Articles in this section
Actions - Your Personal Assistant
Table of Contents
Here are a few use cases:
Feature Availability
Click here for the availability of List View features for different editions of Vtiger CRM.
Elements of the Actions Page
The sections explain the different aspects of the Actions page.
- The My Actions tab
As a sales, marketing, or support team member, you can see all activities – Events, Calls, and Tasks – assigned to you under the My Actions tab. You can mark activities as completed or reschedule them easily.
You can also see Smart Alerts under this tab, such as idle record alerts.
Rescheduling an Event - You can reschedule an event in the action tab. Rescheduling helps you to adjust the End Date automatically. The End Date will also determine if an Event needs to be displayed as Overdue on the Actions page.
- Overdue - Activities that have not been completed in the past 30 days
- Today - Activities due on the current date
- Coming up - Activities due in the current week
- Month-wise - Activities due in upcoming months
When a user mentions you or your group on a CRM record, you receive an alert under this tab. You will have all your mentions organized under one umbrella, which helps you track updates easily.
- You can open records by clicking the record names.
- You can reply to your mentions using the Reply icon.
Mentions are grouped based on records and sorted by time. The latest mention is shown on the top, then the older ones.
You can search for notifications in the search bar. When you click the drop-down, you can find the following information:
- From - You can select the user who sent the message.
- Mentions - You can find the user to whom the message was addressed.
- Related To - This concerns the message exchanged between the two users.
- Has Words - This will fetch messages with any specific words related to the conversation.
- After - You can fetch messages after a particular date.
- On - You can fetch messages on a particular date.
- Before - You can fetch messages before a particular date.
- Calendar -You can select the date the messages have been exchanged.
- My Lists tab - This tab allows you to add your own lists. You can select the module for which you want to add your lists. Based on the module you select from the drop-down, the lists will appear in the lists drop-down.
- The Updates tab - When you follow a record, any updates about the record are shown under this tab. For example, a deal is closed, a list is shared with you, or approval is due for renewal.
- The Engagements tab - When a customer views an email that you sent or downloads a document that you shared with them via email, you will receive alerts. These alerts are shown under the Engagements tab.
Email alerts are grouped as Opens, Replies, Downloads, and Reshares.
You can control the alerts according to your preferences under Configuration.
Note: Smart Alerts can be set up only by users with admin privileges.
Actions Module
- Organization records are updated.
- Quotes are created for specific organizations.
- Actions are performed on those quotes.
- Other records are created for those organizations.
- Changes are made to an organization's record.
- Changes are made to related contacts, quotes, and related deals of an organization record.
- A copy function lets you copy the alerts instead of recreating them.
- You also have the option to add individual users and groups who can be notified when creating/editing a smart alert.
Default Configurations
The default configurations for Actions are specified below. They are grouped as Activity Alerts, Engagement Alerts, Mentions, and Smart Alerts.
The New Action tab allows you to make quick actions as follows:
- Send Email
- Create a meeting
- Create Task
- Get on a phone call
- Send SMS
- Send WhatsApp Message
Follow these steps to send an Email:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Select the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
5. Select the +New Action tab on the right corner of the page.
6. Select Send Email from the drop-down.
7. A Compose Email window opens. Enter the following information:
- To - This is to enter the recipient’s address by entering the first 3 characters of the contact in the To textbox.
- Contact Search -This is to search for the contact in the contact Search bar.
- Subject - This is the short description line given for the Email.
- Body of the Mail - Type the text here.
- Attach files - This is to attach any files, documents, pictures, etc.
- Click Send.
- Login to your CRM account
- Select the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Select the +New Action tab on the right corner of the page.
- Select Create a Meeting from the drop-down.
- An Add Event window opens, where you need to enter the following details:
- Start date and time - The duration of the meeting needs to be specified here. You need to schedule your meeting by entering the time and date of the meeting you want to begin.
- End Date and Time - Choose the time and date you want to end the meeting.
- Subject - You need to enter the title of the meeting in the Subject textbox.
- Activity type - You need to choose the type of event from the Activity type drop-down. For example Zoom meetings, Mobile calls, Google Meet, and Teams Meeting, etc.
- Description - A short explanation regarding the purpose of the meeting has to be mentioned here.
- Participants - You can choose the contact by entering the first three characters of the name in the search bar or from the contacts icon next to the search bar.
- Click View Full Form to add other details like Status, Priority, Reminder, Recurrence, Description, and Related To details.
- Click Save.
Follow the steps below to Create a Task:
- Login to your CRM account.
