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July 2021

Get details about the features and enhancements released in July 2021.
17 Jun, 2024 - Updated 1 month ago
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Google Lead Ad Forms

  • The Google Leads extension has been added to the Extension Store.
    • You can install the extension, run Google Ads, and bring the lead information from Google Ads into Vtiger CRM to manage them seamlessly.

Hold Follow-up on Events

  • You can create a follow-up event on events that are marked as ‘Held’. 
    • Go to the event’s Edit view and enable the Hold Follow-up on checkbox to create a follow-up event. A new event is created with the original subject appended with ‘Follow-up’.
    • In the List View and Kanban view of Events, you can see the following new options:
      • Mark as Held and Hold Follow-up for open events.
      • Hold Follow-up for closed events.

MS Teams Integration 

  • The Vtiger-MS Teams integration enables you to work directly from Teams.
    • The MS Teams module is installed in your CRM account.
    • Capabilities:
      • View your Tasks, Contacts, Deals, and CRM Dashboards directly in Teams within your group's Channel and Personal tabs. 
      • Ask Vtiger Bot for your agenda for the day.
      • Get Contact or Deal information by searching in Vtiger Bot. 
      • Create meeting events of Activity Type - Teams in Vtiger CRM.
      • Share meeting links via email, chat, or invites.
      • Share deals, contact, reports via Teams.
    • To learn more about MS Teams Integration, visit the following articles:

Sage Business Cloud Accounting Integration

  • Vtiger now integrates with Sage Business Cloud Accounting software.
    •  You can sync the following modules:
      • Organizations
      • Contacts
      • Products 
      • Invoices 
      • Services 

SMS Reply Actions

  • When you receive replies to an SMS campaign that you sent out, you can create leads, contacts, and organization records based on the replies.


  • Manage your social presence with Vtiger CRM’s Social module. You can find it under Main Menu > Essentials > Conversations.
    • Social with Facebook:
      • Log in to your Facebook Business Account
      • Draft and schedule posts
      • Get post insights
      • View and reply to comments
      • Create comment streams
      • View other pages
    • Social with Google My Business:
      • See all the locations of your business
      • Manage all your business’ posts and reviews
      • Manage the questions and answers about your business



  • A field containing the Help Center article link has been added to the Articles module. This allows you quick access to published articles.
    • You can find the link in the Details tab of an article record.

Assignment Rules

  • You can now set up assignment rules for the Tasks module.
    • To learn more about Assignment Rules, click here.


  • On your calendar page, you can choose to see only one type of data or activity.
    • Hover over the checkboxes under My Calendar on the left side of the page. Click Only to display specific activities on your calendar.


  • When adding contacts to a campaign, you can load contacts from an existing list of the Contacts module.

Internal Tickets

  • You can now send emails from the Summary View of an internal ticket record. Click the Email option on the top-right of the Summary View.  

List View/Mass Emails

  • When you try to send an email to more than 50 recipients from the List View of a module, you are prompted to use Email Campaigns instead of ad hoc emails.  

Partner Portal

  • You can link a contact or organization to deals that you create in the Partner Portal.
  • Partners can edit their personal and organization details on the Partner Portal.
    • Click the Person icon on the top-right.
    • Click the Edit icon to start updating the information.

Price Books

  • You can update the Selling Price of a product while adding it to a price book.

Print Templates

  • A color picker beside the Watermark field in Print Templates allows you to choose a color for your watermark.


  • Sorting
    • The option to sort report data in ascending or descending has been added. You can see the option under a report’s Properties > Group By rows.
    • The sorting does not apply when you have Group By Columns.
  • Scheduling
    • A CC option has been added to report scheduling. It allows you to manually enter multiple email IDs of recipients, separated by commas.  
  • List View filtering
    • You can filter reports by Type (Detailed or Pivot) from the List View using the Type column.

View Full Form

  • Clicking the View Full Form button while creating a record opens the form in a different new window. You can also open the form in a new tab.


  • Voice commands
    • VTAP now supports voice commands. To view the list of all the commands, press CTRL+SHIFT+V.
  • Keyboard shortcuts
    • VTAP also supports keyboard shortcuts. To view the list of all the shortcuts, press CTRL+SHIFT+K.


  • Emails and SMSes triggered via a workflow are assigned to the parent record owners.
    • For example, an email/SMS triggered on a contact is assigned to the contact owner. Similarly, an email/SMS triggered on a deal is assigned to the deal owner.
    • Find a record’s owner in the Assigned To field.
  • In the workflow condition - Last Modified By - you can now select users.


  • Please find the detailed documentation here
  • In case of clarification, please contact our Support Team (support@vtiger.com).
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