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Targets Add-on

Bindu Rekha Babu
29 May, 2024 - Updated 1 month ago
Table of Contents


The Targets Add-on is designed to help you set achievable goals for your employees within a specific time frame. It enables you to set targets on multiple records or aggregate any numerical field in any module.

Setting Targets

You can set Targets or Quotas:

  • For individual members or a team in the Targets module.
  • For anyone reporting to you or lower in the hierarchy.
  • On a monthly and quarterly basis.

You can set the following three target values in the Targets module:

  • Quota - You can set the target you or your team want to achieve in a month or a quarter. Here, you can assign individual targets and view or modify them.
  • Achieved - This value tells you if the set target was achieved. 
  • Gap - This tells you if there was a gap between the set and achieved targets. 

Targets List View

The Targets module List View displays details of all the Targets you set for individuals and teams. You can find data on the targets set, targets achieved, and the gap between the set and achieved targets. You can also find every month’s progress if monthly targets are set. 

Filters in the List View 

You can apply filters to view the Targets in the Targets module List View. For example, you can view data for monthly and quarterly targets. You can also choose the period between which you want to view the Targets.

Actions in a Target record

When you click on the More icon(three dots) of a Target record, you will find the following actions: 

  • Edit - This allows you to edit a Target record. 
  • Duplicate - This allows you to Duplicate a Target record.
  • Delete - This allows you to delete a Target record.
  • Set as Default - When you enable Set as Default, your Target record will be displayed in the List View of Targets add-on by default.

The following icons are available on the top right corner of the screen:

  • Export - You can export the details of the Target to an Excel sheet by using this icon.
  • Edit - You can edit a Target record by using this icon.
  • Filters - The filter icon allows you to view Target records monthly, quarterly, monthly, and quarterly within a specific time period.


Feature Availability

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Feature Availability
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Click here for the availability of the Targets Add-on and other features for different editions of Vtiger CRM.


Benefits of Targets Add-on

The following are the benefits of the Targets add-on:

  • Improved Focus - Targets provide a clear direction and purpose. They help individuals and teams know precisely what they are working towards, which improves focus and reduces distractions.
  • Motivation and Engagement: Goals give individuals a sense of accomplishment and drive to achieve their desired outcomes.
  • Measurable Progress: This helps track how far you’ve come and provides a sense of accomplishment as you move closer to your goal.
  • Improved Performance: Targets push individuals and teams to perform better.

In this article, you will learn about adding targets for different modules in the CRM, as well as viewing data on the set targets for both teams and individual team members. 



Installing Targets Add-on

The Targets Add-on is available under Extension Store > Add-ons.
Follow these steps to install the Targets Add-on:

  1. Log in to the CRM.

  1. Go to Add-ons. The Add-ons page opens.

  1. Type Targets in the Search bar. The Targets Add-on will appear.
  2. Click Install.

Once installed, you will find the Targets Add-on under Essentials > Others.



Accessing the Targets Add-on

Follow these steps to access Targets Add-on:

  1. ​​Log in to the CRM.
  2. Go to Essentials.
  3. Go to Others.
  4. Select Targets. The Target Add-on screen opens.

When you log in to the Targets module, you land on the Targets List View. It displays three values - Quota, Achieved, and Gap.

Adding Targets

You can add a target by clicking the + icon.
Note: The screen below appears right after you add the Targets add-on but are yet to add targets for your team. You can click the arrow beside the target name displayed if you have added targets. 


Follow these steps to add Targets:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Go to Essentials.
  3. Go to Others.
  4. Click the down arrow below the Targets label.
  5. Select the + sign to add a new Target. The Add Target window opens.
  6. Enter or select information for the following:
    1. Name:  Enter the name of the Target.
    2. Module: Select the module from the drop-down.
    3. Assigned To: Select the name of the employee you assign the target to.
    4. Date Field: Select the date field from the available options. It can have multiple options like Created Time, Modified Time, Opted-out Time, etc.
    5. Value: The data in this field changes depending on the module you select. For example, if you select the Contacts module, the Value field will display Record Count. If you select Deals, the Value field will display options like Record Count, Amount, Weighted Revenue, Scheduled Forecast Total, etc.
    6. Target From: Select the month and the year.
    7. Period: Select the target period as Monthly or Quarterly.
    8. Number of Periods: Select the number of periods for the target.
    9. Group By: Select the Group By option. You group your targets based on the module you select, and the options displayed also change accordingly. For example, if you select Deals, you can group your targets by Sales Stage, Pipeline, Lost Reason, etc,
    10. Choose Target Conditions: Select the following conditions for the target to be added. The conditions listed will also change according to the module selected.
      1. Select All Conditions (All Conditions must be met)
      2. Select Any Conditions (At least one of the conditions must be met)
    11. Sharing: Select the user(s) you want to share the targets with. 
    12. Click Save.
  7. Click Save.

