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Reports and Analytics in Vtiger

Learn how to create reports in Vtiger CRM and have all your company data at your fingertips.
7 Mar, 2025 - Updated 21 days ago
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Custom Reports
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Reports display data in an organized manner in the form of tables, graphs, and charts.  Using Vtiger CRM’s reports, your teams can extract data relevant to them from thousands of records. For example, sales teams can use these reports to generate insights and make decisions to improve sales.

You can view or create reports by going to Main Menu > Essentials > Reports. You will land on the List View of Reports. 

Creating a Report

In Vtiger CRM, you can create the following report types:

  • Detailed reports (Granular data in tabular format)
  • Pivot reports (Aggregated data in tabular format)
  • Chart reports (Graphical data)
    • Pie chart  
    • Column chart 
    • Bar chart 
    • Line Funnel chart

You can also create a combination of reports, such as

  • Detailed reports 
  • Detailed and chart reports
  • Pivot reports
  • Pivot and chart reports
  • You also have the choice of creating detailed, pivot, or chart reports by filling out only specific details. For example, you must select pivot columns and data fields to show in the report to create a pivot report.
  • You can change the owner’s name for a report provided you are an Admin user. For example, when an employee leaves a company, you can assign the reports they have generated to a different owner.

Calculations in data fields

Before we start creating a report, let us learn about preset calculations available to satisfy conditions to group data in a report:

  • Sum (SUM) - The sum of data field values
  • Average (AVG) - The average of data field values
  • Minimum (MIN) - The minimum of the data field values
  • Maximum (MAX) - The maximum of the data field values

For example, if you are creating a report on a deal, you can add a data field displaying the sum, average, maximum, or minimum of all deal amounts (Amount field). 

Creating a report

Note:  This process requires you to enter information in four tabs - Details, Properties, Filters, and Charts.

Follow these steps to create a report:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.  
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Reports. The Reports List View opens.
  1. Click +Add Report. The Add Report window opens.  
  2. Enter or select information for all the mandatory data fields:  
  1. Details tab: Enter the basic details of the report.
    1. Report Name - Enter the report name.
    2. Report Folder - Select the folder where you want to place the report. 
    3. Primary Module - Select the primary module on which you want to generate the report.
    4. Related Modules (Max 2) - Choose a maximum of two secondary modules to generate the report.
    5. Description - Enter a small description of your report.
    6. Share Report - Select the users with whom you want to share the report.
    7. Click Next. The Properties tab opens.
b. Properties tab: Choose what data to show and how to group report data. You can see a report preview under this tab, and remove the unwanted column by clicking the X mark. 
  1. Select fields under Group by Row based on which report data will be grouped or sorted.
  2. Select fields under Group by Column based on which report data will be grouped or sorted.
  3. Select Data Fields to display in the report.
  4. Or,
  5. Hold and drag the Data Fields from the list on the left side of the screen into the previewed report.
  6. Note: Select RTE fields in ODATA is restricted.
  7. Click Save and Run to preview the report. 
  8. Or,
  9. Click Next to specify filters and charts.
  10. Enable the My Preferred Currency field to display the report in a column using the selected Preferred Currency (currency code). For example, you can generate a Deal report with values for both the Deal Currency and your Preferred Currency. This will help you analyze the Deal revenue in your preferred currency.
c. Filters tab: Set up All Conditions if you want to apply multiple conditions and all of them must be satisfied to pull data for the report. Set up Any Conditions if you want to apply multiple conditions and at least one of them must be satisfied to pull data for the report.
  1. Click +Add Condition under the required filter.
  2. Select a Field from the drop-down.
  3. Select a Condition from the drop-down.
  4. Enter a Value that satisfies the condition set up.
  5. Click the Delete icon to eliminate a condition.
  6. Click Save and Run to preview the report.​​​​​​
  7. Or,
  8. Click Next to specify the types of charts required in the report.
  9. Charts tab: Select a chart type to generate a report.
    1. Select the Chart Type from the drop-down.
    2. Select the Sub Type if available.
    3. Enter the Chart Title.
    4. Enter the remaining Chart Properties that vary depending on the chart selected.
    5. Click Remove to delete the chart type.
    6. Click Save and Run.

After a report is generated, you can preview records by clicking on them in the tabular format of the report. 
Note: The Record Currency and Record Conversion Rate columns are added to the report by default when a report has a multi-currency field. An example of a multi-currency field is the Amount field in the Deals module.


What are the Group By fields

Group By helps group data based on a single condition in a report. With this, you can avoid multiple rows or duplicate data columns.  

For instance, you create a report on the Contacts module and select First Name and Last Name as the data fields. If you have 10 contacts and two have the same First Name, you can group report data by First Name. In this case, you will see two rows of Last Names with one merged row of First Names. 

Here is how the report data is displayed:

If you select both Group By Row and Group By Column, you must select a Data Field to display in the report. 

For instance, you create a report on the Deals module and select Record Count as the data field. Going further, you select Deal Name under Group By Row and Sales Stage under Group By Column. The report will display the number of deal records per Deal Name and Sales Stage combination. 

Here is an example:

Scheduling a Report

You can schedule a report to run at a fixed time and frequency and receive email updates. Scheduling reports saves you from the trouble of creating the same report regularly to see updates. A scheduled report runs at a fixed frequency on your chosen conditions, also sending you an email. 

Follow these steps to schedule a report:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Reports.
  5. Select and open the report you want to schedule from the List View.
  6. Click the More icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  7. Select Schedule Report.
  8. Fill in the following details:
    1. To - Select the users, groups, or roles to whom you want to send an email.
    2. Cc - Select other users to whom you want to send an email.
    3. Frequency - Select when you want to send the report (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or on a specific date).
    4. Monthly recurrence - Select the dates when you want the report to be updated.
    5. Start Time - This lets you choose when the report must be sent.
    6. File Format - Select the format you want to receive the report (CSV, Excel, or PDF).
    7. Send email even if the report is blank - Sometimes, if the report is blank, enabling this option still sends the report at the scheduled time.
  9. Click Save

Actions Possible on Reports

You can perform the following actions in a report:

  • Duplicate: You can create a separate or duplicate report with the same report content and a different report name using this option.
  • Print: This option allows you to print the entire report.
  • Schedule Report: You can schedule reports at a fixed time and frequency by using this option. Skip to this section to learn more about scheduling reports.
  • Share Report: This option allows you to share the report with your teammates
    • You can now change the conditions for shared Reports pinned to the Dashboard. 
    • Simply click the More icon to view the Show Condition option and apply the conditions. 
    • Note: The conditions are not displayed if you Refresh the page.
  • Export: You can export a report in either CSV or Excel format.
    • Follow these steps to export a report:
      1. Log in to your CRM account.
      2. Click the Main Menu.
      3. Go to Essentials.
      4. Select Reports.
      5. Select and open the report you want to export from the List View.
      6. Click the Export icon on the screen's top right corner.
      7. Choose a format. 

Actions Possible on Charts

To perform actions on a chart, click the ellipsis on the top right. You will see the following options:

  • Edit: You can use this option to edit report details.
  • Post Chart: Use this option to post the chart in a comment and mention a user or a group.
  • Save as Image: This option allows you to download the chart as an image in PNG format.
  • Print: You can print the chart on paper using this option.
  • Pin to Dashboard: This option allows you to pin the chart to one of your dashboards
  • Sort Charts: You can sort data in ascending or descending order for X-axis values. This is available for Pie, Line, Bar, and Column charts and for the following values:
    • Date, 
    • Date & Time
    • Time
    • Integer
    • Decimal
    • Year
    • Month
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