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Creating Delivery Notes

This article will help you understand the dependencies and nitty-gritty of Delivery Notes in an easier way.
Rashmi Kashyap
3 Jan, 2025 - Updated 2 months ago
Table of Contents

 Introduction to Delivery Notes

Delivery Notes (DN) is a document accompanying a shipment of goods that lists the description, and quantity of the goods delivered.
Sales order management supports the creation of a delivery note for a sales order linked to a customer, and the generation of an invoice once the order is fulfilled.

Benefits of Delivery Notes

  • Keep track of all the items you delivered to your customers.

  • Easy creation of an invoice from the sales order.

  • Automatic update of the product stock.

Feature Availability and Limits


Sales Starter

Sales Professional

Sales Enterprise

One Professional

One Enterprise

Feature Availability

Delivery Notes

Taxes and Discount Availability

Group Taxes

Individual Taxes

Group Discount

Individual Discount


Did you Know?

The modules- Credit Notes, Delivery Notes, Receipt Notes, and Bills are a part of the Inventory Add-On Extension. You have to install this extension by going to Settings> Extension Store to use these modules.

List View in Delivery Notes

List view sorts and lists all DNs based on the last modified DN.

Columns in List View 

The columns that are visible by default in the List View are :

  • Name - Displays the name of the DN.
  • Delivery Date - Displays the date when the product will be delivered.
  • Status - Displays the status of the order.
  • Sales Order - Displays the name of the SO linked to the DN.
  • Delivery Note No - Displays the DN number.

List actions

You can perform many quick actions such as Edit, Delete, Email, Follow, etc. on the Delivery Notes’ records in the list view.
To learn more about List view actions in Vtiger CRM, click here.

Ways of viewing Delivery Notes’ records

Summary View

Summary view is the view that appears when you click a particular record from the list view. The Summary view displays a collection of all the key information of the record.
The Summary view can be divided into four sections. Each section has a particular functionality.

Summary View Actions

  • Follow: You can follow any DN to get updates on all the activities performed on that record.
  • Tags: You can add tag names to the record to identify the record easily.
  • Print: You can print the DN or save it as a PDF for future reference.
  • Duplicate: You can duplicate the current record and have all the details reflected in a new record.
  • Delete: You can delete a record by clicking this button.

Delivery Notes document

  • The generated Delivery Note along with the template will be displayed here.


  • Tasks -All the tasks related to the DN are displayed here. You can also add a new task from here by clicking the + button.
  • Events - All the events related to the DN are displayed here. You can also add a new event from here by clicking the + button.
  • Activity -All the activities made on the DN are displayed here. Here you can add comments related to the DN.
  • Analytics -You can view all the metrics related to the DN in the form of charts, mini-lists, etc. You can also create new ones here.
  • Documents - You can create a new document or add an existing document to the DN. All the related document details are displayed here.
  • Settings - You can change the template of the DN here.

Deep Dive View

You can view and edit all the information about the DN by clicking the Deep Dive button in the Summary View of the record.

Grid View

Grid View is a table-like layout that shows data in rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet. It lets you view and edit multiple records at once on the same page. You can edit specific field details in a record, just like editing a cell in a spreadsheet. The view resembles the List View but allows additional actions like editing, rearranging columns, and bulk updates.

Important Fields in Delivery Notes


Field name



Mandatory field
Displays the name of the DN.

Sales Order

Mandatory field
Displays the list of sales orders from which you can pick the relevant SO.


Mandatory field
It is a drop-down that shows the present state of the delivery note.

  • Open: The DN is created as soon as the SO is received.

  • Scheduled for delivery: The product/service is ready to be shipped to the customer.

  • Shipped: The delivery is shipped to the customer.

  • Delivered: The delivery of the product/service has been done.

  • Cancelled: The delivery is cancelled.

Assigned to

Mandatory field
Displays the user or the group to whom the DN is assigned.

Item Name

Mandatory field
The name of the product or service that has to be delivered to the customer.


Mandatory field
The count of the product or service that is promised to the customer.

Unit Purchase Cost Mandatory field
The Unit Purchase Cost field in Delivery Notes will copy the value of the Item Unit Purchase Cost from the related Sales Order.  
  • Sales Orders contain two 2 fields for Purchase Cost: 
    • Item Unit Purchase Cost
    • Item Total Purchase Cost

How to Create a Delivery Note

Listed below are the ways from which you can create a DN. 

From Delivery Notes’ List View 

You can use the +Add Delivery Note button to create a new DN. You can find it on the top right corner in the Delivery Notes’ List view.
Follow the steps below to create a Delivery Note:
  1. Click the Main Menu icon.
  2. Go to the Inventory tab.
  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.
  4. Click the +Add Delivery Note button.
  5. Fill in all the necessary details.
  6. Click Save.


  • While creating a DN, first select the SO and then edit the name of the DN.
  • You cannot unlink a DN from a SO.

From Sales Order

You can create a DN through a quote with the Related tab:
Follow these steps to add a DN from the Related tab in SO:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon.
  2. Go to the Inventory tab.
  3. Select the Sales Orders module.
  4. Open any particular SO.
  5. Click the More icon.
  6. Click on Delivery Notes.
  7. Enter all the details.
  8. Click Save.
This newly created DN would be linked to the SO.

Note: You can customize and add or remove fields by going to the Module Layouts and Fields under Settings.

