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Adding Questions to Exercises and Quizzes in LMS

In this article, you will learn how to add questions to exercises and quizzes.
Shreya Kulkarni
11 Feb, 2025 - Updated 1 month ago
Table of Contents


The Questions module saves your questions and answers. You can create questions for an Exercise, a Quiz, or both.
Scope - The Scope for a question defines whether a question belongs to an Exercise, a Quiz, or both. You have to first add all questions to the Questions module and also select the Scope during the process. 

For every question, you must select the following:

  • Question type
  • The right answer
  • Options (for multiple choice)

Note: For Question types, Textarea, and File Upload, selecting the right answer and options are not required.

Question Types

Questions are of the following types (formats):

  • Text 
  • Multiple choices
    • Radio button 
    • Checkbox 
    • Dropdown 
  • Agree-Disagree 
  • File Upload


Consists of a textbox. Along with text formatting options.


Consists of a list of options for a question with radio buttons.


Consists of a list of options for a question with checkboxes.


Consists of a dropdown with options for a question.


Consists of an AgreeDisagree bar with various AgreeDisagree  

 options for a question.

File Upload

Lets you upload files (text, audio, and video).


Difficulty Levels

Questions have three types of Difficulty Levels:
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Difficult

Reviewing responses to your questions

  • For question types Textarea and File Upload: 
    • Instructors will have to manually review and score answers submitted by students in the LMS Portal.
  • For other question types:
    • LMS auto reviews and scores answers against the options you have recorded. 

Weightage % for a Question

The Weightage % is calculated by the LMS by default and updated based on the difficulty level of the question. The Weightage % for the difficulty levels of questions are as follows:

  1. Easy - difficulty level (auto-generated)
  2. Medium - difficulty level doubles
  3. Hard - difficulty level triples

For instance, the weightage % for three selected questions, with the below difficulty levels, are as follows:

  1. Easy - 10% 
  2. Medium - 20% (10 * 2)
  3. Hard -  30% (10 * 3)

Irrespective of the number of questions you select, the LMS always equalizes the overall weightage % of questions for an exercise to 100%.



Choosing a difficulty level for a question will automate the weightage% for it. The automated weightage% is the maximum score% allotted for the question. The maximum score% for the question will be displayed in the LMS Portal if linked to published courses’ exercises or quizzes.

Adding Questions to Exercises and Quizzes 

In this section, let us learn how to add a question

Note: Keep your questions and answers ready in a Google Document, Notepad, Word Document, etc.    

Follow these steps to add a question:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.  
  2. Click the Main Menu.  
  3. Go to LMS.
  4. Click Questions.  
  5. Click +Add Question.
  6. Enter or select the following information:
  7. Question Type - You can select and/or add questions in any of the below formats.
    1. Textarea - This is a question-and-answer format requiring the instructor to review and assess student responses. 
      1. Enter your question - Type your question in the textbox.
    2. Radio – Multiple choice question with radio buttons for selection.
      1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
      2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
      3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
      4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
    3. Checkbox - Multiple choice questions with checkboxes for selection. 
      1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
      2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
      3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
      4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
    4. Dropdown - Multiple choice questions with a drop-down for selection. 
      1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
      2. Enter Option - Enter the different multiple question options in the Enter Option textbox.
      3. Click +Add Option to add more options.
      4. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down. 
    5. AgreeDisagree - Questions with five agree/disagree options. 
      1. Enter your question - Enter the question in the textbox.  
      2. Answer - Select the correct option (answer) from the drop-down options (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
    6. File Upload - This is a question and answer format requiring the instructor to review and assess student responses. Students will have to upload answers in any file format.
      1. Enter your question - Type your question in the textbox.  
  8. Scope - Select one of the following options.
    1. Exercise - If you want the question to be available only for the exercise.
    2. Quiz - If you want the question to be available only for the quiz.
    3. Exercise & Quiz - If you want the question available for both the exercise and quiz.
  9. Difficulty Level - Select one of the following difficulty levels for questions:
    1. Easy
    2. Medium
    3. Hard
  10. Note: Choosing a difficulty level for a question will automate the weightage% for it. The automated weightage% is the maximum score% allotted for the question.
  11. Course - Select or create the course you are creating the question for.
  12. Concept - Select or create the concept you are creating the question for.
  13. Assigned To - Owner of the question.
  14. Click Save.

After the successful addition of a question, you will see a success message on the top right corner of your screen.

Automated maximum score allocation for a question  

In this section, you will learn how the LMS automates the maximum score allocation to a question.

Note: The maximum score is the same as the maximum score for a question.

LMS automates the maximum score allocation to a question based on its weightage%. The maximum score% or maximum score for a question is the same as the weightage% for it. This weightage% for a question is based on the difficulty level chosen for it.

Let us understand the order in which LMS automates the maximum score allocation for questions:

  1. Choose a difficulty level for a question.
  2. The chosen difficulty level auto-calculates the weightage% for the question as follows:
    1. Easy - difficulty level (auto-generated)
    2. Medium - difficulty level doubles
    3. Hard -  difficulty level triples
  3. An automated weightage% is displayed for the question.
  4. The weightage% of the question is the maximum score% allotted for the question. 
  5. The maximum score% for the question will be displayed in the LMS Portal if linked to published courses’ exercises or quizzes. It will be displayed in their respective question and response windows.

Evaluating answers to varied question types

Automated evaluation  

Students in the LMS Portal submit their answers to exercise or quiz questions. LMS auto reviews and allots scores to students' submitted answers. This is based on the answers selected by the instructor in the Answer field while adding a question. This auto-evaluation is available only for the following question types:

  1. Agree/Disagree
  2. Checkbox
  3. Dropdown
  4. Radio

Instructor evaluation


Students in the LMS Portal submit their answers to exercise or quiz questions. The instructor reviews and allots scores to students' submitted answers. The student’s answer is reviewed and allotted a score in the Exercises or Quiz module > Summary View > Review

As an instructor, you need to evaluate the following question types:

  1. File Upload
  2. Textarea

If you are an instructor, to learn how to evaluate the File Upload and Textarea question types, click here.

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