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Stock Adjustments

In this article you will learn how to increase or decrease products stock in CRM!
Shreya Kulkarni
22 Dec, 2022 - Updated 2 years ago
Table of Contents


Stock Adjustments is a module in Vtiger CRM that helps you adjust product stock in the CRM. Stock Adjustments lets you adjust a product's stock, i.e. increases or decreases the quantity in stock  (Qty. in Stock)  or the Defective Stock value for a product. 
Once you increase or decrease these values, the product stock values are automatically updated in the Products module. You create a Stock Adjustment record every time you adjust the values in Qty. in Stock or Defective Stock value fields for a product.

Benefits of Stock Adjustments 

  • Documents every increment or decrement made to product stock in the CRM.
  • Auto-updates the product stock in the Products module.
  • Saves time for users.

Feature Availability

Click here for the availability of the Stock Adjustments for different editions of Vtiger CRM.

 Key Terminology 


Products or merchandise owned by a firm or organization out for sale or distribution.

Stock Adjustment

Is a process wherein a certain amount of stock can be adjusted such as increased or decreased.

Inventory module

The Inventory module helps you manage your product or service inventory and related transactions like sales orders, purchase orders, payments, etc.


Item refers to a product in the Products module.


Vendor refers to a person or a company with whom you purchase products or services.

Value to Adjust

The value that is used to increase or decrease a product’s stock.

Defective Stock field 

Stock that is unused to various defects such as damaged, lost etc. 


The Stock Adjustments module is not available by default in Vtiger CRM. Admin users need to first install the Vtiger Inventory extension. 

Follow these steps to install the Vtiger Inventory extension: 

  1. Log into your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Add-ons on the bottom left corner of the screen.


  1. Click Settings.
  2. Look for Extensions.
  3. Click Extension Store.
  4. Look for the Vtiger Inventory extension.
  5. Click Install.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the installation.

You have now successfully installed the Vtiger Inventory extension.

Accessing the Stock Adjustments Module

Once the Vtiger Inventory extension is installed successfully, follow these steps to access the Stock Adjustments module:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Inventory.
  4. Look for Others.
  5. Select Stock Adjustments.

If the Vtiger Inventory extension is already installed and the Stock Adjustments module is unavailable, you must enable it. 

Follow these steps to enable the Stock Adjustments module:

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Look for Module Management.
  5. Select Modules.
  6. Browse Stock Adjustments.
  7. Enable Stock Adjustments

The system displays the following confirmation message, Stock Adjustments module enabled.

You have now successfully enabled the Stock Adjustments module and can access it.

The Stock Adjustments Module

Once the Stock Adjustments module is enabled:

  • You can adjust product stock from the Stock Adjustments module only.
  • The Adjust stock button will appear in the top right corner of the Summary View in the Products module.
  • The Qty. in Stock field in the Products module will remain a read-only field (non editable).
  • If you want to adjust (edit) the Qty. in Stock field, for a product, you will have to do it from the Stock Adjustments module only. 


Once the Stock Adjustments module is enabled, if you try to adjust the Qty. in Stock field for products in the Products module system displays the below error message. 


Creating Stock Adjustments

In this section, let us learn how to create a Stock Adjustment record for a product via the Stock Adjustments and Products module.

Follow these steps to create a Stock Adjustment record: 

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Inventory.
  4. Look for Others.
  5. Select Stock Adjustments.
  6. Click +Add Stock Adjustment. It will direct you to the Creating Stock Adjustment window.


  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Inventory.
  4. Look for Catalog.
  5. Select Products.
  6. Select a product record whose Qty. in Stock or Defective Stock you want to adjust.
  1. If Stock Adjustments is enabled successfully, the Adjust stock button appears on the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click the Adjust stock button. It will direct you to the Creating Stock Adjustment window.
  3. Click View full form if you want to go to the full form view.
  1. Add or select the below information:
    1. Product: Select a product whose stock you want to adjust.
    2. Value to Adjust: Select a product’s value you want to adjust. Qty. in Stock is selected by default. 
    3. Adjustment: Enter the values to increase or decrease Values to Adjust with + or - prefixes, respectively. For example:
  • If you want to increase the Qty. in Stock value by ten, enter +10 or 10.
  • If you want to decrease the Qty. in Stock value by ten, enter -10.
  1. Status: Select a Status such as:
  • Open - If you're going to edit the Adjustment values at a later time. Open is selected by default.
  • Approved - If the Adjustment values are finalized or approved. 
  1. Assigned to: Owner of the Stock Adjustment. It is selected by default.
  2. Reason: Select a suitable reason for the Stock Adjustment.
  3. Notes: Enter a description for the Stock Adjustment.
  1. Click Save.