If the target was added successfully, it will appear in the Targets List View. 


In the Targets List View, you can set or revise your team’s quota, export target information, edit a set target, and use Filters to display information.


  • You can set up targets at the product line item field level for Deals, Sales Orders (SO), Quotes, Invoices, etc.
  • With this, a salesperson responsible for selling a product with a target attached to it can achieve the target through Deals, SO, Quotes, or Invoice line items. 
  • You can also set up targets for a group of products or services by using the Group Wise field.  

Targets at Organization and Partner Organization levels

You can set targets at an organizational level for the following options - User, Organization, or Partner Organization. 

For example, if each store can have multiple sales reps on different floors, they may change. Therefore, targets are set at the store level (i.e, Organization).

For Organization, all modules related to organizations are displayed in the measured entity, showcasing 1:N relationships. Measured entities for an organization can include Invoices, Tasks, etc. You can also include organization filters. 

For Partner Organization, all the modules related to Partner Organization are displayed in the Measured Entity. You do not have a User hierarchy if the target set is for an Organization or Partner Organization.

You can also edit and change target values when they are in the running duration.


Actions on Target record

When you click on the More icon(three dots) of a Target record, you will find the following actions: 

  • Edit - This allows you to edit a Target record. 
  • Duplicate - This allows you to Duplicate a Target record.
  • Delete - This allows you to delete a Target record.
  • Set as Default - When you enable Set as Default, your Target record will be displayed in the List View of Targets add-on by default.

The following icons are available on the top right corner of the screen:

  • Export - When you click on the Export icon beside the edit icon, the details of the Target will be exported to an Excel sheet.
  • Edit - You can also click the edit icon present beside Filters on the right side of the screen to edit a Target record.
  • Filters - The filter icon allows you to view Target records monthly, quarterly, monthly, and quarterly within a specific time period.

Editing a Target record

Follow these steps to edit a Target record:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Go to Targets.
  1. Select a Target by clicking the down arrow below the target menu on the left side.
  2. Click More on the target record.
  3. Select Edit. The Targets editing page opens. Make the changes.

  1. Click Save.

Note: You cannot change the module while editing a target record. Other fields can be modified. 

Revising Targets

While you can set Targets or Quotas for individual members or a team, you can also revise them using the Set or Revise Team’s Quota icon. Note: This icon is available only for admin users or those in a managerial role. 

Follow these steps to revise your team’s quota:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Create a Target.
  1. Click Set or Revise Team’s Quota


  1. Add the values in the Set Quota field.
  2. Click Save.

Exporting a Target Record

Follow these steps to edit a Target record:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Go to Targets.

  1. Click the Export icon on the right side. The information will be exported to an Excel sheet.
  1. Click Downloads

  1. Select the Excel sheet. The Excel sheet with all the details opens.

Duplicating a Target record

Follow these steps to edit a Target record:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Go to Targets.
  3. Select a Target by clicking the down arrow below the target menu on the left side.
  1. Click the More (three buttons) on the target record.
  2. Select Duplicate. The Target duplicating page opens. Make the changes.
  3. Edit the name of the record. 
  4. Click Save.

A duplicate record with the updated name will appear under the Target record.
Note: A duplicate record can be created with a different name.

Deleting a Target Record

Follow these steps to edit a Target record:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Go to Targets.
  3. Select a Target by clicking the down arrow below the target menu on the left side.

  1. Click the More(three buttons) on the target record.
  2. Select Delete Target. A confirmation message window opens.
  1. Click Ok. The system displays a target deleted message.

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