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Vtiger Release Notes July 2024

A list of features and enhancements released in July 2024.
Bindu Rekha Babu
23 Aug, 2024 - Updated 6 months ago
Table of Contents


OTP Rules Booster

  • You can add multiple OTP validation rules for flows where the CRM user must enter the OTP (shared by a customer) to update a record, for example, to mark a Delivery as completed, or an Onsite Event as Completed. 
  • You can use the OTP Validation field (new) in Fields and Layout to add details like field name, different templates (SMS, WhatsApp, and Emails), OTP, Status, etc.
  • How does this work:
    • You can add OTP Rules under Settings > Automation. 
    • The CRM will send the OTP to the customer when there is a task to be updated via the record.
    • Consider this example. A maintenance engineer visits a customer to service an AC. They can only check in at the site when they enter an OTP. This OTP is sent to the customer who then shares it with the maintenance engineer. Similarly, at the completion of the service, the engineer again has to enter the OTP to mark the task as completed. The CRM sends this second OTP to the customer to be shared with the engineer.  
  • With the OTP Rules Booster, you can set up multiple OTPs and configure rules to send the OTPs to the customer as a validation for the action to be taken.
    • In workflows/processes/approvals, the Send OTP is available as a new action. You can select the OTP rule for a module. OTPs are automatically sent when workflow conditions match. 
    • In templates (Email, SMS, WhatsApp) a new field will be available under Generic fields.
    • For modules having OTP rules, the Send OTP option is available in List and Summary Views. 
  • You can buy the booster to increase the number of OTP validation rules.
  • Details:
    • Name: Booster for OTP Rules
    • Availability: One Growth, One Professional, and One Enterprise editions
    • Price: $50 per month per rule

Enhancement (s)

API Designer

  • Enhancement to requests with multiple conditions where one condition may have zero value.
  • You can build webhooks in the API Designer to update or create records. When you want to update a record, the system checks for condition(s) using keywords like Glue. The system will consider both conditions before executing any operation.
    • Previously if Glue was used and 2 conditions were given it was mandatory to send both conditions to update a record. 
  • With the current enhancement, you can give multiple conditions in XML. If there is only 1 value for a certain condition, other conditions are ignored and the system proceeds with the check and updates the record, when the request hits the server.
  • Consider this example. You are giving email and phone in glue conditions with AND as the operator. When the request hits the server, you are sending only the email ID because few records may contain only the email ID but not the phone number. In this case, when the system checks the conditions, it will evaluate the condition with the values, i.e., it only evaluates for email and ignores the phone field check since the request doesn't have this value. So the records with matching email IDs will be updated with new values.

Appointments Page

  • You now have the option to display the confirmation or success message in your local language when an appointment is scheduled.
  • You can select the language from the Select Language drop-down.

Cases and Internal Tickets

  • The BCC field is now available in the emails of Cases and Internal Tickets. You can add an email ID in the BCC field when you reply to an email from a case.
  • You can add multiple BCC fields in the Email Settings page.

Rich Text Areas (Comments, Emails, Descriptions, Textboxes) Section

  • Restriction on image uploads.
  • If you have included images in an email or added images in the Rich Text Areas (email bodies, Comments, Descriptions, Textboxes) of the below-mentioned modules using the Image icon, the images will be publicly visible/accessible: 
    • Workflow
    • Approvals
    • Compose emails
    • Cases reply
    • Print Templates
    • Email Templates
    • User Signature
    • Email Sequences
    • Cases/IT description fields
  • Due to security concerns, the images and attachments you have uploaded into the Rich Text Areas (comment/description/text areas) will be visible only inside the CRM from now on. 

DMARC Authentication

  • The DMARC security authentication block is now available on the Email Settings page to configure the DMARC record (policy) for your domain.
  • Google and Yahoo have made it mandatory to add a DMARC policy for your domain. To ensure email delivery, you must authenticate the domain associated with the FROM address. 
  • How do you check for the existence of the DMARC record in the CRM?
    • If your domain does not have a DMARC record configured in the DNS Records, the CRM will display a warning message when you add an email address in the Compose Email window.
    • You must then navigate to the User Menu > Settings >Email Settings page. Under Sender Authentication Domains, select the domain for which you want to view DMARC records.
    • The DMARC Records block in the Email Settings page displays the status of your DMARC record (policy) for the domains you send emails from.
      • If you have added a DMARC policy, the Status field displays that a policy exists. 
      • If you haven’t configured a DMARC record yet for your domain, you should add a basic policy recommended by Google and Yahoo. The system will display the record, including the host and TXT value related to the DMARC record, to ensure proper email delivery.
  • How do I know that my domain has a DMARC record configured?
    • Go to the Mxtoolbox website (https://mxtoolbox.com/dmarc.aspx)
    • Provide your domain (For example, www.example.com) and click on DMARC lookup
    • It displays a policy if you have it already. 
    • If not, you need to add a recommended policy(p=none) as mentioned above.
  • Note:
    • DMARC stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance. It's an email authentication protocol designed to enhance the security of email communication by providing domain owners with greater control over who can send emails on behalf of their domain.
    • By implementing the DMARC policy, you will derive the following benefits as per Google and Yahoo guidelines.
      • Prevent email spoofing
      • Reduce phishing attacks
      • Improve email deliverability
      • Gain visibility and control
      • Enhance security posture

Gantt Chart in Customer Portal

  • You can now generate a Gantt chart for a Project in the Customer Portal. 
  • Your customers will be able to view the status of their projects in real time using the Gantt chart. They will be able to filter the data by setting a range of dates, such as, like view per day, week, month, quarter, and half-yearly. 
  • The Gantt Chart will be available in the Project record.
  • The Gannt View in the Customer Portal will display the same view as in your CRM instance.
  • The Gantt chart will also allow the customer to add a task using the Add Task button. The Add Task button will be available only if you have enabled the Create Task option for the Tasks module in the Customer Portal.
  • The Hide Closed Records option in the Gantt Chart will let you display or hide Closed records.