You have now successfully created a Stock Adjustment record for a product in the Stock Adjustments module.

With this, a Stock Adjustment record for a product is created and saved in the Stock Adjustments module.


You will not be able to edit or delete a Stock Adjustment record with Status Approved.

Stock Updations in the Products Module

The Qty. in Stock or Defective Stock fields in the Products module are automatically updated under the following conditions.

Condition 1

Condition 2

Resulting Automatic Update

If a Stock Adjustment’s status is set as approved

And if the quantity in stock or defective stock is increased for product in the Product’s module

The Qty. in Stock or Defective Stock field value will increase as much as the Stock Adjustment’s Qty. in Stock or Defective Stock Adjustment value.

If a Stock Adjustment’s status is set as approved

And if the quantity in stock or defective stock is decreased for product in the Product’s module

The Qty. in Stock or Defective Stock field value will decrease as much as the Stock Adjustment’s Qty. in Stock or Defective Stock Adjustment value


Stock Adjustment Records in the Products Module

You can view the adjusted stock for a product record using the Stock Adjustments widget in the Products module, only if a Stock Adjustment record has been created, using the following path:

Products module > Product record (with a stock adjustment) > Summary View > Stock Adjustment widget

Follow these steps to view stock adjustments made to a product from a product record: 

  1. Login to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Inventory.
  4. Look for Catalog.
  5. Select Products.
  6. Select a product record for which you have created a Stock Adjustment. It will take you to the Summary View of the product record.

7. Click Stock Adjustments from the widget bar on the left corner of the screen.

  1. Stock Adjustment records created for the product are displayed.
  2. Clicking a Stock Adjustment record displays the details for the Key Fields Assigned To and Status.
  3. Clicking the name of the Stock Adjustment record you will be directed to the Summary View of the Stock Adjustment record.

Other Actions from the Stock Adjustments View

From the Products module Stock Adjustment View, you can:

  1. Add new Stock Adjustments records.
  2. View Stock Adjustments records List View created for the product.
  3. Edit a Stock Adjustments record.
  4. Unlink a Stock Adjustments record.

Adding and viewing Stock Adjustments records

Follow these steps to add a Stock Adjustment record:

  1. Click the Add Stock Adjustments (+) icon. You will be directed to the Quick Create > Stock Adjustment window.
  2. Click View full form if you want to go to the full form view. 
  3. You can now create a Stock Adjustment record as illustrated in the Creating Stock Adjustments section.

Follow these steps to view Stock Adjustments records List View created for the product:

  1. Click the Expand button. You will be directed to the Stock Adjustments window.
  2. It lists Stock Adjustment records created for the product displaying the details for the fields Value To Adjust, Adjustment, Status and Stock Adjustment Number.
  3. Clicking the +Add Stock Adjustment button in the window you can create a Stock Adjustment record as illustrated in the Creating Stock Adjustments section.

Unlinking and editing a Stock Adjustment record

Clicking the More icon (three dots) on a Stock Adjustment record you can:

  • Edit - Edit a stock adjustment record.
  • Unlink - Unlink a stock adjustment record.

Follow these steps to edit a a Stock Adjustment record:

  1. Click More (three dots).
  2. Click Edit. This takes you to the Editing Stock Adjustment window. You will now be able to edit it.

Follow these steps to unlink (delete) a Stock Adjustment record:

  1. Click More (three dots).
  2. Click Unlink. You will be directed to the pop up Are you sure you want to unlink?
  3. Click Ok. You have now successfully unlinked it and it will not be displayed in the Stock Adjustments View anymore.


  • You will be able to view the unlinked Stock Adjustment records in the Stock Adjustments module.
  • You will not be able to unlink a Stock Adjustment record with Status Approved.
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