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How do I reset your LMS Portal password?

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Follow the steps to reset your LMS Portal password:

  1. Go to the LMS Portal. 
  2. Click the Log In button. The Welcome Back! window opens.
  3. Click Forgot Password? The Forgot Password window opens. 
  4. In the Email field, enter the email address where you want to receive the reset password link.
  5. Click Send me the link. The pop-up, If the email that you have entered is valid, you will receive an email from us with the Forgot Password link opens.
  6. Click Ok.
  7. Go to the email Inbox of the email address you signed up with.
  8. Open the Learning Management System Sign up Link email from the LMS portal. In case the email is not in the inbox, check the Spam folder.
  9. Click here in the email. The Forgot Password window opens.
  10. Enter the following information:
    1. New Password - Create a new password (As per LMS Portal password standards).
    2. Confirm Password - Re-enter the password.
  11. Click Update Password. If your new password is updated successfully the system displays the notification updated successfully.
  12. Click Ok.

You have now successfully reset your LMS Portal password.

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