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What to perform Field Mapping and complete Google Lead Form Extensions with Vtiger CRM?

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Navigate back to the Vtiger CRM Google Leads Page from where you retrieved the webhook URL and Google Key.

Follow the below steps to complete the Google Leads Form Extensions Integration

  1. Click Load Google form fields form TEST DATA to display a pop-up window with the field mapping data.

Now let us understand how the Google Lead Form Extension fields are mapped with Vtiger CRM fields.

Field Mapping to integrate Google Lead Forms with Vtiger CRM

What is field mapping? 
Field mapping is the process of mapping or matching the fields in a Google Lead Form to related fields and modules in the CRM.
Mapping ensures that data flows smoothly from the Lead form into CRM and is stored in the correct records. To integrate Google Lead Forms successfully with Vtiger CRM, you have to map Google Label and Google Columns to the respective CRM fields.

For example, you can map Google Label 'User Phone' and Google Column 'PHONE_NUMBER' to the 'Mobile Phone' field in Vtiger CRM.
So when a customer enters their phone number in the Google form, the number is stored in the Mobile Phone field in the respective contact or lead record of the customer. 
Follow these steps for field mapping:
  1. Look for the required Google Label and Google Column
  2. In the CRM Field, select a suitable field from the dropdown.
  3. Click Save.
  4. The system displays a success message if the mapping was successful. 
  1. Clicking Save navigates you to the below screen.
  • The icon beside Actions provides the 'show field mapping' option where you can view the fields that have been mapped as shown in the image below.

  • Hovering the mouse to the right of the icon gives you the Edit and Delete options which will help you make changes or delete the fields that have been mapped as shown in the below image.
  • Clicking the View Sync Log button lets you view sync logs as shown in the below image.
  • Clicking on the ‘number’ of records created will take you to the Google Leads Sync-Log screen. 
  • Clicking on the Record Name will take you to the contacts or leads record of the customer on the Contacts or Leads module where you can retrieve the details of the particular contact or lead.

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