Articles in this section
User Guide for Support Managers
User Guide for Calculus AI
User Guide for CRM Administration
User Guide for Sales Managers
User Guide for Marketing
LMS Portal
Publishing an Exercise in LMS
LMS Instructor Console
User Guide - Email Configuration
Publishing a Course in LMS
User Guide for Inventory Management
Using One View for Courses
Adding Questions to Exercises and Quizzes in LMS
Publishing a Quiz
Responses, Reviews, and Score Allocation for Exercises and Quizzes
Adding Questions to Fixed Type Exercises and Quizzes
Publishing a Concept in LMS
Shreya Kulkarni
21 Mar, 2024 - Updated
10 months ago
Table of Contents
What are Concepts?
Concepts are nothing but lessons or chapters that discuss the subject in detail for a course. You can have multiple concepts for a course and a course can have multiple exercises.
After successfully adding a concept, you will see a success message on the top right corner of the screen.
What are Concepts?
Concepts are nothing but lessons or chapters that discuss the subject in detail for a course. You can have multiple concepts for a course and a course can have multiple exercises.
Features of LMS
Using LMS, you can:- Create customized training programs.
- Create a repository of learning content by publishing courses, concepts, exercises, quizzes, and questions anytime.
- Link multiple concepts, exercises, quizzes, and questions for a course.
- Upload embedded video content for courses.
- View automated maximum score allocation for exercise or quiz questions.
- Review answers for exercise or quiz questions submitted by students.
- Allot scores to answers for exercise or quiz questions submitted by students.
- Choose difficulty levels for questions such as Easy, Medium, and Difficult.
- View automated Weightage% allotted for a question based on its difficulty level.
- Customize passing thresholds for exercises and quizzes.
- Activate or inactivate a quiz for a course.
- Add course completion certificates.
Feature Availability
Click here for the availability of the LMS feature for different editions of Vtiger CRM.
Adding Concepts to a Course
Follow these steps to add a concept:- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to LMS.
- Click Concepts.
- Click + Add Concept. The Add Concept window opens.
- Enter or select the following information in the Basic Information section-:
- Concept Name - Name of the concept.
- Assigned To - Owner of the concept.
- Description - Description of the concept.
- Course - Select or create the course you are creating the concept for.
- Embed Video URL - Embed video URL of the concept video.
- Estimation Time - The duration the concept can be completed.
- Click Save.
After successfully adding a concept, you will see a success message on the top right corner of the screen.
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