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How do I create (add) users?

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You can add users to the CRM only if you are an Admin user or the CRM account owner.

Follow these steps to add a user:

  1. Click the User Menu on the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click the Settings button.
    • You will land on the Settings page.
  3. Look for the User Management section.
  4. Select Users.
  5. Click the +Add User button.
  6. Enter the following information:
    • User Information: User’s primary information such as username, password, group, user type, etc.
    • Employee Information: User’s work-related name, primary email, department, phone number, etc.
    • User Address: User’s address information that includes details such as street, city, state, etc. 
    • Currency and Number Preferences: User’s currency-related details such as preferred currency, digit grouping pattern, symbol placement, etc.
    • Phone Preferences: User’s phone extension number for incoming and outgoing calls
    • Business Hours: User’s business hours
    • Vtiger Usage Preferences: Other usage-related preferences include the default login page, default record view, etc.
    • Signature: The user’s signature is to be included at the end of emails
  7. Click Save.
To learn more about the fields in Step 6, click here.
To learn about users, click here.
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