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Responses, Reviews, and Score Allocation for Exercises and Quizzes

In this article you will learn how to view responses, reviews, and allocate score for exercises and quizzes.
Shreya Kulkarni
11 Feb, 2025 - Updated 1 month ago
Table of Contents

Responses for Published Exercises or Quizzes 

Once you publish an exercise or quiz and students submit their answers for it in the LMS Portal, you can view responses for it in the Summary View of the exercise or quiz record.

The Responses tab

Follow these steps to view responses for an exercise:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Exercises or Quiz. 
  5. Select a fixed type exercise or quiz. The Summary View opens up.
  6. Click the Responses tab.  Responses for an exercise or quiz lets you view the following details of students who have submitted their answers for the exercise or quiz:
    1. Student Name - Name of the student.
    2. Type - Student type, User, or Contact.
    3. Submission Time - The time the exercise or quiz was submitted. 
    4. Attempted - Number of exercise or quiz questions attempted by the student.
    5. Correct Answers - Number of correct answers.
    6. Answers - Displays the Eye icon. Clicking it you will be directed to the window where you can view:
      1. Question - Exercise or quiz questions.
      2. Answer - Student’s answers to the questions.
      3. Score - Student's score for a question.
      4. Maximum score - The maximum score for a question.
      5. Right Answer - Right answers to the questions.

Note: Responses are available only for published exercises and quizzes.

You have now successfully viewed responses for a published exercise or quiz.

Reviewing Exercises or Quizzes

Once you publish an exercise or quiz and students submit their answers for it in the LMS Portal, you can review and allot scores for it in the Summary View of the exercise or quiz record.

The Review tab

Follow these steps to review for an exercise or quiz:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Exercises or Quiz. 
  5. Select a fixed type exercise or quiz. The Summary View opens up.
  6. Click the Review tab. Review for an exercise or quiz lets you view the following details of the students who have submitted their answers for the exercise or quiz:
    1. Student Name - Name of the student.
    2. Type - Student type, User, or, Contact.
    3. Submission Time - The time the exercise or quiz was submitted. 
    4. Name - Name of the exercise or quiz.
    5. Status - Displays:
      1. Need to Review - If you are yet to review and allot scores for students’ submitted answers to the exercise or quiz questions.
      2. Reviewed - If you have finished reviewing and allotting scores for students’ submitted answers to the exercise or quiz questions.

You have now successfully reviewed an exercise or quiz.

Reviewing and Allotting Scores for Exercises or Quizzes

  Once you publish an exercise or quiz and students submit their answers for it in the LMS Portal, you will receive it for review and allotting scores only if the exercise or quiz questions are of the following question types:
  1. Textarea
  2. File upload

Note: For answers submitted by students for exercise or quiz questions with other question types, LMS auto reviews and allots scores based on the answers selected by the instructor in the Questions module > Answer field.

Need to Review and Score allocation

Follow these steps to review and allot a score for an exercise or quiz:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Exercises or Quiz. 
  5. Select a fixed-type exercise or quiz. The Summary View opens up.
  6. Click the Review tab.  
  7. Under Status, click Need To Review. You will be directed to the exercise or quiz window, where you can view the following:
    1. Questions - Exercise or quiz questions.
    2. Answers - Students' answers to the questions.
    3. Score bar - To allot a score to a student’s answer:
      1. Click the score bar dropdown.
      2. Select a score ranging from 1 - 10.
      3. Click Save.

Note: For an exercise or quiz question, once you review and allot a score for a student’s submitted answer, you will not be able to edit it again. The Status by default changes to Reviewed. 

Note: You can enable or disable the Show Response option in the LMS Quiz. This will help students see the number of correct and wrong answers once they complete the quiz.

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