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User Guide for Marketing

Bindu Rekha Babu
17 Jun, 2024 - Updated 7 months ago
Table of Contents


This document outlines how marketing managers and directors, and those that perform marketing and growth-oriented functions, benefit from using Vtiger for marketing.

The functions of a marketing department vary from organization to organization but usually consist of increasing the number (acquisition), value (up-sell/cross-sell), and average life (retention) of an organization’s customers. Marketers must learn about customer segments, current market demands, customer demands, and needs to execute and optimize programs to find, nurture, and win customers over. 

Here’s how to accomplish that in Vtiger.

Conducting customer research

Information about how customers tick is at the heart of every marketing strategy, plan, or tactic worth its salt. Vtiger provides access to a wealth of that customer information accumulated from sales and customer service engagements with leads and contacts during the course of business. This information includes detailed customer profiles, as well as email exchanges, phone calls, shared documents, purchase histories, and much more. It can help marketers identify new and existing markets to target with campaigns at various stages along the marketing and customer acquisition funnel.

Vtiger has three main report types that help marketers filter through, segment, and analyze customer data for opportunities. Additionally, you can export reports for further analysis in Excel or other BI software:

  • Tabular reports
  • Pivot reports
  • Charts

Creating, launching, and nurturing campaigns

Once a campaign opportunity has been identified, marketers can create a range of campaigns across the marketing funnel to capitalize on it. Whether it consists of analog campaigns like a conference or a newspaper ad, digital initiatives like a new landing page on your website with a contact form, or an email campaign to nurture past customers, Vtiger can help you get it done. You can also use CRM tools to measure your campaigns' effectiveness so you can grow. 

Vtiger Tools for Marketing 

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