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Getting Chat Insights

This article will help you understand the information displayed on widgets in the Chat Insights module.
Rashmi Kashyap
26 Jun, 2024 - Updated 8 months ago
Table of Contents


Wish to know how your sales and support team is handling customer issues?

Get all essential metrics such as conversations per day, per hour, response to chats, agent rating, customer feedback, and more with Chat Insights. 

It is your one-stop solution to get a summary of your team’s performance.


Chat Insights consists of widgets that display data in charts. Each chart shows specific information related to your team’s performance and progress.

This module helps team managers and supervisors get insights at a glance and find a way to improve the team’s performance. 

Chat Insights will gather information about your team’s interaction with customers through Web Chats. To learn more about Live Chats, click here.

Accessing Chat Insights

Follow these steps to view Chat Insights:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to Help Desk.
  2. Go to Customer Service Analytics section.
  3. Select Chat Insights.

Feature Availability

One Pilot

One Professional

One Enterprise

Feature Availability

Setting Up Your Inbox

Chat Insights is a part of the Live Chat module. You can get it from the Calculus AI Add-On.

Chat Insights is also available in Help Desk Professional and Help Desk Enterprise. It is not available for Free and Exclusive editions.

Key Terminology

Key Term


Chat Insights

Chat Insights consists of widgets that display data in charts. 


A widget refers to a small application or component that provides specific functionality and can be added to different areas of the CRM interface.


Do you want to personalize your metrics view? You have filters to the rescue!

As soon as you land on the Chat Insights page, you will see the Filters section.

Chat Insights provides an option to view the metrics filtered by groups, agents, and time period. For example, you can view your team's performance or a specific agent's in the last two weeks.

Note: The filters that you set are applied to all the charts and metrics.

Follow these steps to use these filters:
  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  1. Go to Help Desk.
  2. Select Chat Insights.
  3. Click the Groups drop-down on the top of the screen.
  1. Select the team.
  2. Click the Users drop-down.
  3. Select the agent.
  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click the date range drop-down.
  1. Select an option or enter a custom range.
  1. Click Apply.​​


After you move past the filters section, you will find the Summary section that displays the essential metrics briefly. These metrics depend on the filters you have set previously.

You can see five blocks here:

  1. Responded Conversations - This block shows the number of conversations the agents have answered in the selected time period. 
  2. Missed Conversations - This block shows the number of conversations the agents have missed in the time period set in the filters. 
  3. Chat Duration - This block shows the total time agents spend on chats in the selected time period. 
  4. Chat Rating - This block shows the average rating given by customers to chats in the time period set in the filters.
  5. Avg Response Time - This block shows the average response time of the agents in the selected time period.

Each block also shows the percentage increase or decrease in the metrics compared to the previous time range. If it is good progress, the arrow is green; otherwise, it is red. 

Consider this example. Here you can see the metrics summary of a single day (Sept 22, 2020) and the agents active (7) on that day. The increase and decrease in numbers are shown in colored arrows.

  1. The number of responded conversations has increased by 34% when compared to the previous day. This is good news for the company because the responded conversations by agents must be higher. Hence the arrow is in green.
  2. The number of missed conversations has increased by 164% when compared to the previous day. This is bad news for the company because missed conversations must be less. Hence the arrow is in red.
  3. The chat duration decreased by 27% compared to the previous day. This is bad news for the company because the shorter the chat, the better the experience. Hence the arrow is in red.
  4. The average chat rating has increased by 1% when compared to the previous day. This is good news for the company because it shows that the customers are satisfied with your service. Hence the arrow is in green.
  5. The average response time has decreased by 5% when compared to the previous day. This is good news for the company because it shows that your agents are up and running and actively responding to the chats. Hence the arrow is in green.


Widgets are the highlights of this module. Chat Insights is all about the metrics that are shown in these widgets.



Conversations by day

A column chart that shows the average response time (in secs) to the chats count per day.

Metrics shown: 

  • Received 
  • Missed
  • Average Response Time

Conversations by hour

A column chart that shows the average response time (in secs) to the average chat count per hour.

Metrics shown:

  • Average Received 
  • Average Missed 
  • Average Response Time

Hourly response time with the number of conversations

A column chart that shows the average number of conversations and the response time by the agents on an hourly basis.

Metrics shown:

  • Average Responses in under < 30 seconds
  • Average Responses in > 30 seconds
  • Average Conversations

Response time by the agent

A column chart shows the average number of chats each agent receives per day and their average response time.

Metrics shown:

  • Average chats count
  • Average Response Time

Agent Chat Volume

A bar chart that shows the number of chats attended by each agent.

Chat duration by agent

A column chart shows each agent's average duration on Web Chats. You can find other metrics when you hover over each agent.

Metric shown:

  • Average Duration

Chat Rating by agent

A table that shows the customer and reviewer rating of every chat and the agent who handled the issue.

Columns shown:

  • Agent
  • Avg Response Time (Sec)
  • Total Chats
  • Average customer rating
  • Chats Rated by Customer
  • Avg Reviewer Rating
  • Chats Rated by Reviewer

Customer Satisfaction

A pie chart that shows customer satisfaction percentage based on customer ratings.

Metrics shown:

  • Average chats rating 4 stars or greater
  • Average chat rating below 4 stars

Customer Feedback

A list that shows feedback written by customers about their interactions with an agent's name.


Note: You can hover over a chart on a widget to see the in-depth information related to conversations, agents, etc.


Actions possible on the widget

Did you know you can download or print the widgets? Yes, you read it right.

Click the More icon on any widget, and Vtiger CRM allows you to perform the following actions on it:

  • Refresh the data
  • View in Full-Screen mode
  • Print the widget
  • Save as Image

 By the way, not all of these above actions are available on all the widgets.

Did you know?

Most charts show data that are grouped based on multiple aspects. For example, the Response time by agent chart data is grouped by the average chat(s) count and the average response time. If you do not want to view the data on average chat count, you can click on the label provided at the bottom of the chart. 

In the screenshot below, the ‘Average chats count’ label is greyed out because the chart is not displaying data on the average number of chats.

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