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Calculus AI - Your Smart AI Feature

An overview of the new and upcoming AI-based feature - Calculus
27 Jun, 2024 - Updated 3 months ago
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Leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence with Vtiger to improve customer experiences!


Introducing Calculus, a tool that will help your sales and support teams have meaningful conversations with your customers. 

Calculus takes inputs from the CRM to automatically provide you with the best advice and solutions. It guides customer-facing teams in offering an experience that will satisfy your customers and gain their loyalty. 

All in all, Calculus is that expert advisor you always wanted to have! Isn’t that great? 

Now that we have a brief idea about Calculus, let us learn about this AI-based wonder's variants and advantages! 

Natural Language Querying (NLQ) Support in Calculus AI

Natural Language Querying (NLQ) is a method of querying a database or system using natural language instead of structured query languages or specific programming syntax. 
NLQ enables users to interact with databases, search engines, chatbots, or other systems in a more intuitive and human-like manner, making it easier for non-technical users to retrieve information or perform tasks.

You can create records or display record summaries NLQ commands. This feature uses GPT to extract relevant details from the CRM to create a record.

The Ask Calculus AI feature supports NLQ commands to create a record. You can create contacts, tasks, events, or other records in the CRM. For example, a command like ‘Create a reminder task for John tomorrow at 10 PM for 2 hours.’ will create a task record linked to a contact John, with the exact start and end time.

A command like ‘Create a contact with name Ann who is working with Microsoft having the email ID [email protected] and phone number +919999999999.’ will create a contact record with the name Ann with all details mentioned. 

The Ask Calculus AI feature now supports NLQ to display record summaries. 
You can use the /command in the Ask Calculus AI window to display information related to the record. For example, /sm Deals ACME will display deal records named ACME. 


Vtiger secures any confidential data you may add to your queries to GPT through Cases and Live Chat. 
The CRM removes sensitive data like email IDs and phone numbers from the query you send to GPT but will add them back in the response you receive from GPT.

Generative AI vs Predictive AI

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a field in artificial intelligence(AI) that creates new content, data, or media that resembles and even exceeds the original dataset. 

Generative AI models can create new data or outputs by learning patterns from the training data, whereas traditional AI methods analyze existing data.

Generative AI models can generate realistic images of faces, objects, landscapes, and artwork. These models are widely used in computer graphics, digital art, and creative applications. It can also generate natural language text, including articles, stories, poems, and dialogue using Natural Language Processing (NLP).

What is Predictive AI?

Predictive AI is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses historical data and statistical techniques to predict future events or outcomes. It gathers information relevant to the problem from various sources such as databases, sensors, or external sources.

Predictive AI is built using machine learning algorithms that analyze historical data to identify patterns and relationships.

Predictive AI can be used in the following industries:
  • Sales and marketing forecasting
  • Financial risk assessment and fraud detection
  • Customer churn prediction and retention
  • Demand forecasting and inventory optimization
  • Healthcare diagnosis 
  • Energy consumption prediction and optimization
  • Predictive maintenance for machinery and equipment
Generative AI Predictive AI
Generates new data samples based on training provided Makes predictions based on historical data and pattern
Trained to learn the underlying patterns and characteristics of a dataset Trained to analyze historical data to identify patterns and relationships
They are used in image, text, music, and data augmentation They are used in sales forecasting, demand prediction, risk assessment, fraud detection, and personalized recommendations

Feature Availability






Sales Starter

Help Desk Starter

Sales Professional

Help Desk Professional

All-in-One Professional

Sales Enterprise

Help Desk Enterprise

All-in-One Enterprise



Eager to learn about the benefits of using Calculus?


Let us see how Calculus is useful to your company's sales and customer support teams.

Calculus for Sales

  To assist sales teams, Calculus takes inputs from:
  • Touchpoints (emails, calls, meetings, documents, website visits) on the current and past deals 
  • Content within the emails and phone calls to establish the sentiment of conversations
  • Contact roles associated with deals
  • Deals’ organization attributes such as Employees, Industry, and Region

By taking the above inputs, Calculus helps sales teams in the following ways:


For sales managers:

  • Sends alerts when it is time to get involved in a deal. 
  • Provides reliable forecasting about the deals that are likely to close. 
  • Flags poor conversations. Calculus automatically analyzes phone and email conversations and identifies deviations from best practices.  
  • Rates conversations using custom scorecards.

For sales reps:

  • Helps improve prospecting with email sequences.
  • Helps identify the right leads by identifying matching patterns with similar leads.
  • Sends alerts when it is time to get in touch with a lead.
  • Provides suggestions on the content when replying to emails.
  • Helps identify potential risks on a deal to take proactive actions.
  • Helps improve deal conversion by recommending the tasks to be performed at each stage. 
  Calculus uses machine learning models to improve prediction accuracy and recommendations. 


