negative adjustments will be skipped. Only positive adjustments will be synced to MYOB.
- MYOB Invoices should be linked to Vtiger CRM Contacts or Organizations, else Invoices will be skipped.
- Vtiger CRM Invoices with taxes on charges value will not sync to MYOB.
- Only MYOB-created Sales account must be used in Vtiger Invoice Item Details.
- All newly created Invoices in Vtiger will be synced to MYOB as Tax exclusive Invoices.