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WhatsApp Integration with Wablas

In this article, you will learn how to integrate and use Wablas with Vtiger CRM WhatsApp!
Shreya Kulkarni
10 Oct, 2023 - Updated 9 months ago
Table of Contents


Wablas is an API gateway interface that offers WhatsApp API services for businesses. It provides the Wablas Inbox which helps you use a single WhatsApp number for multi-device and agents helping you simultaneously interact with clients. This sends timely messages, notifications, schedulers, reminders, and tracking facilities. Wablas provides various features for easy customer interaction such as WhatsApp rotator,  auto-responder, multi-agents, closing greetings, live chats, auto-reply., etc. 

WhatsApp Integration with Wablas for Vtiger CRM

WhatsApp Integration with Wablas for Vtiger CRM helps you send and receive WhatsApp messages directly from the CRM screens. Once Wablas is integrated with the Vtiger WhatsApp module, you can carry out WhatsApp conversations via Vtiger CRM or Mobile Phone. 

In Vtiger CRM:

  • Only Admin users can configure WhatsApp Integration with Wablas. 
  • Non-Admin users can use the feature to send and receive messages.

To learn more about the WhatsApp feature in Vtiger CRM, click here.


To activate Wablas for WhatsApp on your phone login to your Wablas account > Device > your device > Scan QR Code.


To integrate Wablas and use it with Vtiger CRM WhatsApp, you must:

  •  Have an active subscribed business account with Wablas
  •  Enable Wablas add-on in Vtiger CRM.

Benefits of Using WhatsApp Integration with Wablas

  • Helps you reduce incoming calls and e-mail volumes by efficiently assisting over chat platforms.
  • Enhances customer relationships by allowing personalized messages that build trust and affinity.
  • Helps you to simultaneously serve and engage with a wide range of customers.
  • Reduces development dependencies, making way for easy-to-setup APIs and messaging campaigns.

Installing Wablas

To use WhatsApp Integration with Wablas, Admin users need to first install the Wablas add-on. 

Follow these steps to install the Wablas add-on:

  1. Log in to your CRM account. 
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Add-ons.
  4. Browse Wablas.
  5. Click Install.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the installation.

You have now successfully installed the Wablas add-on.

Once you have successfully installed the Wablas add-on, it will be added as a WhatsApp service provider to Vtiger CRM. 

Follow these steps to find Wablas added as a WhatsApp service provider to Vtiger CRM:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Conversations.
  5. Click WhatsApp.
  6. Click +Add. The Add Configuration window opens.
  7. Under Provider, select Wablas.

Integrating WhatsApp with Wablas

In this section let us learn how to integrate WhatsApp with Wablas for Vtiger CRM.

You can integrate and use Wablas with Vtiger CRM WhatsApp in these phases: 

  • Step 1: Retrieving the API Key
  • Step 2: Wablas Configuration in Vtiger CRM
  • Step 3: Adding Status and Incoming Callback URLs to Wablas


  • This process involves to-and-fro navigation between Vtiger CRM and Wablas screens.
  • Keep your Wablas login credentials before you begin.

Step 1: Retrieving the API Key


Follow these steps to retrieve the API Key:

  1. Log in to your Wablas account. 
  2. Click Device from the Menu on the left panel. The List Device window displays the devices that are linked to your Wablas account.
  3. Select your device (account).
  4. Under Action, click 3 dots.
  5. Click Setting.
  1. Under API Keys, copy the API Key to a notepad or a document.

You have now successfully retrieved the API Key.

Step 2: Wablas Configuration in Vtiger CRM

Follow these steps to configure Wablas with Vtiger:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Conversations.
  5. Click WhatsApp.
  6. Click +Add. The Add Configuration window opens.
  1. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Provider - Wablas.
    2. Active - Yes.
    3. API Key - Paste the copied API Key.
    4. From Number - The WhatsApp number that you have registered with Wablas.
    5. Copy the following URLs to a Notepad or a document:
      1. Status Callback
      2. Incoming Callback 
  2. Click Save.

