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Can I track a user's location?

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Yes, you can log a user's location in Vtiger CRM.

Follow these steps to enable user location logging:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu on the top right corner of the CRM screen.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Look for the User Management section.
  5. Select Authentication.
  6. Click the Edit icon on the top right corner of the page.
  7. Go to User location logging under the Login Method section.
  8. Select Country or Locality.
  9. Click Save.

Country is the default selection for a location. If you choose Locality, the browser prompts the user for permission to use their location.

  • If the user allows permission, then their locality, city, state, and country details are stored during each session.
  • If the user denies permission, then only country details are stored.​​
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