  • Similar Records are available in the Deals and Organizations modules. The One View > Similar Record widget displays all the records with similar keywords.
  • A Similar Record Stopwords tab is added in the Calculus Settings page, where you can add the word that generates multiple records in the Stopword Settings. This will stop showing the records with similar keywords.
  • Once added, a zero-frequency cron will be scheduled, and you will not be able to see the Similar Records.

Calculus for Customer Support

For customer support, Calculus takes inputs from:

  • FAQs
  • Article views
  • Live Chat queries

With the aid of the inputs, it helps customer support teams as follows:

For customer support managers:

  • Optimizes the utility of support agents’ time. 
  • Offers 24/7 assistance via Live Chat. 
  • Offloads common questions to the chatbot. 

For customer support agents:

  • Helps prioritize tasks by automatically answering frequently asked questions. 
  • Helps send quicker responses by recommending answers.
  • Highlights important information that must be reviewed, such as phone call conversations, email content, etc. 

Features of Calculus

Intrigued by the possibilities of Calculus? Read about the features of Calculus that will interest you more.

Calculus Score

Calculus Score rates a deal on the following four factors:

  • Engagement Score - Is the pattern of client engagement good? This score is calculated using past engagements.
  • Sentiment Score - What are customer sentiments about an engagement? Calculus uses phone and email conversations to generate this score. 
  • Fit Score - How closely does a client match your ideal customer profile? Calculus determines the ideal customer by looking at previous successful conversions and finding their attributes.  
  • Authority Score - Is your sales rep connected with decision-makers and influencers? A deal’s contact roles are used and compared with past data to determine the Authority score.

Journey Tasks

This is a way to guide sales reps with the tasks they need to perform to advance toward the next deal stage. As a sales manager (and a CRM admin), you can set up Journey Templates and suggest journey tasks to sales reps. 

Sales reps get timely reminders of journey tasks, ensuring that they help your clients through the buying process without any slips. 


As a sales manager, you can get a birds-eye view of conversations that happened in a deal.
All you need to do is configure signals. Signals are used to categorize the spoken and written content (in phone calls and emails), and Calculus uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to categorize. You can also configure email templates and text suggestions in a signal.

Conversational Analysis 

Calculus analyzes the conversations that you have with your customers. The content can come from voice recordings, transcripts, and emails.

It does the following using the analyzed data:

  • Phone calls: It generates the data below from voice recordings and transcripts.
    • Talk-to-Listen Ratio - Find out how much your sales reps spoke on a client call. Ideally, in a conversation between agents and customers, agents must speak only for 50-60% of the entire duration. 
    • Mood - Is your sales rep speaking passionately or reading from a script? Calculus helps you detect the mood of your sales reps from their tone. 
    • Rate of Speech - Is the sales rep too fast or too slow? Calculus rates their speech automatically. 
After analyzing the phone calls, Calculus automatically flags conversations that need to be reviewed by managers. Skip to this section to learn more.
  • Meeting actions - It also identifies action items or next steps discussed on calls and notifies sales and support reps about them. 
  • Emails: The AI-based Calculus analyzes emails to do the following: 
    • Identifying improvement areas - It looks for grammatical errors and completeness of response.
    • Email reply assistant - Information is available at your fingertips when you have to reply to a prospect or a client! 
Calculus analyzes incoming emails and provides recommendations for replies based on the content. It even recommends email templates and documents to include in your reply. How interesting is that!

Coaches and Players Dashboards

Whether you are a manager, sales, or support representative, Calculus is meant for everyone! It provides two dashboards called Coaches and Players.

The Coaches dashboard is for managers. With the aid of conversational analysis and flagging, Calculus turns managers into coaches. 

As a manager, you can view the details of your sales reps’ customer engagements through scorecards and ratings. This will help in reviewing their performance and suggest improvements, if any. 

Can things become any easier? ​​​​​​

You will have the following information on the Coaches dashboard:

  • Phone calls and emails that you need to review 
  • Talk-to-Listen ratio
  • Mood chart
  • Rate of Speech chart
  • Charts showing the sales and support reps’ performance trend over time 
  • Topic suggestion for the next coaching session

Note: The Coaches dashboard is available if your subordinates report to you. 

The Players dashboard is for sales and customer support representatives. It shows your interaction summary, reviews and ratings, and coaching materials suggested by your managers after the review. 

It helps you identify the improvements you must make in your emails and phone calls. You can also request your manager to review your emails and calls from the dashboard.
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