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Vtiger Release Notes August 2024

A list of features and enhancements released in August 2024.
Bindu Rekha Babu
16 Sep, 2024 - Updated 6 months ago
Table of Contents

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  • You can now display Stockroom reports with quantities (Qty in stock) for individual stockrooms.
  • This will provide you insights into the quantities present in different stockrooms, aiding in effective stock management.
  • How does it work;
    • When you create a report for the Stockroom module and secondary module (with Products) then the following fields are available for you to select as columns from the StockRoom module:
      • StockRoom - Qty in Stock
      • StockRoom - Available stock
      • StockRoom - Committed stock
      • StockRoom - Incoming stock
    • Even if a stockroom has multiple products associated with it, the system will display information on all the products. You can also select  Product stock fields for your report. For example,  Products - Qty in Stock.
  • Currently, you can generate Stockroom module reports displaying the total combined stock across all stockrooms. To distinguish the stock quantities across various stockrooms, the stock quantity for the Products module is retrieved. 
  • Note:
    • Stockroom stock fields will show up only when the primary module is Stockroom and the secondary module is Products. For all product quantities/stock to show up, you must select product fields in the reports.
      • Currently, if product fields are not selected and if only stockroom fields are selected, distinct stockroom records will show up.
      • Stockroom stock fields will be allowed in - columns, data fields, and conditions.​​​

Targets Module

  • As an Admin, you can view targets created by other CRM users (including other Admins). That is, any user can create a target record, and by default, it will be shared with all admin users and they can access all Targets. 
  • Earlier you could view Targets only if you were the owner or other CRM user shared it with you. 
  • Note: 
    • Admins cannot edit the target created by non-admin or other admin users.
    • The Owner of the target will know when admins or other shared users check a target.
    • You can click the user icon to view the Target Owner's name.​​​​​​


  • Label column support is now available for Related Records API.
  • This improvement allows you to include the record name (label) in the API response, making it easier to identify and work with related records.
  • VTAP.Detail.Record
    • Previously, the RelatedRecords API did not support the inclusion of the label column, that contains the name of the record. Now, by using the extrafields parameter, you can request this label in your API calls.
    • Example Use Case: When fetching related Case records, you might want to include the record's name for easy identification. Simply pass the label as an additional field.

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Booster Pack for Line Items in the Deals (Opportunity) module

  • If you have exceeded the number of fields in the Line Item block of the Deals (Opportunity) module, you can use the Booster Pack to add more custom fields to the Line Item block.
  • Details:
    • Each pack will allow 10 custom fields
    • Maximum number of allowed packs is 10.
    • Price - $15 per month.

Custom Font Add-on

  • You can now add custom fonts specific to your business through the Custom Fonts Add-on. 
  • Adding the Custom Fonts module will let you add a custom font via Settings > Configuration > Custom Fonts. This font will then be available along with the default fonts in your CRM instance.
  • Details:
    • Only valid font files will be allowed
    • Supported font types:  .ttf, .otf, .woff, .woff2
    • Max file size: 5MB
    • Max fonts allowed: 50

Kosovo in the Global Country Picklist

  • Kosovo (country code - XK) is now available in Settings > Global Picklist > Country.