- Select the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Select the +New Action tab on the right corner of the page
- Select Create a Task from the drop-down.
- An Add Task window opens, where you need to enter the following details:
- Subject - The title of the task needs to be added in the Subject textbox.
- Task Type - Select the nature of the task you want to assign from the Task type drop-down. For example, Sales, Releasebug, etc.
- Status - Select the status of the task from the Status drop-down.
- Priority - Select the priority of the task from the Priority drop-down if it is High, Low, Medium, or Urgent.
- Project Name - Enter the name of the Project in the Project Name search bar. Or select from the search icon next to the Project search bar. You can also add a new Project by clicking the icon next to the search icon.
- Milestone - Enter the name of the Milestone of the project in the Milestone search bar. Or select from the Project Milestones icon next to the search bar. You can also add a new Project by clicking the icon next to the search icon.
- Category - Select the category under which the task falls from the Category drop-down. For example, Account Closure, Account Duplication
- Click on View Full Form to add other information like Task, Description, QA, Quality Score, Project Task, System, Service details.
- Select Save.
Follow the steps below to Get on a Phone call:
- Login to your CRM account.
- Select the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Select the +New Action tab on the right corner of the page.
- Select Get on a Phone Call from the drop-down.
- A Whom do you want to call? window appears.
- Type the name of the contact you choose to call in the Search bar and press Enter and Select the Contact.
- Click Next.
- The above window appears. Select the Click to call option.
- A calling window appears. Select the contact.
- The call gets connected. Click on the End button to end the call.
Note: You will be able to call the contact only if you have an active gateway.
Follow the steps below to send SMS:
- Login to your CRM account.
- Select the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Select the +New Action tab on the right corner of the page.
- A New Action window will appear. Select Send SMS.
- A Whom do you want to send SMS? window will appear.
- Type the name of the contact you choose to SMS in the Search bar and press Enter.
- Select the Contact.
- Click Next.
- A Send SMS window will open, where you need to enter the following details:
a. Select the number from the Select Phone Number drop-down.
b. Type the message in the Message textbox.
c. Select to insert the links from the Insert Link drop-down.
d. Click Send.
Follow the steps below to Send WhatsApp Message
- Login to your CRM account.
- Select the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Select the +New Action tab on the right corner of the page.
- A Whom do you want to send a WhatsApp message? window will appear. Type the name of the contact you choose to SMS in the Search bar
- Press Enter.
- Select the Contact.
- Click Next.
- A Send WhatsApp message window will appear, where you need to enter the following details:
- Select the number from the Phone number drop-down.
- Type the message in the message text box.
- Select the template from the Select WhatsApp Template drop-down.
- You can attach files of a maximum upload size of 16MB.
- Click Send.
New Comment
The New comment tab allows you to add comments and post them along with attachments.
Follow the steps below to Add Comment
- Login to your CRM account.
- Select the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Select the New Comment tab on the top right corner of the page.
- A New Comment window appears, where you can enter the following details:
- Enter the comment in the comment text box.
b. Select Comment.
You can disable some or all the alerts above from the Configuration page.
Now, depending on your User Type, you get full or partial access to the Configuration page. If you are a Standard user, you can configure Activity Alerts, Engagement Alerts, and Mentions.
As an Admin user, you can also configure Smart Alerts along with the other three alert types.
To learn about Users, click here.
The next section talks about different alert types and their configurations in detail. Read on.
Configure Alert Rules
On selecting the Configure Alert Rules tab, a Configuration window opens where you can configure different types of alerts as mentioned below.
Follow the steps below to add a comment:
- Login to your CRM account.
- Select the Main Menu
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Select the Configure Alert Rules tab on the top right corner of the page.
- The default configurations Activity Alerts, Engagement Alerts, Mentions and Smart Alerts appear here as shown above.
Follow these steps to go to the Configuration page:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Select the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Select the Configuration icon on the top right corner of the page.
You can disable some or all the alerts above from the Configuration page.
Now, depending on your User Type, you get full or partial access to the Configuration page. If you are a Standard user, you can configure Activity Alerts, Engagement Alerts, and Mentions.
As an Admin user, you can also configure Smart Alerts along with the other three alert types.
To learn about Users, click here.
The next section talks about different alert types and their configurations in detail. Read on.
Configuring Alerts Rules
As a standard user/team member
As a sales rep or a Standard user of the CRM, you can set up the following alert types:
- Activity alerts
- Engagement alerts
- Mentions
These alerts give you timely updates on your events, tasks, emails, documents, and mentions.