You have now successfully configured Wablas with Vtiger.

Step 3: Adding Status and Incoming Callback URLs to Wablas


Follow these steps to add Status and Incoming Callback URLs to Wablas:

  1. Log in to your Wablas account. 
  2. Click Device from the Menu on the left panel. The List Device window displays the devices that are linked to your Wablas account.
  3. Select your device (account).
  4. Under Action, click 3 dots.
  5. Click Setting.
  1. Paste the following copied URLs in the below fields:
    1. URL Webhook - Incoming Callback
    2. Tracking URL - Status Callback
  2. Click Save.

You have now successfully added Status and Incoming Callback URLs to Wablas.

You have now successfully integrated Wablas with Vtiger CRM WhatsApp.



The image, audio, and video files sent via WhatsApp Messages using Wablas should not exceed 2 MB.


Sending a message from the CRM using Wablas

You can send WhatsApp messages via Wablas:

  • From the desktop version of Vtiger CRM as well as the Vtiger CRM Mobile app. 
  • For all the modules where the WhatsApp Integration feature is available.
  • From the List view as well as the Summary view in all the modules where the WhatsApp Integration feature is available.

Note: To learn about the WhatsApp feature availability in Vtiger CRM, click here.

Let us see how.

Sending WhatsApp messages from List View 

Here, for instance, let us consider the Contacts module. 

Follow these steps to send WhatsApp messages from List View: 

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Lead & Contact Management.
  5. Click Contacts.
  6. Hover the mouse on a record.
  7. Click WhatsApp. The Send WhatsApp Message window opens.
  8. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Phone Number - Customer’s phone number.
    2. Select WhatsApp Template - Choose a WhatsApp template.


  1. Message - Type the WhatsApp message to be delivered to the customer. 
  2. Attach Files - Attach files if needed.

Note: WhatsApp templates saved in the WhatsApp Template module are displayed here. To know more about the WhatsApp Template module click here.

  1. Attach Files - Attach files if needed.
  1. Click Send.

You have now successfully sent a WhatsApp message from the List View.

Sending WhatsApp messages from Summary View 

Follow these steps to send WhatsApp messages from the Summary view.

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Lead & Contact Management.
  5. Click Contacts.
  6. Click a record.
  7. Scroll down the widget bar and click WhatsApp. The WhatsApp messaging input box opens.
  8. You can send, receive, reply and continue personalized/non-personalized WhatsApp conversations in the input box provided.
    1. You can also make voice calls, attach images, videos, etc., or send WhatsApp Templates by clicking the options available in the input box.

Viewing WhatsApp records for Wablas

Once you send or receive a WhatsApp message via Wablas you can view it from the:

  • WhatsApp module, or
  • Related module

Viewing WhatsApp Records from the WhatsApp module

Follow these steps to view WhatsApp records from the WhatsApp module:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Conversations.
  5. Click WhatsApp. You can view all WhatsApp records in the List View.
  6. In the Source field, type the name of the WhatsApp provider.
  7. Hit Search or Enter.
  8. WhatsApp records for the specified WhatsApp provider are displayed.
  9. Click on a record to view its details.  

Viewing WhatsApp Records from a module

You can view WhatsApp conversations from the module where you have initiated them.

 Follow these steps to view WhatsApp records from a module:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Go to the module from where you have initiated the WhatsApp conversation.
  3. Click the customer record. The Summary View opens.
  4. Under Activities, you can view the WhatsApp conversation with delivery statuses Delivered, Failed, and Read.


  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Go to the module from where you have initiated the WhatsApp conversation.
  3. Click the customer record. The Summary View opens.
  4. In the Widget View, click WhatsApp.
  5. You can view the WhatsApp conversation.

After integrating Vtiger CRM with Wablas, to learn how to:

  • Send a WhatsApp message from different views in Vtiger CRM, click here.
  • Viewing WhatsApp records, click here.
  • To understand WhatsApp opt-in settings, click here.
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