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How do you create a Beat plan?

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Creating a Beat Plan involves the following steps:
  1. Selecting User and Beats
  2. Selecting Outlets
  3. Selecting Actions
  4. Scheduling
 Step 1: Selecting User and Beats
Follow these steps to select user and beats:
  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Go to Tools.
  3. Select Beat Plan.
  4. Click +Add Beat Plan. The Creating Beat Plan window opens.
  5. Enter the Beat Plan Name under the Select User and Beats section.
  6. Select the Assigned To from the drop-down.
  7. Select the Start Date by clicking on the Calendar icon.
  8. Click Setup Plan.

Step 2: Selecting Outlets

Follow these steps to select an outlet:
  1. Select the Agent from the drop-down under the Select Outlets section.
  2. Select the Beat.
  3. Select Filters from the drop-down.
  4. Select Show Conditions to add Conditions.
  5. Click Show Outlets.
  6. Select the Route from the drop-down.
  7. Select Start Location by clicking the More icon on an outlet.
  8. Select End Location by clicking the More icon on an outlet.
  9. Select Edit by clicking the More icon.
  10. Click Generate Route. The route will be displayed on the map.
  11. Click Next.

Step 3: Selecting Actions 

Follow these steps to select the Actions for a sales agent:
  1. Enable Take Order.
  2. Enable Auditing. You can link the Audit Templates by clicking the Audit Template icon. 
  3. Click the Audit Template icon.
  4. A List of Active Audit Templates will be displayed.
  5. Select the Audit Template you want to attach.
  6. Enable Feedback. You can link Surveys by clicking the Survey icon.
  7. Click the Survey Icon. A List of Active Surveys will be displayed.
  8. Select the Survey you want to attach. 
  9. Enable the Last 5 Orders if you want to repeat your orders.
  10. Click Next.
Step 4: Creating a Schedule

Follow these steps to create a Schedule:
  1. Select the Frequency based on Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly.
  2. Select Repeat from the drop-down if you want the Beat plan to be repeated every once in two days or five days.
  3. Select the Number of Recurrences from the drop-down.
  4. Select Until.
  5. Click Save.
You have now successfully created a Beat Plan.

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