Setting up Activity alerts
Activity alerts are for upcoming and overdue events and tasks, when records are assigned to you, etc.
Follow these steps to set up activity alerts:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Click the Configuration icon on the top right corner of the page.
- Click the Activity Alerts tab.
- Click +Add Alert.
- Enter the following information:.
- Alert message - Select Activity Alerts from the drop-down
- Module - Select the module on which you want to receive alerts.
- Alert channels - Choose how you want to be alerted - via email, a desktop alert, or both to be alerted - via email, a desktop alert, or both.
- Click Save.
Below is an example of activity alerts.
As a sales manager, you can set up an alert for team members’ deals closing in less than 30 days.
Here is a list of the default conditions in activity alerts
Setting up Engagement alerts
You receive engagement alerts when a contact engages with the emails and documents that you send them. You can also set up alerts for situations where you have not followed up with a contact in a long time or a contact has not replied to your email.
Follow these steps to set up engagement alerts:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Click the Configuration icon on the top right corner of the page.
- Click the Activity Alerts tab.
- Click +Add Alert.
- Enter the following information:
- Alert message - Select Engagements Alerts from the drop-down for which you want to set up alerts from the Module drop-down.
- Owner - Select who needs to be alerted.
- Mailbox - Choose a mailbox on whose emails the alerts must be sent.
- Choose - i. Client awaiting response if you want to enable alerts for client emails that you have not responded to. ii. Agent awaiting response if you want to enable alerts for your emails to which a client has not responded.
- Since - Specify when you want to receive alerts. For example, if a client is awaiting a response since 5 days and 12 hours.
- Alert channels - Choose how you want to be alerted - via email, a desktop alert, or both.
- Click Save.
Setting up Mention alerts
You can enable alerts for both individual or group mentions.
Follow these steps to set up mention alerts:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Click the Configuration icon on the top right corner of the page.
- Click the Mentions tab.
- Turn on the toggle button.
As an admin user/team manager
As a team manager or a user with admin privileges, you can set up Smart Alerts in addition to Activity, Engagement, and Mention alerts.
Why do you need smart alerts
You can be updated about your team’s performance with notifications regarding their activities.
For instance, you can set up an alert for yourself and your team about service contracts that are due for renewal, as follows:
Owner = Record assignee (Your team member)
Level 1 Manager = You (Manager)
Setting up Smart alerts
When you are setting up smart alerts, you can choose:
- The module
- The recipients from the Conditions drop-down- Contacts, Organizations
- And ‘Whom to alert’
Follow these steps to set up smart alerts:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Click the Configuration icon on the top right corner of the page.
- Click +Add Alert. The Add Alert Rule window opens.
- Enter the following information: .
- Select the Smart Alert from the Select Alert drop-down
- Select the module for which you want to set up alerts from the Module drop-down.
- Enter the title in the Alert Message textbox.
- Select Owner in the Whom to Alert textbox
- Conditions - Specify the conditions that must be met to send alerts.
- Alert channels - Choose how you want to be alerted - via email, a desktop alert, or both.
- Click Save.
You can use the following conditions:
| |
Setting up life cycle conditions
Follow these steps to set up life cycle conditions:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Click the Configuration icon on the top right corner of the page.
- Click the Smart Alerts tab.
- Click +Add Alert.
- Choose the module on which you want to set up alerts.
- Enter the following information:.
- Alert Message - Specify a title for the alert
- Whom to alert - Specify the users who must be alerted.
- Conditions - Specify the conditions that must be met to send alerts.
- Enable the toggle button for Life cycle conditions.
- Specify life cycle conditions for the selected module and field.
- Select alert channels.
- Click Save.
Setting up Alert Preferences
You can choose how and when you want to receive the alerts you have set up in Actions. You can enable or disable the following:
- Notification sound
- Notification for group records
You can also choose whether you want to be:
- Notified only on the first occurrence (only first time conditions are met)
- Notified on every occurence (every time conditions are met)
Follow these steps to set up your preferences:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Essentials.
- Select Actions.
- Click the Preferences icon (Bell icon) on the top right corner of the page.
- Select your preferences.
- Click Save.
Other Actions
You can perform the actions below on the Actions page.
- Broadcast: You can broadcast a message to all team members using this option. It is available on the top-right side of the Actions page.
- New Action: This option is located beside the Broadcast option. You can do the following using the option -
- Send an email
- Call a contact
- Set up a meeting
- Send an SMS
- Create a task
- Video, Phone, and Calendar icons are now added on the left hand of Today’s Events.
- The label name has now been changed from ‘Alerts’ to ‘Alert Rules’.