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Vtiger Release Notes January 2024

List of features and feature enhancements released in January 2024.
Bindu Rekha Babu
1 Jul, 2024 - Updated 2 months ago
Table of Contents &

New Feature

Telegram Integration

  • Do you use Telegram for messaging or for making phone calls? If you are, then you can integrate your Telegram with Vtiger CRM as an SMS and telephony gateway.
  • With this integration, you can: 
    • Add a Telegram ID to a contact record.
    • Send SMSes to your customers via Telegram from the Lead, Contact, Deal, Case, etc., modules. 
    • Make VOIP calls to your customers.
    • Chat with your customers using Telegram via Vtiger Live Chat.
  • You can also:
    • View Telegram conversations in the history of a record, just like email conversations.
    • Create WebChat records for Telegram conversations.
    • Add default conversation timeout limits to end one conversation and begin a new one. For example, if you set up a default Conversation Timeout limit to 72 hours, the conversation will automatically close.
  • Telegram is available as an Add-on from Vtiger Marketplace.



  • Sorting option in Charts
  • You can now sort data in ascending or descending order for X-axis values. 
  • This option is available for Pie, Line, Bar, and Column charts and for the following values - Date, Date & Time, Time, Integer, Decimal, Year, and Month. 

Gantt Chart

  • You can now view the Start date, End date, and Duration values in column form in the Gantt chart View.


  • Import button is now available on the User Settings > Users page. Clicking this will open the Import module in the CRM.
  • With this action, you can:
    • Import the users from the Users page.
    • import other modules records like Contacts.
    • Import users from List View and Detailed View.
    • Import duplicate users.
    • And more. 

Print Template

  • The TH SarabunPSK font is now available in Print Templates. 

Tally Integration 

  • Date-wise data sync and Sync Log (for admins)
  • Do you feel your Tally to Vtiger Sync process often slows down? That data transfer might be slow at certain times? 
  • Tally Servers are dependent on the hardware you use. To ensure data transfer does not slow down or break, you can transfer data in batches or chunks - based on dates. 
  • You can sync data in batches from a particular date. This option is available at a module level for Sales Orders and Invoices. 
    • You will have to sync both the organization and products to ensure invoices and sales orders are not skipped.
  • How does this work?
    • For the first-time sync, the sync will be applied from the date you give.  
    • For the next sync, the last sync date and time are considered.
    • Note: If the sync from date is changed, records will again be synced from the changed date.
  • Admins can also view the sync log for each of these batch data transfers in the CRM. 

Tally Integration

  • Tally Stock Item GST taxes are copied to Instate and Out-of-state fields in Products.
  • Tally differentiates between instate and Out-of-state based on the company location and Ledger (Org) location.
    • If the ledger is present in the same state as the Company, then Instate taxes are applicable. (On selecting IGST, tax will not apply to vouchers and invoices.) 
    • If the ledger is present in a different state other than the location of the company, then Out-of-state taxes are applicable. (On selecting CGST, SGST tax will not apply to vouchers and invoices).
  • The Instate and Out-of-State numbers will not be automatically updated for a product in Vtiger Sales Orders or Invoices. 
  • This problem is now eliminated with the new field mapping for IGST, CGST, and SGST taxes.
    • The CGST field in Tally is mapped to the In-state field in Vtiger CRM.
    • The IGST field is mapped to the SGST and Out-of-state fields in Vtiger CRM. 
  • This enhancement to the Tally integration ensures that when you copy stock items from Tally to Vtiger:
    • The In-state field value in Vtiger is updated from the CGST field in Tally.
    • The SGST and Out-of-state field values in Vtiger are updated from the IGST field in Tally.

Tally Integration 

  • Vouchers in sales orders and invoices sync.
  • Earlier, vouchers in Sales Orders (SO) and Invoices were skipped during Tally sync when the number of products was more than 500. Since the number of products in the sync process was restricted to 500, an SO or invoice with additional products would be skipped in the sync process. 
  • Now,  a sync process will begin with the Products and Organizations first. If there are more than 500 records, then the first 500 records will be synced first, and then the next batch of records will be synced. 
  • After the Products and Organization modules, the sync will commence with Sales Orders and Invoices. The sync process will start from Tally to Vtiger and then Vtiger Tally even if two-way sync is enabled.


  • Targets at the Organization & Partner Organization level
  • You can now set targets at an organizational level. A new field called Set Target For allows you to set targets for the following options - User, Organization, Partner Organization.
  • For example, Grasspods sells audio equipment through multiple large outlets (stores) with multiple sales reps. These outlets are listed as organizations in the CRM. They also found that Sales Reps may move to different stores, new sales reps might join, etc. Using the new field, Grasspods can now set targets for each outlet or store to monitor sales at the store level. 
  • You can also edit and change target values when they are in the current/running duration.


  • MMS messages in Twilio
  • You can now send MMS messages directly from the CRM if you are using Twilio as a Gateway or an SMS service provider. 
  • You can send up to 10 files with one MMS message. You can send files that include images (pictures), videos, emojis, or website links.
  • All you need is the Twilio SMS configuration.
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