Billable Tasks

  • Those of you in the service industry (such as Beauty and Wellness, Travel, etc.) can easily create invoices using Billable Tasks.
  • The More option in Tasks, Projects, and Contacts now lists Invoices. You can generate invoices on a Project for completed tasks and for a customer from the Contacts page. 
  • How does this work:
    • You can create an Invoice for Tasks for which the status is Completed and marked as Is Billable. Clicking Generate Invoices from Projects will let you select the billable task to add to the new invoice. In this Billable Tasks list, only Tasks with the status as Completed and marked as Billable are displayed.
    • You can create an invoice from Contacts by adding billable tasks created for the Contact. Clicking the invoice displays the Choose Line Items pop-up where you can select the task radio button to add a billable task in invoices or the product/services radio button to select product/services for invoices.
    • When you create an invoice, the invoice record title is copied from the task title. The Invoice subject will be copied from the task title if the invoice is created for a task or project. If the invoice is created from a project or contact the last name of the contact is used for the Invoice. 
    • The services linked in the Item Details block for a Billable task are automatically added as line items in the new invoice. The task title will be copied to the line item description of the Invoice. Other details that are captured include the rate of that service (Unit Selling price), billable time spent on the task (Quantity), Currency, Tax mode, Charges, Taxes, etc., (as per the configuration made in the CRM).
    • You can also use task time logs to enter the number of hours taken to complete a task. Once the invoice is generated the task is marked as Invoiced.
  • Note:
    • To generate an invoice the following conditions have to be met - task stage should be completed, and the Is Billable field should be enabled. Only then Service and Rate fields are displayed. 
    • If you have enabled a task as Billable, the Service lookup field will become mandatory and you must select the service for the task. 
    • When you select a service, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm if you want to update the Task's Rate field with the Rate field value of the selected service. On confirming, the Rate value is picked for the billable Task. The Rate field is editable.
    • For each billable Task created, you can add Timelogs either manually or by clicking on the Start timer in the Task Summary View. if the time log is not added, the quantity of the line item is displayed as 0. You can mark Timelogs as Billable or non-billable by enabling the check box in Timelogs. All these Timelogs added will appear in the related tab of the Task record with Time spent details in Days/Hours/Minutes.

Calendar View

  • Hovering over an event in the Calendar View will display the details (Header field values.)

Email Forwards

  • You can now forward emails related to a case record, which will be available in the Cases thread for forwarded emails. This is available in Internal Tickets as well.
  • If you forward a case conversation to any other contact, user, or any random email IDs not present in the CRM, they will be listed in the email thread of that particular conversation from where you have forwarded it.
  • Response from all the recipients will be attached to the same thread including the recipient added in the Cc and Bcc.

Email Templates

  • The Template Name will now be available as a link so you can use the right click and open the template in a new tab. 
  • You can:
    • Use the expand icon to open the HTML editor in full mode.
    • Expand the sidebar to show the names of the related tabs when you hover.
  • Earlier: 
    • There was no option to open the email template record in a new tab.
    • Writing HTML code in a small editor while creating a template was difficult.
    • The sidebar on hover did not expand to show related tab names as it shows in other modules.


  • You can now use the Confirmed Booking Activity Type in Events when a customer confirms a booking. 
  • Instead of a meeting invite, your email will mention that the booking has been confirmed. For example, your customer has called to schedule an appointment for therapy sessions. They pay even if they do not join. When they pay and confirm the booking, you send a Confirmed booking email.

Facebook Integration

  • You can import Facebook Lead IDs along with Leads while syncing data from a Facebook Lead form to Vtiger CRM. A new field Facebook Lead ID in the Leads and Contacts module will help you capture the Lead ID after Facebook Sync is enabled with a form.

Forecast first quarter or period 

  • The Fiscal first period will be based on the financial year and not the calendar year. 
  • You now have the option of configuring the Financial year in Settings > Company Details using the Financial Year Starts in Month field. You can select any month as a financial year month.
  • You can calculate quarters from the selected financial year month. For example, FY month is JUNE 2024 then:
    • Q1 FY 2024 - June, July, Aug
    • Q2 FY 2024 - Sep, Oct, Nov
    • Q3 FY 2024-2025 - Dec, Jan, Feb
    • Q4 FY 2025 - Mar, April, May
  • Forecasts will display from the current month, or current quarter, and the next 4 periods (i.e., next 4 months or next 4 quarters). If the financial year starts in April, and the forecast is quarterly, and the current month is August, then you can start with the next quarter with Q2 FY 2021-2022.
  • What’s the difference between Calendar Quarters and Fiscal Quarters? 
  • Calendar quarters correspond to the standard calendar year. This means that the first quarter always begins with January 1st and the fourth quarter ends with December 31st.  
  • Fiscal quarters coincide with a company's fiscal year – and they don't always align with a calendar year. 
  • What are non-standard Fiscal Quarters?
  • If a company’s fiscal quarters don’t align with regular fiscal calendar years (shown above), it has non-standard fiscal quarters. Non-standard fiscal quarters are common for companies with highly seasonal revenue streams. 
  • Consider the following examples:
    • A children’s toy company may generate over half of its net revenue during Q4.
    • Apple’s fiscal quarters cover the following months:  
      • Q1: October, November, December
      • Q2: January, February, March
      • Q3: April, May, June
      • Q4: July, August, September

Mass Edit

  • You can now enable or disable the Mass Edit option for individual users based on user roles and profiles.
  • If you disable the mass edit option for a profile, then the user related to that profile will not see the mass edit button when they select multiple records.
  • Note: By default, this option is enabled for all profiles. Only admins will be able to perform this action.

