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Gmail Go-To Actions

In this article you will learn about the Gmail Go-To Actions feature with Vtiger CRM!
Shreya Kulkarni
22 Dec, 2022 - Updated 2 years ago
Table of Contents


Go-To Actions is a user-friendly Gmail feature. It allows users to easily execute assigned actions with just a single click on Action buttons or Inbox Actions. It conveniently displays action details within Gmail Inbox. It also lets users access the Actions buttons multiple times.

What Are Actions? 

Actions enable users to interact with your product or service right inside Gmail. For instance, when you send a notification that a magazine subscription is about to expire, you can present the option to renew it right from the notification.

Actions can be declared in two ways: as In-App Actions or as Go-To Actions. Multiple types of actions are currently supported. Go-To Actions take the user to your website where the action can be completed. Unlike One Click Actions, go-to actions can be interacted with multiple times.

How does Gmail Go-To Actions work with Vtiger CRM?  

Note: This feature is available for only those who have added their Gmail accounts as their primary email in Vtiger CRM.

  • In Vtiger CRM, a notification is triggered for the customer’s primary gmail account:
    • By default for:
      • Email verifications
      • Approvals.  
    • When you set up email as the Alert channel for Activity Alerts and Smart Alerts.

To know more about activity alerts and smart alerts in Vtiger CRM click here.

  • An Actions button is added to the emails that are a part of the Inbox (List View).
  • When the email user clicks the Actions button, respective activities are executed without the user having to leave the email. 
  • The label of a Go- To Actions button automatically takes the label of the action to be performed. For example, ‘View Case’.

Benefits of Gmail Go-To Actions

  • Helps users accomplish their tasks within Gmail only.
  • Saves time for users.
  • Avoids implementation effort.

Feature Availability

Click here for the availability of the Gmail Go-To Actions for different editions of Vtiger CRM.

 Key Terminology 

Go-To Actions

Are the Gmail inbox actions or buttons that provide a direct link to the page where a specific action has to performed. Clicking the button redirects you to the page specified in the action definition within Gmail.

Activity and Smart Alerts

Activity and smart alerts notify you of all the coming up, overdue, and completed events and tasks. They can be a call, a meeting, an onsite event, a pending task, etc.


Is the process of verifying CRM emails or group mailboxes of new users.


Businesses have processes that require approvals by managers, or other team members. Process owners can set up approval processes using Vtiger Approvals.

Gmail Go-To Actions for Vtiger CRM

Gmail Go-To Actions provides Actions buttons for emails notifying CRM actions assigned to you. Clicking the Actions button, you can directly execute the action within Gmail.

What are Action buttons?

An Action button is a button provided for an email on your Inbox indicating the action assigned to you. Clicking it you can directly execute the action without going to the email’s Detailed View or exiting Gmail.

 In Vtiger CRM, Gmail Go-To Actions feature is available for the following emails:

  1. Activity and Smart Alerts - Emails notifying activity alerts and smart alerts.
  2. Verifications - Emails notifying user and group mailbox verifications.
  3. Approvals - Emails notifying approval requests.


To use Gmail Go-To Actions for activity and smart alert emails you must enable Email as the Alert Channel. To learn how to enable email as the alert channel for activity alerts and smart alerts click here.

Using Gmail Go-To Actions in Vtiger CRM

In this section let us learn how to use Gmail Go-To Actions for activity and smart alert, verification and approval emails.

Go-To Actions for Activity and Smart Alert emails

In Vtiger CRM, Go-To Actions displays the activity and smart alerts assigned to you  directly from your Inbox. The actions button displays the action the email recipient needs to take. For example, View Contact, View Case, etc. Clicking the action button will direct the email recipient to the respective CRM record, without going into the email message or exiting Gmail.

Example: View Contact

To understand the concept of actions buttons for activity alerts and smart alerts, we have considered the example of an email notification when a contact is assigned to you. You can go to any activity or smart alert notification in your Inbox. The actions button automatically takes the label of View Contact. 

Follow these steps to use the actions button for activity and smart alert emails:

  1. Login to your CRM Gmail account.

  1. In your Inbox, go to a smart alert with a contact assigned to you.

Note: For instance, we have considered a smart alert with a contact record  assigned. You can go to any activity or smart alert email.

  1. Click the View Contact button. You will be directed to the Contact record assigned to you on CRM.

You have now successfully viewed a contact record assigned to you on CRM using Gmail Go-To Actions.

Note:  The above illustration remains the same to access the Actions buttons for all activity and smart alert emails.

Go-To Actions for Verification emails

In Vtiger CRM, Go-To Actions lets you verify CRM emails or group mailboxes directly from your Inbox. Clicking the Verify actions button will direct you to the verification screens for emails or group mailboxes, without  having to go to the email’s details  or exit Gmail.

Follow these steps to use the verify actions button:

  1. Login to your CRM Gmail account.

2. In your Inbox, go to a verification email.

  1. Click the Verify button. If the verification was successful, the system displays a confirmation message.  

Note: For Vtiger Inbox verification emails, clicking Verify you will be directed to the CRM Inbox.

You have now successfully verified a verification email on CRM using Gmail Go-To-Actions.

Go-To Actions for Approval emails

In Vtiger CRM, Go-To Actions lets you approve a request directly from your Inbox. For example, clicking the Approve actions button will direct you to the approval screens for various approval requests without having to go to the email’s details or exit Gmail.

Follow these steps to access the approve actions button: 

  1. Login to your CRM Gmail account.

  1. In your Inbox, go to an approval email.

3. Click the Approve button. You will be directed to the Approval screen.
Type your comments in the Approver Note textbox (optional).

5. Click the Approve button to approve the request. If your approval was successful, the system displays a confirmation message.
You have now successfully approved a request on CRM using Gmail Go-To Actions.


Gmail does not support Go-To Actions for emails with attachments.

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