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Set up a Workflow Action to Create Event

Set up a Workflow action to Create Events.
4 Jan, 2024 - Updated 9 months ago
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Setting up the Create Event Action

As the name suggests, this workflow action creates records in the Events module when triggered. 


Consider that the status of a lead changes to Hot. In this case, you might want to immediately set up a meeting to fast-forward the sale. To create an event automatically every time the Lead Status changes to Hot, you can create a workflow.


To learn more about events, click here.


But before you set up the action, you must set up the other workflow components that fall before the Action component. To learn about them, click here.


Now, let us consider the example stated above to learn how to create events using workflows.


Accessing the workflow page:

  1. Click the User Menu on the top right corner of the screen
  2. Click the Settings button
  3. Look for the Automation section
  4. Select Workflows
  5. Click the +New Workflow button
  6. Select the Standard option

Entering the basic information:

  1. Select the Target Module as Leads
  2. Enter workflow name, status, etc

Select the workflow trigger:

  1. Select this Workflow Trigger - Lead updated (Includes Creation)
  2. Choose Every time conditions are met from Recurrence

Set up the workflow entry criteria:

  1. Click the +Add Condition button
  2. Enter the condition - Status is Hot by following the steps below -
    1. Select ‘Status from the first drop-down and ‘is’ from the second 
    2. Click on the text area on the right
    3. Select Raw text from the drop-down
    4. Click on Select an option
    5. Choose Hot
    6. Click Save

Set up the action:

  1. Click the Add Action drop-down
  2. Select Create Event
  1. This opens a window where you must specify the event details
  1. Enter the Action Title
  2. Enter the following event details:
    1. Event Name - This is the event title
    2. Description - Enter a brief description of the event
    3. Status - This is the event status
    4. Type - This is the event type (Meeting, Call, etc.)
    5. Assigned to - Choose the user to whom you want to assign the event
    6. Start Time - This is the time at which the event starts
    7. Start Date - This is the date on which the event will be held
    8. End Time - This is the time at which the event ends
    9. End Date - This is the date on which the event will end
      • The Start Time and End Time must be specified with regard to one of the following fields:
        • Created Time of the lead
        • Modified Time of the lead
        • Last Contacted On -The time at which the lead was last contacted 
        • Email Confirmation Last requested - The date and time at which the Double Opt-in confirmation was last sent
        • Consent Last Requested Time - The time at which consent was last requested from the lead
      • The Start Date and End Date can be specified as follows - 5 Calendar/Business Days before/after Created Time. To learn about calendar vs. business days, click here
    10. Enable Repeat - This option is for creating recurring events. For example, Once in every 2 weeks Until 01-12-2020 creates two recurring events in a month (one event per 14 days) until 1st December 2020
    11. Click Save to save the action
  1. This closes the window opened in Step 14
  1. Click Save to save the workflow

Note: You can add more fields by clicking the Add Record Field button. 

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