Mobile App - Virtual Modules

  • You can now use Unique Record Identification (Key ID) in Mobile Apps for Virtual Modules to uniquely identify records, and the key label to display them. 
  • Note the following:
    • Reserved Keyword for id: Designate id as a reserved keyword to prevent its use as a field name.
    • Ensure ID Key Consistency: Ensure that every record response includes an ID key for consistent record identification.


  • You can now make mandatory fields as read-only or hide them for a user in Profiles. You can make them inactive for an update.
  • For example, you do not want to the Pricing fields in Sales orders to certain users but you want to show other details such as Item Name and Quantity. Then you can make these sensitive fields inactive. 
  • Note: If you make mandatory fields Inactive for a module, you won’t be able to give Create or Edit permission for that module. That is, the user will be unable to edit any field in that module. Once you (admin) give the write access for all mandatory fields in that module, the user will get Create and Edit access for that module.
  • Currently, when a field is mandatory in a module, there is no option for you to disable that field for a user in their profile.

Prompt Builder and Data Templates

  • You add Merge Fields as a tab next to the Prompt Template Details tab in the Program Builder and in Data Templates. This will allow you to merge fields directly into the prompt template create/edit screen without having to create data templates.
  • You can get contextual assistance by sending related information in the prompt (via AI assistant in CRM) and your customers (via chatbot).
  • Consider the following examples:
    • You can send a request to summarize a deal or a contact.
    • You can send a request to identify customers at risk.
    • You can send a Deal-related prompt to find the best possible references for that deal so you can send the information to the customer.
    • Customers can request the status of a case or an order. 
    • Customers can send emails asking for an estimated time of completion of a task.

Quotes Module

  • You can now create a Quote from a Lead record using the + button in the Quotes section of a Lead record.
  • Clicking this button will take you to the Create a Quote page where the Lead Name field gets auto-populated with the Lead’s details (from the Lead record where you clicked the + button.
  • You can also use the More (Ellipse/three dots icon) > Add Quote option to create a lead from the Lead record. 
  • You also have the option of copying the related Products & Services information of the Lead as line items in the Quote.
  • Earlier you could select a Lead while creating a Quote but you could not create a Quote from a lead record.  

WhatsApp Integration with Wati

  • Wati chatbot conversations will now appear in Viger WhatsApp Live Chat messages if you have integrated Vtiger and WhatsApp with WATI.
  • When you initiate a chat with a customer via WhatsApp Live Chat chat in Vtiger, WATI chatbot messages will also appear in Live Chat. Once you end the chat, WATI chatbot messages will be available in the Live Chat transcript. These messages include those sent from the customer to WhatsApp via WATI and the reply sent from WATI. 
  • These Wati Whatsapp transcripts will be available in a new module called WATI Transcripts.
  • A new option Never for the Idle conversation timeout is now available in the Live Chat widgets page. Selecting this option will ensure that conversations will not get closed.
  • The Live Chat transcripts will display the following: 
    • Agent and visitor names
    • Chat conversations including both bot and agent conversations 
    • Chat metrics (the number of agent and visitor messages) 
    • Images, links, and attachments 
    • Chat transfers from one agent to the other agent 
    • The date and time for each message 
    • Existing contact/customer conversations and new contact/customer chat conversations 


  • The Never option is now available for Chat conversations for conversation idle timeout. This feature is useful if you do not any conversation to get timed out.
  • If you select or specify a time (5,10,15 minutes) for the Idle time conversation, then open chats will close after the specified time. This idle conversation option is available for Websense, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. 

Webservice API 

  • You can now view the user record hierarchy that is users that are currently logged in under a particular superior or manager. 
  • For example, if you are a manager with four CRM users reporting to you, you will be able to see the user details when you log in. 

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