Adding Line Item Records

You can new Line Item records like a new product or service or a new section in the existing DN by editing the Item Details block.
Follow the steps mentioned below to add Line item records:

How to add a new Product or Service

Follow these steps to add a product or service:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon.
  2. Go to the Inventory tab.
  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.
  4. Click +Add Delivery Note and fill in all the necessary details.
  5. Open the recently created DN and click Edit.
  6. Go to the Item Details block.
  7. Click  Add row.
  8. Select the Product or Service.

How to add a new Section

Follow these steps to add a section:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon.
  2. Go to the  Inventory tab.
  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.
  4. Select any particular Delivery Notes. 
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Go to the Item Details block.
  7. Click Add Section.


  • The products or services you select in the DN will depend on the SO that you have chosen.
  • You cannot add the same product or service multiple times in a DN.

Status dependencies between SO and DN

  • When the DN is created and is in the Open state, the status of SO will be changed to Delivery Initiated.
  • Look out for the Outstanding field! For example, if there is a SO for ten items and you create a DN for six of those items, the value of the outstanding field will be set to four both in SO and DN.
  • If the status of a DN is Delivered, then the status of the SO will be
  • Partially delivered - if the outstanding field value is more than zero.
  • Fully delivered - if the outstanding field value is zero.
  • If the DN is Cancelled, then the status of SO will be set to New.

To know more about Sales Orders, click here.



  • You can re-open a Delivered DN.

  • You cannot delete or unlink a Delivered or Cancelled DN.

Actions Possible on a Delivery Note

You can perform the following actions on a DN:

Share a Delivery Note

You can share a DN with a customer by sending a link to the DN or by sending the DN itself as an attachment.

As link

Follow these steps to share the DN as a link:
  1. Click the Main Menu icon.
  2. Go to the Inventory tab.
  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.
  4. Open any Delivery Notes record.
  5. Click the More icon in the Summary View.
  6. Select Share.
  7. Click Share as link.
  8. A mail compose window opens with the DN’s link.
  9. Enter the recipient's details and click Send.

As attachment

Follow these steps to share the DN as an attachment:
  1. Click the Main Menu icon.
  2. Go to the Inventory tab.
  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.
  4. Open any Delivery Notes record.
  5. Click the More icon in the Summary View.
  6. Select Share.
  7. Click Share as attachment.
  8. A mail compose window opens with the DN’s attachment.
  9. Enter the recipient's details and click Send.

Generate related documents

Add a Document

Use Vtiger’s Documents module to solve the problems of organizing and sharing! It acts as a repository for all the documents that you create or those shared with you by your customers or sales team. 
Follow these steps to add a document:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon.

  2. Go to the Inventory tab.

  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.

  4. Open any Delivery Notes record.

  5. Click the More icon in the Summary View.

  6. Click Add or Create button.

  7. Select Documents.

  8. Here, you see two options on your screen:

    1. Select Documents

      1. If you want to add an existing document, select this option.

      2. Hover over a record in the list of all existing documents to display the radio buttons.

      3. Click the radio button on the left side of the record to select the record.

      4. Click Add Selected button present below of the list.

    2. Create Documents

      1. If you want to add a new document, select this option.

      2. Fill all the necessary details.

      3. Click Save.

The linked document will be seen in the Documents widget in the Summary View of the DN record.



Follow these steps to export a DN:

  • Click the Main Menu icon.

  • Go to the Inventory tab.

  • Select the Delivery Notes module.

  • In the List View, Hover over any project task record to display the radio button on the left side.

  • Click the radio button.

  • Click the Export button.

  • Select any one of the following options:

    • Export Selected Records- This option will export only the selected record.

    • Export data in current page- This option will export the records on the current page.

    • Export all data- This option will export all the data in all the pages of the Exports module.

The exported record will be saved on your local system.


Follow these steps to print a DN :

  1. Click the Main Menu icon.

  2. Go to the Inventory tab.

  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.

  4. Open any DN record.

  5. Click the More icon.

  6. Click the Print button.

  7. You can perform any of the below options:

    • Edit & Export - You can edit the project task and export it to your local system.

    • Email with PDF - You can email the project task record as a PDF to the contact.

    • Print - You can print the project task and keep a hard copy.

    • Save as PDF - You can save the project task as a PDF on your local system.

How to change the template of a Delivery Note

You can customize the template for a specific DN from the following:
  • The Settings widget
  • The Print Delivery Note screen

From the Settings widget in the Summary View.
Follow these steps to change the template:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon.

  2. Go to the Inventory tab.

  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.

  4. Open any DN record.

  5. In the Summary View, Click the Settings widget.

  6. Click the Template Applied dropdown.

  7. Choose the template. The new template will be applied to the DN document in the Summary View.

From the Print Purchase Order screen.
Follow these steps to change the template of a DN:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon.

  2. Go to the Inventory tab.

  3. Select the Delivery Notes module.

  4. Open any DN record.

  5. Click the More icon.

  6. Click the Print icon.

  7. Select any template from the list of all available templates.

  8. You can perform any of the below options to view the applied template on the DN document:

    • Edit & Export- You can edit the document and export the DN to your local system.

    • Email with PDF- You can email the DN as a PDF to the contact.

    • Print- You can print the DN and keep a hard copy.

    • Save as PDF- You can save the DN a PDF on your local system. 

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