  • You can now switch between your personal email ID and your Inbox ID while composing and sending an email.
  • If you have configured a 2-way sync for your Inbox, then you can send emails from the email ID configured with your Inbox or your personal email ID.
  • Note: If you have given a fixed email ID for the From email ID in Gmail or Gsuite settings, then you can send your emails only from this email address. You also cannot change your email.


  • You can now use Calculus AI to generate Quiz questions for your concepts or course content. 
  • Calculus AI will suggest questions and answers for your Exercises and Quizzes after analyzing the text and video content in your concepts. You can view and change these questions and answers before adding them to the Question Bank.
  • How does it work?
    • The Concept page displays the Question Suggestions label with the Calculus AI icon.
    • Clicking it will display the text box for you to enter the number of exercises, questions, and types of questions, you want. On submission, Calculus AI will generate questions and answers for your quiz. 

Leads Module

  • You can now create a Quote from Lead record using the Add Quote button.
  • In the quote creation popup, the related lead is automatically selected. After you save the Quote, it will appear in the Quotes-related tab in the Leads module.
  • You can also copy the related Products and Services of the Lead record as line items in Quotes.


  • You can use the Filter option as Active in the Quickbooks Sync settings page for Products and Services. This will allow you to You can now add conditions in Vtiger before syncing products and services to QuickBooks.
    • For example, you can sync only active products.
  • Currently, both active and inactive products are being synced, which necessitates manual updates from your end. This process becomes time-consuming when there are a large number of products.

Sales Pipeline

  • You can now select sales stages for the Closed Won Stage just like you can select sales stages in the Forecast Category and Sales Stage Mapping.
  • For example, if a PO was released and payment was made, then you can consider the status as Closed Won.
  • The stages selected under Closed Won will display values accordingly in the closed won section in the Quota section.


  • The newly added Search option in Webforms List View will help you find a Webform to make edits. 
  • This will benefit you if you regularly use Webforms to capture data and if searching for a specific Webform takes time.


Sales Order Entry Screen for Apparel

  • The Sale Order entry screen for Apparel will display fields such as product name, deal price, etc.
  • This will help you learn about the product or category for which an order is taken along with style. You will also find it easy to compare details like sizes and colors when you enter the quantity. You can also click the image icon to display images of the products.


API Designer

  • This enhancement will allow you to retrieve the parent module’s field data.
  • For example, you can select and retrieve:
    • Case record field values and related parent contact's phone number.
    • Case records details and their assigned user details (Assigned to field) like their mobile number.
    • Cases along with their Assigned to user’s full name, etc.

Module Layouts and Fields

  • Multi-level field dependency support in Picklist dependencies with the Dependent field.
  • You can add a dependent field for another dependent field. i.e., multiple levels for dependent rules. This will let you add multi-select combination fields for your Picklists.
  • The Dependent field is available in the following modules - Leads, Contacts, Cases, Invoices, Tasks, etc. It will improve the data quality in the CRM by prompting you to give necessary details based on dependent rules.
  • Consider the following example:
    • Assume you are from a chemical company using Vtiger CRM. You have categories such as Mineral and Chemical and sub-categories for different chemicals like Mica and Kaolin. With the new change, you can set up picklist values linking your categories and sub-categories. 
    • Suppose you select the main category as Mineral, you will be able to select a sub-category like Mica or Kaolin. Further on, for the sub-category Mica, you can also select related options (different types of Mica)

Prompt Builder

  • Related merge tags are now available in the Prompt Builder’s Data template.
  • With this change, the Data Template section in the Prompt Builder will display merge tags of related modules along with the Insert block and conditions. You can select the merge tags, the related modules, and any conditions you require.


  • The Macro Add-on for Tally Values Enrichment helps you collect information during the Tally-Vtiger sync process.
  • Tally sync does a push-and-pull of records between CRM and Tally. It saves metadata across multiple internal tables. You can collect this information while exporting data through the Server script.
    • Name: vtap.macro.addons.tally 
    • Function: - function transform (record)
    • You can use macro.config internally to connect Vtiger CRM with Tally to pull additional information at runtime.


  • The Co-owner field is now available in the Tasks module.
  • With this field, you can assign an individual or a group as the co-owner for a task. This will let you grant access to the others in your team for specific types of tasks, rather than all tasks. 
  • You can provide record-level access by using Sharing Rules.

WhatsApp integration with Mtalkz

  • You can integrate your Mtalkz account with Vtiger CRM as a service provider for WhatsApp messaging.
  • With this integration, you can send and receive WhatsApp (via Mtalkz) messages in the CRM.
  • You will need WhatsApp-approved templates to send messages. Your messages can include media attachments.


  • You can now display help information for your questions in a webform so that customers can fill in webform information correctly.
  • You will be able to add the help information in the form of custom text below the fields while creating the webform.
  • How does it work?
    • Go to Module Layouts and select any module. For example, Contacts.
    • Create custom text or edit the existing field. Add the information and Save. 
    • Go to Webforms.
    • Click Create Webform, and select the primary module as Contacts.
    • Select the field where you provided the information and save the form.
      • Copy the source code, save the file as HTML, and run the updated source code to display the help information for the field.

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