- What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?
- Benefits of using Vtiger LMS
- What are Vtiger CRM LMS interfaces?
- Who can access the LMS Portal, and how?
- What are Vtiger LMS accessibility rules?
- What are the features of the LMS?
- What are LMS benefits?
- What is the Feature Availability for LMS?
- What are the Instructor Console modules?
- What are the features of the Instructor Console?
- What is the process of publishing a course using the Instructor Console?
- What is the Course module in LMS?
- What are courses?
- What is the process of publishing a course?
- How do I add a course?
- How do I publish a course?
- What are concepts?
- How do I add a concept?
- How do I generate Embed URL for videos published on YouTube or Vimeo?
- How do I customize a course category?
- How do I create a course completion certificate?
- What are Exercises?
- What are the types of exercise questions?
- What are exercise features?
- How do I add Exercises to a Concept?
- How do I view responses, review, and allot scores for exercise questions?
- How do I view Exercises and their actions for a course?
- What are the actions you can perform from Exercises View of a course?
- How do I link an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
- How do I add an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
- How do I view an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
- How do I edit an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
- How do I unlink an exercise from the Exercises View of a concept?
- What is a Quiz?
- What are quiz questions?
- What are quiz features?
- How do I create a quiz?
- How do I publish a quiz?
- What are questions?
- What are question types?
- How to review responses for questions?
- What are question features?
- What is Weightage Percentage for a question?
- How do I add questions to exercises and quizzes?
- What is automated maximum score allocation for a question?
- What is automated evaluation?
- What is instructor evaluation?
- How do I add questions to an Exercise or Quiz type - Fixed?
- How do I view selected questions for an exercise or quiz?
- What is One View of a course?
- What are the actions you can perform in the One View of a course?
- How do I link a concept to a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I add a concept to a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I sort concepts to a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I view concepts of a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I edit concepts to a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I add a certificate to a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I edit a certificate to a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I duplicate a certificate of a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I add a dependency course to a course from the One View of a course?
- How do I edit a dependency course of a course from the One View of a course?
- What is the LMS Instructor Console?
- What is the Course's List View?
- What is a video URL?
- What is embedding?
- What is an embedded video URL in the LMS??
- How do I generate an Embed URL for a video saved on an online drive?
- How do I create an embed video URL?
- What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?
- What is Vtiger CRM’s LMS Portal?
- What can you do in Vtiger CRM’s LMS Portal?
- What are the features of the LMS Portal?
- What are LMS Portal student types?
- What are the LMS Portal homepage features?
- How do I access the LMS Portal?
- How should users access the LMS Portal?
- How should your customers access the LMS Portal?
- How do I sign up for the LMS Portal?
- How do I log in to the LMS Portal?
- How do I reset your LMS Portal password?
- What is the process of completing a course in LMS Portal?
- How do I enroll for a course?
- How do I complete a course?
- How do I complete a concept?
- How do I submit an exercise?
- What is the exercise window in LMS Portal?
- How do I submit a quiz?
- What does the quiz window display?
- What are the various exercise and quiz question types and their formats?
- How do I answer various exercise and quiz question types?
- How are answers submitted for exercise and quiz questions evaluated?
- What are the exercise and question types auto-reviewed by LMS?
- What are the exercise and question types manually reviewed by instructors?
- How do I view responses for an exercise and quiz?
- How do I download a course completion certificate?
- What are the two main interfaces of Vtiger CRM LMS?
- What is the LMS accessibility?
- What are the LMS Components?
- What is the LMS Tree Structure?
- What are the benefits of the Instructor Console?
- What are the benefits of LMS?
- What is the Instructor Console?
- What are the features of the Instructor Console?
- How do I install LMS?
- What are the steps for publishing a course in the Instructor Console?
- What is the List view of courses in Vtiger LMS?
- What are courses?
- What is the process for publishing a course?
- How do I add a course?
- How do I publish a course?
- How do I view responses for published courses?
- What are Concepts?
- How do I add a concept?
- What are Exercises?
- What are exercise questions?
- What are the features of an exercise?
- How do I add an exercise to a concept?
- What are Responses, Review, and Score Allocation for exercise questions?
- What is the Exercises View for concepts?
- How do I go to the Exercises View of a concept?
- What are the actions for an exercise that can be performed in the Exercises View of a concept?
- What is Vtiger LMS?
- What is Instructor Console accessibility?
- What are the two types of Vtiger LMS users?
- What are the LMS components?
- What is the LMS Tree Structure?
- What is the Instructor Console?
- How to install the LMS?
- What is a video URL?
- What is embedding?
- What is an embedded video URL in the LMS?
- How to create an embed video URL?
- What are the two types of evaluation?
- What is the LMS Instructor Console?
- What is Vtiger LMS?
- What is Vtiger LMS?