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Configuring Websense Trackers

This article will help you to understand the importance of a tracker and directs you to create one.
Rashmi Kashyap
1 Feb, 2024 - Updated 5 months ago
Table of Contents


Trackers in Vtiger are system-generated codes that enable you to install the Live Chat widget on your website. By installing the Live Chat widget, you will be providing a platform for your customers to talk to your agents. 

All agent-customer chats are recorded as transcripts in the Live Chats module.

To understand this process in detail, have a look at the Live Chats article.

Creating a Tracker 

Vtiger CRM allows you to have more than one tracker for your website. Therefore, creating a tracker is a simple process.

Follow these steps to create a tracker:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Look for the Websense block.
  5. Click Trackers.
  6. Click +Create Tracker on the top right of the screen.
  7. Enter a name for the tracker.
  8. Click Save.

The tracker is generated and added to the list along with the code.


Note: Vtiger CRM creates the first tracker automatically when you install the Vtiger Live Chat extension.


List View in Trackers

By default, the List View is the screen that is visible when you are in the Trackers page. This view lists all the trackers along with their codes.

You will find the following in the List View of Trackers: 

  • Actions - You can perform three actions on a tracker:
  • Edit the tracker name
  • Delete the tracker
  • Enable or Disable the tracker using the toggle button
  • Name - Displays the name of the tracker
  • Status - Displays the state of the tracker based on the toggle button
  • Created Time - Displays the time at which the tracker was created
  • Tracker Code - Displays the generated tracker code
  • Copy this - Click this button to copy the tracker code. You can later paste this code to your website’s source code to get the Live Chat widget
  • Configure Widgets - Clicking this button will redirect you to the Widgets page, where you can customize your Live Chat widget
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